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Translation History is a new field of enquiry in terms of discussion of methodology, and the questions regarding object of enquiry and methodology of translation historiography are still in the formative stages. Most of the historiography... more
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Apart from collecting the first hand information, we also looked at the secondary sources available to give a sense of comprehensiveness/representation to the data. The following secondary sources were consulted:
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      KannadaKannada language and literatureTranslation of Social Science TextsKannada Arunodaya Literature
Ever since its encounter with what we today call as India or the Indian subcontinent, English has been the site of many debates, and it has also acted as a trigger altering the way we think and organize our lives. In the past two decades... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationLanguage politicsCaste
It is a common understanding that B.M. Srikantia was one of the pioneers in initiating the use of modern Kannada by abandoning old Kannada in the writing of poetry. His English Geethagalu, which has been a landmark since its publication,... more
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      Translation StudiesLinguistic NationalismNationalism and translationKannada language and literature
Looks at the intersection of language nationalism (Kannada Nationalism) and Indian Nationalism (Anti-colonial Nationalism)
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      Linguistic NationalismKarnatakaPrincely Mysore
The paper focuses on how Kannada is visualized in the films from 90s and 2000s. It also looks at the claims to the legacy of Dr. Rajkumar on screen through visual technology.
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      KannadaPost-ModernitySouth Indian Cinema
The paper focuses on 1. the debate on absence of Tragedy in Indian literature and 2. the translation of tragedy as a genre by B.M.Srikantia in Kannada by placing it in the context of colonialism and Nationalism
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      Greek TragedyKannadaTranslation & Interpreting Studies (TIS)Kannada Culture and Literature
This is an Introduction to the series of texts translated from Kannada into English which I was Coordinating.
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      KannadaKannada language and literatureKannada Culture and LiteratureTranslation studies - Kannada
A Textbook Edited with an Introduction to teach English for Students of Visual Arts
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      English for Specific PurposesEnglishVisual and Performing Arts
PhD Dissertation on the formation of regional linguistic identities in India with a special focus on Telangana region. Can be accessed at:
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      RegionalismSubaltern Studies, Insurgencies,telangana MovementTelangana
What's the Menu? Food Politics and Hegemony • Editorial-What's the menu? Food politics and hegemony • Democratization of the public sphere Sambaiah Gundimeda • Vegetarians only Sky Baba • Shuddhodaka for purification of food/water, from... more
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      Gender StudiesCaste and Gender Issues in Indian Culture and LiteratureTranslation and Gender
In this interview, Susie Tharu spoke about her personal experiences with the women's movement, her contributions and involvement with the feminist organizations in Hyderabad, and her works from women writing in India (1991) to the Latest... more
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      Translation StudiesFeminist TheoryIndian FeminismFeminist Translation
The study attempts to understand the role of intermediary agencies in the area of translating global feminist knowledge into the Telugu society. Identifying translators, organizations, publishing houses and magazines as such agencies, it... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyTranslation HistoryTeluguIndian Feminism
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      Feminist TranslationTranslation and GenderFeminist Translation Studies
And in the year 2007, when Anveshi Research Centre for Women's Studies, Hyderabad, determined to document the lives of the most empowered women, it decided on doing the biography project of T.N. Sadalakshmi, who was not only by that time... more
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The present study aims to explore how the use of translated Saudi folk narratives could help improve Saudi EFL learners' reading and speaking skills. (41) EFL elementary-level students from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University were... more
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This paper studies the role of intermediary agencies in translating global feminist knowledge into the Telugu context. Identifying translators, organisations, publishing houses and magazines as such agencies, it offers an analysis of the... more
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      Translation StudiesFeminist TheoryTranslation and GenderGENDER AND TRANSLATION STUDIES
The Department of English Literature, EFL University, Hyderabad organized a three-day international young researchers’ conference on New Research in English Studies from 26 to 28 April, 2023 in a hybrid mode.
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesEnglish LiteratureTranslation Studies
Translation practises are rapidly changing in the field of TV advertisements as the goods and services are crossing boundaries. Texts are being localized beyond the notion of a source text and a single target text. The present paper... more
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    • Audiovisual Translation