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The new millennium is moving towards certain common inclinations that may be seen around the cinemas of the world. Through these inclinations it could be possible to look at the core concerns of cinema – the spatial and the temporal – to... more
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      Film Theory and PracticeResearchCinema StudiesWorld Cinema
A film doesn't exist unless it is seen – if there are no eyes to look at the images, the images don't exist. - Victor Erice In cinema, not too many explorations have taken place into the possibility of the cinematic “eye” - the one who... more
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      CensorshipWomen's StudiesFilm AnalysisDesire
Long take, Plan sequence, Mise-en-scene exercise – long have been used interchangeably for quite some time, even in the film school environment where in practice the distinctions are made aware of. Yet, glossing over the historical and... more
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      Film StudiesLong take
This short project is bringing together some observations and primary findings from the locations visited prior to my documentary film: Reality Without a Name ( Although each of these spaces has not found a... more
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      Documentary FilmDocumentary, Creative Non Fiction, Auto/biography
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      Archives20th century Avant-GardeRabindranath TagoreIndian Parallel Cinema
If one would propose to formally look at cinema as a language, then beyond the scope of influence and effect there can be an imagination of affect in this relationship. The way language has its practitioners and audience (speakers... more
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      English as a Lingua FrancaCinema Studies
is one of the many masterpieces that have been created by Alfred Hitchcock. Hitchcock uses the idea of continuity here to not only maintain the narrative flow but also to connect to certain thematic motifs that keep returning in this body... more
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To unfold the paradoxes and complications that lie within the form of documentary, the writer takes the film 'RaatKata Holo' as a prime example that creates the allusion that documentary is dead. But, in its death, the film, with... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Philosophy of the SubjectPoor Images
Acclaimed for its unique gaze at the shift in "Subject"-hood of man, the film 'Video Game' is an imagination of a posthuman future, where the mind of a human being, coupled with that of an inanimate object, creates a new subjective... more
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      PosthumanismDocumentary (Film Studies)Memory StudiesCultural Memory
The creation of the image is thus a powerful poetic means, and we should not be astonished by the major role it plays in poetry of creation. Pierre Reverdy, 1918 The Proposed paper comprehend, align and communicate between subaltern... more
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesLiteratureSubaltern Studies
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      PhenomenologyGilles DeleuzeCinema StudiesBecoming
Since Hugo Munstenberg there has been an approach towards understading cinema as a parallel to human mind's consious experience. The best examples were with the techniques like close-up, flashback, flash forward. Munstenberg states that... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryCinemaMontage
Sanskriti Chattopadhyay is born and brought up in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal. Interested in the cultural heritage of the landscape she has been born into, often her work is informed by the same. Currently, she is a doctoral... more
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Emerging from a socio-political urgency resultant from the current volatile situation of world politics, this article brings to the fore the age-old question of what an archive is. Spanning through the intellectual history of arkheion and... more
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      Archival StudiesTerritory (Political Theory)Petroleum geologyVisual Arts
Emerging from a socio-political urgency resultant from the current volatile situation of world politics, this article brings to the fore the age-old question of what an archive is. Spanning through the intellectual history of arkheion and... more
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      Archival StudiesPhotographyGeopoliticsTerritory (Political Theory)
‘ইমেজ’ ধারণার মাধ্যমে, (এই ‘ইমেজ’ চিত্র বা ছবি নয়, বরং এক সহজাত মানবিক প্রবৃত্তি যার ছাপ পাওয়া যায় শিল্পে ও সাহিত্যের নানা স্তরে) এই প্রবন্ধটি জ্ঞান-সৃষ্টির এক সমান্তরাল প্রবাহ অধ্যয়ন করবে। এক দৃশ্যবহুল সংস্কৃতিতে বসবাস করা সত্ত্বেও,... more
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      Visual ArtsSubaltern StudiesImage Studies
Lecturer: Sanskriti Chattopadhyay Groundwork - addressing key terms Introduce colonialism briefly as a system, more than just oppression What is postcolonialism and why the need What is decolonialism and from postcolonialism how is it... more
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      Art HistoryPostcolonial StudiesDecolonial Thought
This is another teaching material from the course Decoloniality in Film and Arts
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      Art HistoryFilm StudiesFilm TheoryPostcolonial Studies
The Course Design for Spring 2022
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      Indigenous StudiesPostcolonial StudiesDecolonial Thought
This is from the second time I gave this course
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      Film StudiesPostcolonial StudiesFilm AnalysisHistory of Art