Papers by Violeta Moretti
Folia onomastica Croatica, 2018

The paper deals with vernacular instances in the Latin verse epistles that Paulus Ritter (in Croa... more The paper deals with vernacular instances in the Latin verse epistles that Paulus Ritter (in Croatian Pavao Vitezović) wrote between the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The epistles were composed in accordance with the rules of Latin poetry, including the metrical scheme, as well as various epistolary and poetic commonplaces and formulations. All this makes them part of the long line of Latin letters and poetic texts patterned on Ovid and Horace, a tradition that has kept developing and upgrading itself throughout literary history. Ritter wrote in Latin not only to various Austrian and Hungarian secular and ecclesiastic dignitaries of the time, but also to his respectable compatriots and to friends in lower positions. Composing Latin verse epistles, he identified himself as part of the Republic of Letters. In this context, the vernacular insertions seem to be an addition that arouses the readers' interest.
Tabula, Nov 16, 2020
U radu se, nakon kraćega filološkog uvoda, donosi prvi prijevod na hrvatski jezik s latinskoga iz... more U radu se, nakon kraćega filološkog uvoda, donosi prvi prijevod na hrvatski jezik s latinskoga izvornika ulomaka iz djela Topografija Irske velško-normanskoga arhiđakona Geralda od Walesa. Giraldus Cambrensis, pravim imenom Gerald de Barry, istaknuta je intelektualna, crkvena i politička ličnost s kraja 12. i početka 13. stoljeća, a njegova trodijelna knjiga opisuje, među ostalim, krajolik, biljke i životinje Irske te donosi priče o čudesima i zabilješke o ljudima tih krajeva. Prevedeni odlomci dovode nas upravo pred neobičnu irsku faunu i čudne prizore ljudi o kojima pripovijeda Gerald, no još i više od toga živo predočuju osobit imaginativni svijet koji zatječemo u tome djelu snažnoga interpretativnog potencijala.

Folia onomastica Croatica, May 31, 2012
Tema su članka toponimi posvjedočeni u Statutu pulske općine iz 1500. godine. Tekst Statuta pisan... more Tema su članka toponimi posvjedočeni u Statutu pulske općine iz 1500. godine. Tekst Statuta pisan je latinskim jezikom, pa su i toponimi u njemu latinizirana imena. Osim što se toponimi popisuju i analiziraju, oni se, kada je to moguće, ubiciraju, a navode se i njihove inačice iz drugih izvora. Upozorava se i na alternativne načine definiranja prostora u skladu s potrebom zakonodavca da zabrani, ograniči ili pak smjesti obavljanje djelatnosti na određeno mjesto. 0. Uvod U listopadu 1500. godine istarski komun Pola dobio je iznova sastavljen statut, prepisan kasnom knjiškom goticom rukom franjevca Antuna de Lendinarija na 127 pergamentnih listova. U dovršeni statutarni tekst uključene su, prema diplomatičkom običaju, odredbe donošene znatno ranije od datuma sastavlja nja, a na neispisanim dijelovima, ili umetnutim listovima, naknadno su dopisivane razne isprave sve do početka XVIII. stoljeća. 1 S obzirom na područje nadležnosti i propise koje donosi-bilo da je riječ o obavljanju ili ograničavanju pojedinih djelatnosti-Statut sadržava niz toponima s područja današnje Pule i Puljštine. Budući da je sastavljen na latinskom jeziku, posvjedočeni su u latiniziranom obliku onako kako ih je zabilježio srednjovjekovni pisar. Ovaj članak nastoji odgovoriti na sljedeća pitanja: gdje su se nalazili njima označeni objekti, jesu li se posvjedočeni toponimi očuvali, i ako jesu, koji su njihovi suvremeni oblici. 2 1 Prema Statut pulske općine 2000: 7. To je izdanje opremljeno i kazalom imena mjesta (index locorum) koje je izradio priređivač prof. dr. sc. Mate Križman. Izvornik Statuta čuva se u Državnome arhivu u Pazinu. Statut postoji i u više inačica prijevoda na talijanski jezik. 2 Dio toponima nestao je iz uporabe, i to vjerojatno s novijim naraštajima. Naime, iako i sama rođena Puljanka, ali od roditelja doseljenika, autorica ovoga članka više je puta morala posegnuti za svjedočanstvima starijih sugrađana, mahom Talijana, da bi utvrdila postoje li pojedini to
Tabula, 2011
Izvorni znanstveni rad Original scientific paper UDK 811.163.42'282.2'342.41(497.5 Peroj) Rad je ... more Izvorni znanstveni rad Original scientific paper UDK 811.163.42'282.2'342.41(497.5 Peroj) Rad je posvećen prikazu suvremenog stanja samoglasničkog sustava štokavskoga govora mjesta Peroj u Istri koji su u 17. stoljeću tamo donijeli crnogorski naseljenici iz Crmnice. Temelji se na podacima dobivenima terenskim istraživanjem, ali i analizom primjerâ navedenih u starijim radovima drugih autora. Do neke se mjere opisuju i fonetska svojstva glasova, ponajprije samoglasnika, te se tumače i neke od važnijih sinkronijskih pojava povezanih sa samoglasnicima, kao što su, među ostalim, pitanje jata i reflekasa nekadašnjih poluglasa.
Umjetnost riječi, 2018
Pavao Ritter Vitezović (Senj 1652-Vienna 1713), internationally known as Paulus Ritter, was an ea... more Pavao Ritter Vitezović (Senj 1652-Vienna 1713), internationally known as Paulus Ritter, was an early modern age Croatian scholar and poet. His Plorantis Croatiae saecula duo from 1703 is a historical "epic" poem reviewing the previous two centuries of Croatian history, marked by Turkish invasion. The poem is both historical and poetic, and this article aims to contribute to an understanding of the extent to which it is the latter. It examines a dozen of the poem's toponymic etymologies, so far neglected, showing the various ways they were deliberately used for poetic aims, rather than as academic etymologies to be understood literally.
Izlaganjem se predstavljaju neke tekstološke dvojbe pri priređivanju kritičkog izdanja Vitezoviće... more Izlaganjem se predstavljaju neke tekstološke dvojbe pri priređivanju kritičkog izdanja Vitezovićevog epistolarija i njihova rješenja.

, "Altars to Baal: Understanding the Use of Levantine Phoenician Sacred Space" Though rarely expl... more , "Altars to Baal: Understanding the Use of Levantine Phoenician Sacred Space" Though rarely explored on their own terms, the ten temples and shrines known from the Iron Age (ca. 1100-ca. 300 BCE) Phoenician Levantine 'homeland' show evidence of significant stylistic diversity, which may be attributed both to chronological change and regional variation. This paper will focus on structures recovered from within the extant temple complexes, paying special attention to stones identified by their excavators as altars. What do the highly variable materials, shapes, and carved features of these Levantine Phoenician altars potentially tell us about the use of sacred space? How might we interpret the relationships between each 'altar' and other temple features, like water basins or standing stones? Evidence from neighboring Mediterranean cultures that has previously been brought to bear on the interpretation of Phoenician altars will also be reevaluated. Malgorzata Oleszkiewicz-Peralba, University of Texas at San Antonio, "Trypillian Culture as the Cradle of European Civilization" My paper examines the motifs found on today's folk embroideries, weavings, ritual dress, wood carvings, painted Easter eggs, and paper cutouts from East-Central Europe, the Balkans, and Anatolia, and traces their origin to the pre-Indo-European, Neolithic, Trypole-Cucuteni culture, considered the cradle of European civilization. This culture, from the geographic area of today's Ukraine, Moldova, and Romania, developed from the sixth till the third millennium BC, and was one of the most highly developed cultures of Neolithic Europe. Trypillian civilization was characterized by a sedentary lifestyle, and is famous for its painted pottery and female statuettes, full of feminine symbols and diagrams presenting a complete world view. Today, these symbols can be found on objects throughout Europe, Asia, and the Americas, including the Mediterranean. I examine and explain the meaning of the system of symbols of Tripillian imagery, and show their correlation with motifs on contemporary folk embroideries, weavings, and carvings.
Znanstveni kolokvij "Stvaralaštvo i intelektualni transferi hrvatskih latinista", 2021
Umjetnost riječi, 2018
Pavao Ritter Vitezović (Senj 1652-Vienna 1713), internationally known as Paulus Ritter, was an ea... more Pavao Ritter Vitezović (Senj 1652-Vienna 1713), internationally known as Paulus Ritter, was an early modern age Croatian scholar and poet. His Plorantis Croatiae saecula duo from 1703 is a historical "epic" poem reviewing the previous two centuries of Croatian history, marked by Turkish invasion. The poem is both historical and poetic, and this article aims to contribute to an understanding of the extent to which it is the latter. It examines a dozen of the poem's toponymic etymologies, so far neglected, showing the various ways they were deliberately used for poetic aims, rather than as academic etymologies to be understood literally.

Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Vindobonensis, 2018
The paper deals with vernacular instances in the Latin verse epistles that Paulus Ritter (in Croa... more The paper deals with vernacular instances in the Latin verse epistles that Paulus Ritter (in Croatian Pavao Vitezović) wrote between the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The epistles were composed in accordance with the rules of Latin poetry, including the metrical scheme, as well as various epistolary and poetic commonplaces and formulations. All this makes them part of the long line of Latin letters and poetic texts patterned on Ovid and Horace, a tradition that has kept developing and upgrading itself throughout literary history. Ritter wrote in Latin not only to various Austrian and Hungarian secular and ecclesiastic dignitaries of the time, but also to his respectable compatriots and to friends in lower positions. Composing Latin verse epistles, he identified himself as part of the Republic of Letters. In this context, the vernacular insertions seem to be an addition that arouses the readers' interest.

Suvremena lingvistika, 2020
On the aspect of the two present tense paradigms of the verb biti 'to be' in Croatian Th e articl... more On the aspect of the two present tense paradigms of the verb biti 'to be' in Croatian Th e article focuses on the issue of the aspect of the two present paradigms of the verb biti 'to be' in the Croatian language. Standard Croatian lexicography and grammars, such as Daničić (1880-1882: lemma bȉti), Silić and Pranjković (2005: 88), explain the diff erence between the two present forms of this verb as one of verbal aspect (the present form jesam is considered imperfective, and budem perfective), while some grammars do not treat their aspect at all. Th e exceptions are Glasovi i oblici hrvatskoga književnog jezika (Babić et al. 1991: 688, 719), and the Serbo-Croatian grammar written in English by Brown and Alt (2004: 54), where budem is, accurately, described as a bi-aspectual form. Linguistic scholarship, however, addressed the aspect of budem several times (cf. Ivić 1955). Basing their conclusions on their exploration of the Croatian digital corpora-which had shown that budem can be used both in the contexts characteristic of perfective verbs and in some of those characteristic of imperfective verbs-the authors propose that the present form budem should be considered bi-aspectual. In accordance with this, they consider the traditional terms imperfective present and perfective present as inappropriate for these forms of biti and rather propose terms based on formal characteristics, whose accuracy cannot be questioned-the athematic present (jesam) and the thematic present (budem). 1 We would like to thank David Mandić and Mladen Uhlik for technical support and proofreading of the text and Jasmin Hodžić, Zenaida Karavdić and Željka Salopek for helping us acquire certain bibliographical units. We are also grateful to the peer-reviewers for their careful reading and useful advice. Special thanks to Wayles Browne for making us aware of Pavle Ivić's article (Ivić 1955) and especially for his useful comments.
Christian-Muslim Relations. A Bibliographical History. Volume 5 (1350-1500), 2013
Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History. Volume 5 (CMR 5) is a history of all the k... more Christian-Muslim Relations, a Bibliographical History. Volume 5 (CMR 5) is a history of all the known works on Christian-Muslim relations in the period 1350-1500. It comprises introductory essays and detailed entries containing descriptions, assessments and comprehensive bibliographical details of individual works.
Papers by Violeta Moretti