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The movie Gone Girl brought to the fore a furore over the vindictive evil woman victimizing men and those of us who are familiar with the discourse against feminism are well aware that this doesn't come from an immediate response to the... more
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    • Gender Studies
Through counter narratives of Malayali modernity autobiographical writings of Nalini Jameela and C.K Janu puncture Kerala’s claim to an egalitarian social structure. By exposing the hypocrisy of modern Malayali society these narratives... more
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      Gender StudiesAutobiography and life writing studies
The paper describes how social, legal and other cultural discourses end up stigmatising rape and makes the survivor a victim. The argument is made using the case study of Suryanelli Rape case in Kerala, India
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      Gender StudiesFeminism and Law
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      Civil LawGender StudiesMuslim Family LawMuslim Minorities
A few days after the much-hailed historic victory, to reflect upon what the judgement would mean for Indian feminism and Muslim women particularly is a daunting task. As always, the responses-the mainstream media responses at least-looked... more
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      Muslim WomenMuslim Women and Personal Law
This paper situates the impulse to criminalize triple talaq at the intersection of three interrelated debates: universal human rights through homogenized citizenship, law reforms in modern nation-states and the question of community... more
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      Women and Gender StudiesLegal reformsGender and LawMuslim Women and Personal Law
Gendering Minorities: Muslim women and the Politics of Modernity -Orient Blackswan July 2021 Sherin B.S. This book engages with the “feminist enterprises” Muslim women from Kerala were involved in at various historical junctures through... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and religion
The recasting of women in the context of colonial modernity in India invariably projected the upper caste Hindu woman as the ideal Indian woman. Historians over the years have engaged with this problematic domesticating of women. However,... more
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      Gender StudiesIndian FeminismMuslim Women's StudiesReform Movements
This is a collection of essays in Malayalam. The book was published in 2018, by Open Read. This set of essays tries to engage with feminism relating it to larger debates on minority, nation state and citizenship
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      Gender StudiesNationalismMinority RightsGender and religion
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      PhilosophyCognitive DissonanceIslamUniversity
Arresting imagery and details bolster Salim’s realistic, sensual portrayal of the opposite pulls of small and big town life, as the Grim Reaper waits patiently
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This study analyses the women’s periodicals that were in circulation among the Muslims of Kerala, South India, during the early twentieth century. They were published by small-scale print houses and Muslim women associated with these... more
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      Gender StudiesMuslim feminismColonial ModernityPiety