The English and Foreign Languages University
Department of English Literary studies
This paper explores how Naoki Urasawa's manga series '20th Century Boys' conflates the seemingly opposite ideas of monstrosity and childhood; the present and the recollected past into an account of generational shift in Japan.
While rapes in movies have a significant role in sensitising people still falls into the pit of dominant ideology which leads to a distorted portrayal of woman and rape sending wrong message to the society. Though cinema encourages the... more
Dalit literature which emerged as a protest against the inhuman treatments of the Dalits by upper castes overlooked women's problems. Dalit literature which was dominated by Dalit male writers sought to transform the savarna society... more
The topic of rape is always a " contested story ". The role of media in reporting a rape case has always had a major impact upon the society. This paper looks at the bearings of media in reporting rape cases and it's influence on the... more
Este artículo muestra los valores seculares democráticos desarrollados hace 2500 años por el Buda y más tarde durante la tradición santa en la India, alrededor de los siglos XIV y XV, por Kabir y Guru Nanak incluso antes de que se... more
Todo el panorama de las prácticas religiosas del norte de la India experimentó un cambio radical en los siglos XV y XVI con poetas santos de Nirgun como Kabir y Guru Nanak. Nanak invariablemente se convirtió en una de las principales... more
This paper argues that truth has often been divided into regimes, primarily into 'political truth' and 'poetic truth'. Yet, in our post-truth world we have witnessed a systematic dismantling of these "regimes of truth" by absolute power.... more
The chapter discusses the haptics and intermedial agencies in comics and comics as a space of affects and percepts, self and other. It discusses Joe Sacco's rejection of closure in comics and how Sacco proposes sense-making through many... more
This paper is based on an excavation of archival works from the pages of the journal, Indian Antiquary. The paper is a study of the folklores contributed to the journal by Guyborn Henry Damant during the mid-nineteenth century in Bengal.... more