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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
Language testing and evaluation, internet tools and techniques, successful online learner, competencies for internet inquiry, self-assessment, technology enhanced assessment... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageOnline InstructionOnline learning evaluation rubricsOnline teaching and learning of English language
A difficulty in learning to read, traditionally known as dyslexia, has now been shown to belong with a language-specific disorder that manifests in oral language difficulties predating reading (Specific Language Impairment: Leonard,... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionSpecific Language ImpairmentLanguage ImpairmentReading Disability
This paper captures the design of a comprehensive curriculum incorporating the four skills based exclusively on the use of parallel audio-visual and written texts. We discuss the use of authentic materials to teach English to Indian... more
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This paper explores the possibility of making print materials, specifically the language textbook, more accessible to visually impaired learners who have been mainstreamed in regular classrooms. This is done to facilitate their... more
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Reading is seen as a boring task for most students attending language classes on a professional course. This game shows how reading can be made an exciting activity if it is presented in the form of a quiz.
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureTeaching English as a Second Language
We present a high resolution X-ray spectrum of the accreting X-ray pulsar, OAO 1657-415 with HETG+ACIS-S onboard Chandra, revealing the presence of a broad line component around ∼ 6.3 keV associated with the neutral iron K α line at 6.4... more
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The Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (LITMUS-MAIN) was developed to assess the narrative abilities of bi- and multilingual children in the various languages that they speak. This paper presents the details of the... more
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This paper captures the design of a comprehensive curriculum incorporating the four skills based exclusively on the use of parallel audiovisual and written texts. We discuss the use of authentic materials to teach English to Indian... more
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      PsychologyReading ProcessLanguage Linguistics and literary studies
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Can the EFL classroom be perceived as a space to raise cultural awareness and strengthen the idea of multiculturalism? Culture is considered as the domain of literature, and language teachers generally tend to shy away from any nuanced... more
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      Applied LinguisticsTeaching English As A Foreign Language
Interiority and the Dialogic elements in the novels of Margaret Atwood. She has presented a number of papers both in India and outside India. Currently she is engaged in a research project involving language and religious studies. Her... more
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    • Gender Studies
Conrad's Heart of Darkness occupies a unique position in the canon of World Literature. The text purporting to be a narrative reported by the frame narrator embodies Marlow's experiences in Africa. The first narrator serves the function... more
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    • Ecocriticism and Ecofeminism
This paper begins with unravelling the tenets of modernism versus the tenets of postmodernism and examines how the principles of the latter became popular especially with the onset of postcolonial studies. Applying these critical... more
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      Post-ColonialismReligious StudiesLanguage Studies
In this article, I will be examining two aspects of language teaching that need to be addressed urgently. The first one involves the relationship between culture and language. I will be examining the role of cultural embedding involved in... more
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