Abdullah Temizkan
1969 yılında Sivas’ta doğdu. İlk, orta ve lise eğitimini Sivas’ta tamamladı. Üniversite eğitimine Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü’nde başladı. Aynı üniversitenin Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü’nde yüksek lisans eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra doktora eğitimini Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yakınçağ Tarihi Anabilim Dalı’nda tamamladı. Çalışma alanı Kafkasya Tarihi olmakla birlikte Osmanlı-Rus İlişkileri, Osmanlı-Lehistan İlişkileri ve İktidarın Kendini Meşrulaştırma Yöntemleri gibi konulara da ilgi duymakta ve araştırmalar yapmaktadır. Doktora tezini hazırlarken araştırmalarda bulunmak ve Rusçasını geliştirmek amacıyla devlet bursu imkânıyla 2004-2005 eğitim öğretim yılında Moskova’da Puşkin Enstitüsü’nde bulunmuştur. 2007-2008 Öğretim yılında ise Kafkas-Rus Mücadelesinde Polonyalı Birliklerin Rolü isimli bir TÜBİTAK araştırma proje münasebetiyle yine devlet bursu ile Varşova üniversitesinde bulunmuştur. 2006 yılından beri Ege Üniversitesi, Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü’nde öğretim üyesi olarak çalışmaktadır. Evli ve iki çocuk sahibidir.
"He was born in Sivas in 1969. He completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Sivas. He started his university education in the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Gazi University. After completing his master's degree at the Institute of Social Sciences at the same university, he completed his doctoral education at the Institute of Social Sciences at Ankara University, Department of Modern History. Although his area of expertise is the History of the Caucasus, he is also interested in and conducts research on topics such as Ottoman-Russian Relations, Ottoman-Polish Relations, and Methods of Legitimizing Power. In order to conduct research and improve his Russian language skills while preparing his doctoral thesis, he had the opportunity to study at the Pushkin Institute in Moscow during the 2004-2005 academic year with a government scholarship. In the 2007-2008 academic year, he also studied at Warsaw University with a government scholarship within the scope of a TÜBİTAK research project titled "The Role of Polish Units in the Caucasian-Russian Struggle." Since 2006, he has been working as a faculty member at the Institute of Turkic World Studies at Ege University. He is married and has two children."
Phone: 05055721259
Address: Ege Üniversitesi, Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü 35100 Bornova/İzmir
"He was born in Sivas in 1969. He completed his primary, secondary, and high school education in Sivas. He started his university education in the Department of History at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Gazi University. After completing his master's degree at the Institute of Social Sciences at the same university, he completed his doctoral education at the Institute of Social Sciences at Ankara University, Department of Modern History. Although his area of expertise is the History of the Caucasus, he is also interested in and conducts research on topics such as Ottoman-Russian Relations, Ottoman-Polish Relations, and Methods of Legitimizing Power. In order to conduct research and improve his Russian language skills while preparing his doctoral thesis, he had the opportunity to study at the Pushkin Institute in Moscow during the 2004-2005 academic year with a government scholarship. In the 2007-2008 academic year, he also studied at Warsaw University with a government scholarship within the scope of a TÜBİTAK research project titled "The Role of Polish Units in the Caucasian-Russian Struggle." Since 2006, he has been working as a faculty member at the Institute of Turkic World Studies at Ege University. He is married and has two children."
Phone: 05055721259
Address: Ege Üniversitesi, Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü 35100 Bornova/İzmir
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Papers by Abdullah Temizkan
Osmanlı Türklerinin, atalarının kopup geldiği Türkistan’a dair
hatıralarını canlı tutup tutmadıkları merak konusudur. Oğuzların,
Balkaş Gölü havzasından Anadolu’ya uzanan göçleri asırlar
sürmüştür. Bu göçlere dair en canlı hatıraların; daha yakın olan Suriye,
İran, Horasan ve Maveraünnehir gibi yerlere ait hatıralar olduğu
tahmin edilebilir. Türkistan’ın uzakta olması tamamen unutulduğu
anlamına gelmemektedir. Bu çalışmada Osmanlı devrinde kaleme
alınan farklı disiplinlere ait çeşitli eserlerde Türkistan kavramının
izi sürülerek zaman içinde hangi anlamları ihtiva ettiği anlaşılmaya
çalışılmıştır. Osmanlı belgelerinde, kroniklerde, seyahatnamelerde
Türkistan ibaresinin sahip olduğu anlam yelpazesi ve bu anlamlar
arasında hangisinin daha yoğun ve yaygın şekilde kullanıldığı tespit
edilecektir. Bu suretle Osmanlı zihin dünyasındaki Türkistan algısının
coğrafî olarak nereye denk geldiği belirgin hâle getirilmeye
It is a matter of curiosity whether the Ottoman Turks kept their memories
of Turkestan, from which their ancestors came, alive. The migration
from the Balkhash Lake basin to Anatolia took centuries. It can be estimated
that the most vivid memories are of closer places to such as Syria, Iran,
Khorasan and Transoxiana. The fact that Turkestan is far away does not
mean that it is completely forgotten. In this study, the concept of Turkestan
was traced in various works of different disciplines written in the Ottoman
period. In this way, it has been tried to understand what meanings the concept
includes over time. The range of meanings of the phrase Turkestan
in Ottoman documents, chronicles and travel books are to be revealed. It
will be determined which of these meanings is used more intensively and
widely. In this way, it will be tried to be clarified where the perception of
Turkistan in the Ottoman mental world corresponds geographically.
Осман түріктерінің ата-бабаларының атажұрты Түркістанға
байланысты естеліктері қалай сақталғаны зерттеушілерді
ойландырып келеді. Балқаш көлінен Анадолыға дейін созылып
жатқан территорияда өткен көш ғасырлар бойы жалғасты.
Есте қалған ең нақтылары Сирия, Иран, Хорасан, Мәуереннахр
сияқты жерлеріне байланысты деуге болады. Түркістанның
шалғайда орналасуы толықтай ұмытылды деген мағына
білдірмесе керек. Бұл мақалада Осман дәуірінде жазылған әр
түрлі форматтағы еңбектерде Түркістан ұғымына байланысты
қандай зерттеулер жүргізілгеніне, әр түрлі кезеңдерде қандай
мағыналар білдіргеніне назар аударуға тырыстық. Османдық
құжаттарда, хроникаларда, саяхатнамаларда Түркістан сөзінің
білдіретін мағынасы мен бұл мағыналардың қайсысының жиі
және кеңінен қолданылғаны туралы деректерге тоқталады.
Осы арқылы Османдықтардың танымындағы Түркістанның
географиялық жақтан қай жерде орналасқанына байланысты
айтқан пікірлерін нақтылауды мақсат етеді.
1990’da Sovyetler Birliğinin parçalanmasıyla bağımsızlığını kazanan Türk cumhuriyetleri geleceklerine yön verirken, Sovyet zihniyetinin bir çırpıda buharlaşmadığını kabul etmek gerekir. Bağımsızlıktan otuz yıl sonra bile bu zihniyetin hayatı etkilediğini varsayabiliriz. Geçen süre içerisinde dünyanın geri kalanı gibi, Türk cumhuriyetleri de bir takım değişimler yaşadı. Eski ilişkiler ağını korumakla birlikte bu genç devletler, dünya ile iletişime geçerek, ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi, bilimsel hatta askerî ilişkiler kurup, anlaşmalar yaparak bağımsızlıklarını güçlendirmişlerdir. Yirmi birinci yüzyılda eskiye oranla daha hızlı bir değişim sürecine giren dünyamızda, Türk cumhuriyetlerinin de bu değişimden payını aldığını söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır. Ortak bir gelecek inşası planlanırken yaşadığımız bu değişimin iyi analiz edilmesi gerekiyor. Bu bildiride yaşanan Türk Cumhuriyetlerindeki bilgi üretim zihniyetinin nasıl bir değişim yaşadığı anlaşılmaya çalışılacaktır.
Bu metin Aralık 2021'de Türk Ocakları Genel Merkezi tarafından Azerbaycan bakü'de düznelenen BAĞIMSIZLIKLARININ 30. YILINDA TÜRK DEVLETLERİ VE TÜRK DÜNYASI ULUSLARARASI BİLGİ ŞÖLENİ BİLDİRİ ÖZETİ FORMU'nda sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
): Since the October Revolution of 1917, all knowledge production mechanisms within the Soviet Union found themselves in a new paradigm. Everyone within the Soviet system was expected to produce knowledge in a manner consistent with the principles of Marxism and Lenin's ideas. However, in order to achieve this, all the elements that produce information had to be reset and restructured according to the new paradigm, in other words, transformed. Even raising a generation who understood Marxism's philosophy of knowledge production was a task that would take decades on its own. In order to ensure this transformation, schooling was done throughout the country. Especially after the adoption of the Stalin constitution in 1936, it was recommended to all Soviet citizens that every work to be produced in the fields of science and art should comply with the criteria of socialist realism. This new approach, which means squeezing science, philosophy and art away from free thought and squeezing them into certain patterns, had consequences such as escaping from abroad for many scientists and artists. This oppressive point of view has often been maintained, although it has occasionally relaxed. From the strict ideological point of view applied all over the Soviet Union, the Turks, who were naturally included in this union, were also affected. The fact that the Soviet person who wanted to be created were placed in square brackets with a narrow ideological perspective was the harbinger of a mentality that would continue for generations.
While the Turkish republics, which gained their independence with the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990, are shaping their future, it must be admitted that the Soviet mentality did not evaporate all at once. Even thirty years after independence, we can assume that this mentality is still influencing life. In the meantime, like the rest of the world, the Turkish republics have also experienced some changes. While preserving the old network of relations, these young states have strengthened their independence by communicating with the world, establishing economic, cultural, political, scientific and even military relations and making agreements. It would not be wrong to say that in our world, which entered a process of change more rapidly in the twenty-first century than in the past, the Turkish republics also got their share from this change. While planning a common future construction, this change that we have experienced needs to be analyzed well. In this paper, it will be tried to understand how the knowledge production mentality in the Turkic Republics has changed
many things by taking advantage of the power and speed of the horse. In the natural habitat of the
Caucasus, it has enabled the development of horse breeds suitable for its own climate and geographical
structure. The aristocratic stratum of the Caucasus communities have strengthened their position and
developed a powerful means of providing control of the lower classes by developing good-breed riding
horses. Caucasian immigrants who migrated to the Ottoman country by road after the mass migration
began in 1864, brought some of these horse breeds with them. The immigrant Circassians settled in
Uzunyayla district of Kayseri, which has a nature suitable for horse breeding, have achieved a serious
economic gain by applying the methods of traditional horse breeding here. A number of attempts were
made by the state in Uzunyayla to develop the breed of horse according to the needs of the country. These horses, especially demanded by the Turkish army, found buyers for serious prices. These horses,
which have large body structure and solid bone structure, were used not only as a roadster but were
also used for pulling cannon. However, after 1950, the increased mechanization in the Turkish army
and in agriculture has reduced the demand for these horses very abruptly. The decrease in the demand
for Uzunyayla horses brought the end of horse breeding in the district and Uzunyayla Circassians
experienced a serious economic loss. Thus, the process of migration of Uzunyayla Circassians from
the village to the city gained a new momentum. It is known that Circassians carried not only some
horse breeds but also a unique horse riding culture from the Caucasus to Uzunyayla. The culture in
question, in the 1960s when the migration from the village to the city intensified, began to disappear
with elements of material culture. In this study, we aim to investigate the position of horse breeding
and horse riding culture in the Circassian culture, which is carried from Caucasus to Uzunyayla and
the process of it’s disappearance.
Osmanlı Türklerinin, atalarının kopup geldiği Türkistan’a dair
hatıralarını canlı tutup tutmadıkları merak konusudur. Oğuzların,
Balkaş Gölü havzasından Anadolu’ya uzanan göçleri asırlar
sürmüştür. Bu göçlere dair en canlı hatıraların; daha yakın olan Suriye,
İran, Horasan ve Maveraünnehir gibi yerlere ait hatıralar olduğu
tahmin edilebilir. Türkistan’ın uzakta olması tamamen unutulduğu
anlamına gelmemektedir. Bu çalışmada Osmanlı devrinde kaleme
alınan farklı disiplinlere ait çeşitli eserlerde Türkistan kavramının
izi sürülerek zaman içinde hangi anlamları ihtiva ettiği anlaşılmaya
çalışılmıştır. Osmanlı belgelerinde, kroniklerde, seyahatnamelerde
Türkistan ibaresinin sahip olduğu anlam yelpazesi ve bu anlamlar
arasında hangisinin daha yoğun ve yaygın şekilde kullanıldığı tespit
edilecektir. Bu suretle Osmanlı zihin dünyasındaki Türkistan algısının
coğrafî olarak nereye denk geldiği belirgin hâle getirilmeye
It is a matter of curiosity whether the Ottoman Turks kept their memories
of Turkestan, from which their ancestors came, alive. The migration
from the Balkhash Lake basin to Anatolia took centuries. It can be estimated
that the most vivid memories are of closer places to such as Syria, Iran,
Khorasan and Transoxiana. The fact that Turkestan is far away does not
mean that it is completely forgotten. In this study, the concept of Turkestan
was traced in various works of different disciplines written in the Ottoman
period. In this way, it has been tried to understand what meanings the concept
includes over time. The range of meanings of the phrase Turkestan
in Ottoman documents, chronicles and travel books are to be revealed. It
will be determined which of these meanings is used more intensively and
widely. In this way, it will be tried to be clarified where the perception of
Turkistan in the Ottoman mental world corresponds geographically.
Осман түріктерінің ата-бабаларының атажұрты Түркістанға
байланысты естеліктері қалай сақталғаны зерттеушілерді
ойландырып келеді. Балқаш көлінен Анадолыға дейін созылып
жатқан территорияда өткен көш ғасырлар бойы жалғасты.
Есте қалған ең нақтылары Сирия, Иран, Хорасан, Мәуереннахр
сияқты жерлеріне байланысты деуге болады. Түркістанның
шалғайда орналасуы толықтай ұмытылды деген мағына
білдірмесе керек. Бұл мақалада Осман дәуірінде жазылған әр
түрлі форматтағы еңбектерде Түркістан ұғымына байланысты
қандай зерттеулер жүргізілгеніне, әр түрлі кезеңдерде қандай
мағыналар білдіргеніне назар аударуға тырыстық. Османдық
құжаттарда, хроникаларда, саяхатнамаларда Түркістан сөзінің
білдіретін мағынасы мен бұл мағыналардың қайсысының жиі
және кеңінен қолданылғаны туралы деректерге тоқталады.
Осы арқылы Османдықтардың танымындағы Түркістанның
географиялық жақтан қай жерде орналасқанына байланысты
айтқан пікірлерін нақтылауды мақсат етеді.
1990’da Sovyetler Birliğinin parçalanmasıyla bağımsızlığını kazanan Türk cumhuriyetleri geleceklerine yön verirken, Sovyet zihniyetinin bir çırpıda buharlaşmadığını kabul etmek gerekir. Bağımsızlıktan otuz yıl sonra bile bu zihniyetin hayatı etkilediğini varsayabiliriz. Geçen süre içerisinde dünyanın geri kalanı gibi, Türk cumhuriyetleri de bir takım değişimler yaşadı. Eski ilişkiler ağını korumakla birlikte bu genç devletler, dünya ile iletişime geçerek, ekonomik, kültürel, siyasi, bilimsel hatta askerî ilişkiler kurup, anlaşmalar yaparak bağımsızlıklarını güçlendirmişlerdir. Yirmi birinci yüzyılda eskiye oranla daha hızlı bir değişim sürecine giren dünyamızda, Türk cumhuriyetlerinin de bu değişimden payını aldığını söylemek yanlış olmayacaktır. Ortak bir gelecek inşası planlanırken yaşadığımız bu değişimin iyi analiz edilmesi gerekiyor. Bu bildiride yaşanan Türk Cumhuriyetlerindeki bilgi üretim zihniyetinin nasıl bir değişim yaşadığı anlaşılmaya çalışılacaktır.
Bu metin Aralık 2021'de Türk Ocakları Genel Merkezi tarafından Azerbaycan bakü'de düznelenen BAĞIMSIZLIKLARININ 30. YILINDA TÜRK DEVLETLERİ VE TÜRK DÜNYASI ULUSLARARASI BİLGİ ŞÖLENİ BİLDİRİ ÖZETİ FORMU'nda sözlü bildiri olarak sunulmuştur.
): Since the October Revolution of 1917, all knowledge production mechanisms within the Soviet Union found themselves in a new paradigm. Everyone within the Soviet system was expected to produce knowledge in a manner consistent with the principles of Marxism and Lenin's ideas. However, in order to achieve this, all the elements that produce information had to be reset and restructured according to the new paradigm, in other words, transformed. Even raising a generation who understood Marxism's philosophy of knowledge production was a task that would take decades on its own. In order to ensure this transformation, schooling was done throughout the country. Especially after the adoption of the Stalin constitution in 1936, it was recommended to all Soviet citizens that every work to be produced in the fields of science and art should comply with the criteria of socialist realism. This new approach, which means squeezing science, philosophy and art away from free thought and squeezing them into certain patterns, had consequences such as escaping from abroad for many scientists and artists. This oppressive point of view has often been maintained, although it has occasionally relaxed. From the strict ideological point of view applied all over the Soviet Union, the Turks, who were naturally included in this union, were also affected. The fact that the Soviet person who wanted to be created were placed in square brackets with a narrow ideological perspective was the harbinger of a mentality that would continue for generations.
While the Turkish republics, which gained their independence with the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1990, are shaping their future, it must be admitted that the Soviet mentality did not evaporate all at once. Even thirty years after independence, we can assume that this mentality is still influencing life. In the meantime, like the rest of the world, the Turkish republics have also experienced some changes. While preserving the old network of relations, these young states have strengthened their independence by communicating with the world, establishing economic, cultural, political, scientific and even military relations and making agreements. It would not be wrong to say that in our world, which entered a process of change more rapidly in the twenty-first century than in the past, the Turkish republics also got their share from this change. While planning a common future construction, this change that we have experienced needs to be analyzed well. In this paper, it will be tried to understand how the knowledge production mentality in the Turkic Republics has changed
many things by taking advantage of the power and speed of the horse. In the natural habitat of the
Caucasus, it has enabled the development of horse breeds suitable for its own climate and geographical
structure. The aristocratic stratum of the Caucasus communities have strengthened their position and
developed a powerful means of providing control of the lower classes by developing good-breed riding
horses. Caucasian immigrants who migrated to the Ottoman country by road after the mass migration
began in 1864, brought some of these horse breeds with them. The immigrant Circassians settled in
Uzunyayla district of Kayseri, which has a nature suitable for horse breeding, have achieved a serious
economic gain by applying the methods of traditional horse breeding here. A number of attempts were
made by the state in Uzunyayla to develop the breed of horse according to the needs of the country. These horses, especially demanded by the Turkish army, found buyers for serious prices. These horses,
which have large body structure and solid bone structure, were used not only as a roadster but were
also used for pulling cannon. However, after 1950, the increased mechanization in the Turkish army
and in agriculture has reduced the demand for these horses very abruptly. The decrease in the demand
for Uzunyayla horses brought the end of horse breeding in the district and Uzunyayla Circassians
experienced a serious economic loss. Thus, the process of migration of Uzunyayla Circassians from
the village to the city gained a new momentum. It is known that Circassians carried not only some
horse breeds but also a unique horse riding culture from the Caucasus to Uzunyayla. The culture in
question, in the 1960s when the migration from the village to the city intensified, began to disappear
with elements of material culture. In this study, we aim to investigate the position of horse breeding
and horse riding culture in the Circassian culture, which is carried from Caucasus to Uzunyayla and
the process of it’s disappearance.
The text is about a comprehensive field research conducted on the Circassians living in Uzunyayla and those who live in Uzunyayla and Kayseri. Some of the titles in the book have been previously published elsewhere, while there are also titles that have not been published elsewhere. If our contribution amounts to a drop in the ocean of knowledge, then we are happy.
It can be said that the competition between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire in the Caucasus arose from a geopolitical necessity. The fact that Russia, in line with the adoption of Peter I’s will as a state doctrine, entered the Black Sea and, not content with that, made plans to seize the Caucasus after annexing Crimea, alarmed the Ottoman statesmen. These developments not only eliminated the Black Sea from being a Turkish lake but also resulted in the tragedy of Crimea, which had been Turkish and Islamic territory for centuries, falling into Russian hands. The loss of Crimea had a traumatic effect that the Ottoman administrators could not shake off. The Ottoman Empire, which was seeking solutions to prevent Russia from expanding in the Caucasus against itself, fortified suitable ports on the western coasts of the Caucasus and turned to creating a resistance line centered in Anapa in the Caucasus. Although the Ottoman Empire remained militarily inactive in the Caucasus due to successive military defeats against Russia, it can be said that it gained serious influence thanks to the solidity of religious, ethnic and cultural ties. It is seen that Russia made its most successful moves in the process of gaining influence by using military force. However, it is very clear that both powers organized expeditions to gain influence in the region and tried to get to know the region better. In addition, it is seen that they tried to establish diplomatic relations with the region and to gain allies and even to establish long-term alliances if possible. In addition to these, they tried to increase their influence by establishing religious, cultural and ethnic ties with the region. The use of military force accompanied this competition for influence from the beginning. We will analyze the subject we are addressing in this study functionally and holistically. Our main purpose in this study is to reveal in a comparative way how both states used strategies and policies to increase their influence in the Caucasus and whether they were successful in these efforts.
okçuluğunun hem bilimsel hem de popüler üslup ile zikrediliyor olmasının, kültürümüzün başat unsurlarından biri olan bu faaliyete olan merak güdüsünü de arttırdığı söylenebilir. Fakat bu merak güdüsünü tatmin edecek olan bilginin altyapısal olarak bilimsel temellere oturması gerekmektedir. Dahası, popüler bazı girişimlerin. Türk okçuluğu mirasına vereceği zarar da göz önünde bulundurulması gereken bir husustur. Bildirimizde, bu çerçeve üzerinden, Türk okçuluğunun kendi içinde geçirdiği safhalara dair bazı hipotezlerin yanında, Türk okçuluğunun tarihi süreçte ilişki içerisinde bulunduğu diğer kültürlerle olan etkileşimlerine dair öngörüler de yer alacak; Türk okçuluğunda kullanılan terminoloji ortaklığına dair sıkıntılardan ve bu sıkıntının çözümü için önerilerden bahsedilecek; Türk ok ve yay yapım geleneğinin diriltilmesine dair örneklere değinilecek; yine bu kadim kültürel mirasın devamlılığının sağlanabilmesi için gereken hususlar zikredilecektir.
Abdullah Temizkan hoca bütün bu zorlukları yaşayan ve bugünkü konumunu tırnaklarıyla kazıya kazıya inşa etmiş bir isim. Onunla birkaç defa sohbet edip üstüne kitaplarını okuduğum zaman bir söyleşi yapma fikri doğru. Sağ olsun hoca kabul etti ve onun Kafkasya üzerine yazdığı tezleri, Kafkasya üzerine çalışmanın zorluklarını, Kafkasya çalışmalarında seyahatnamelerin önemine, İslam’ın bölgedeki etkilerine, Kafkasya’daki direnişin ortaya çıkışına, bölgedeki Osmanlı ve Türk etkilerine, Kafkasya çalışmalarının durumuna ve diğer birçok konuya değindiğimiz nitelikli bir söyleşi ortaya çıktı. İlgililere sunulur.