Papers by Dr. Eny Kusumawati

World Journal of English Language
This study examined the similarities and differences between two literary works, Giambattista Bas... more This study examined the similarities and differences between two literary works, Giambattista Basile's Sun, Moon, and Talia and Walt Disney's Sleeping Beauty, emphasizing gender roles. The authors examined how both male and female characters were portrayed in the short stories. To analyze this problem, the qualitative methodology was employed. The data sources were acquired through library research. The primary data came from the two short stories, while the supporting data came from other sources such as journals, e-books, and other internet-based material that was relevant. In both stories, male characters are stronger, more powerful, and more dominant than their female counterparts, as indicated by the study's findings. This analysis also found that both stories were presented differently by their respective authors, with Sun Moon and Talia depicting the patriarchal structure more explicitly than Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

KONSELI : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling (E-Journal), 2021
Student engagement is a condition of the extent to which students play an active role in the lear... more Student engagement is a condition of the extent to which students play an active role in the learning process by focusing on time, energy, mind, effort, feelings and making it happen in action to complete their academic tasks completely. This study aims to explore and find out the level of student engagement in the Covid-19 pandemic period seen from gender differences and the school level. Quantitative descriptive research with this survey design involves 469 students, 245 students of the junior high school, and 224 senior high school students chosen using a stratified random sampling proportionate cluster. The results showed that secondary school students in the Covid-19 pandemic period had an average level of student engagement in the medium category. This study found, there was no different level of student engagement based on gender (t (467) = -1.86). But specifically, the participation has a significant difference, while the skill, emotion, and performance do not have a signifi...

Counsenesia Indonesian Journal Of Guidance and Counseling, 2021
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mengetahui tentang persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran online... more Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan mengetahui tentang persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pembelajaran online pada masa pandemi covid-19. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriftif menggunakan metode survey melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan pada mahasiswa Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling FKIP UTP Surakarta yang mengikuti mata kuliah Kepemimpinan Pendidikan. Analisis data yang digunakan persentase. Hasil pada penelitian ini mahasiswa menyukai pembelajaran online walaupun masih ditemui terjadinya miskomunikasi antara mahasiswa dan dosen, begitu juga antar mahasiswa hal ini salah satunya dipengaruhi faktor jaringan yang dimiliki masing-masing, mahasiswa sebagian besar menyatakan bahwa pembelajaran online membuat mereka lebih disiplin dalam mengumpulkan tugas, temuan lain juga diperoleh bahwa bagi para mahasiswa pembelajaran menyebabkan kuota internet mereka menjadi boros. Kata Kunci: persepsi; pembelajaran online; mahasiswa

Journal of Education and Practice, 2017
Many scholars in language learning and teaching agree that vocabulary plays a vital role in a lan... more Many scholars in language learning and teaching agree that vocabulary plays a vital role in a language learning. However, the way the vocabulary is presented to language learners, whether explicitly or implicitly, becomes central discussion in language literature. This study investigated the effect of explicit and implicit vocabulary instructions on students’ ESP reading comprehension across cognitive styles. Quasi experimental with pretest-posttest design involving 54 Mechatronics students at the Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya was employed in the study. The students were divided into two groups, field dependence and field independence, and received different vocabulary instruction from the teacher (the present researcher). Independent samples t -test and one way ANOVA used in analyzing the data revealed that the group receiving explicit vocabulary instruction outperformed the group receiving implicit vocabulary instruction in comprehending ESP reading. Th...

Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2020), 2021
Online learning is a growing movement of the twenty first century as well as the development of I... more Online learning is a growing movement of the twenty first century as well as the development of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). The online learning also has been used in second language learning, especially English. Several studies have been implemented concerning how the online learning is conducted. Podcast is part of ICT which can be used as a tool in teaching English. However, the studies investigating how the teachers use this technology in online environments are scarce. Therefore, this study is conducted to figure out the students’ perception towards the student-created podcast as an active learning approach to promote extensive speaking practice in English online environment. This study involved one hundred twenty students in Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya as participants. The data collected from online course observation and questionnaire were analysed. The study showed that the student-created podcast is considered to be an innovative learning strat...

Scholars in language learning and teaching have the same opinion that vocabulary plays the import... more Scholars in language learning and teaching have the same opinion that vocabulary plays the important role in language learning. However, the vocabulary used in language, whether direct or indirect, becomes the central discussion in language literature. In this study, comic strips used to investigate the development of the learner to enhance their reading comprehension explicitly. The students’ proficiency levels were estimated, and students were organized into a low intermediate-level proficiency group (low-level-students) and a high intermediate-level proficiency group (high-level students). Students in each group was presented with either a high-level text or a low level text, and the text was presented with or without comic-strip. Quasi experimental with posttest design involved 54 students of Polytechnics was employed in this study. Independent sample T-test and one-way ANOVA used in analyzing the data revealed that the low level students receiving the high level text with the c...

1024x768 ABSTRACT Kusumawati, Eny. 2017. The Effects of Explicit and Implicit Vocabulary Instruct... more 1024x768 ABSTRACT Kusumawati, Eny. 2017. The Effects of Explicit and Implicit Vocabulary Instructions on Reading Comprehension of Students across Cognitive Styles . Dissertation. Graduate Program in English Language Teaching, State University of Malang. Advisors: (1) Prof. Dr. Nur Mukminatien, M.Pd., (2) Prof. Utami Widiati, M.A, Ph.D., (3) Dr. Arwiyati W. Murdibjono, DIPL TESL, M.Pd. Key Words: Explicit Vocabulary Instruction, Implicit Vocabulary Instruction, ESP reading comprehension, cognitive styles. This study investigated the effect of explicit and implicit vocabulary instructions on ESP reading comprehension of students across cognitive styles. A quasi-experimental study was designed to investigate whether there is any difference on the two teaching instructions on the ESP reading comprehension students of Electronics Engineering Polytechnics of Surabaya considering their cognitive styles: Field independence and field dependence. The two instructions, namely explicit vocabula...

Reading as one of the four language skills in teaching English as a foreign language has the bigg... more Reading as one of the four language skills in teaching English as a foreign language has the biggest portion in the teaching learning activities in Surabaya University. Students would find various kinds of reading materials such as reports, journal articles, essays, advertisements, and editorials. Therefore, the skill of reading in university does not only consist of an ability to understand the written text, but it also requires the capabilities to understand the unwritten ideas to infer the meaning, to judge or evaluate opinions, and also to solve the stated problems. The majority of students who learn English as a foreign language may never speak English. but most of them may still have to read English. The success of reading can be achieved by having the ability to understand and comprehend the reading text. Reading a variety of such materials then demands more skills of students. It does not only consist of understanding and comprehending, but also (includes) prediction of upco...

The main function of literature is for understanding and communication, i.e. to find meaning in t... more The main function of literature is for understanding and communication, i.e. to find meaning in the world and to express it and share it with others. One form of literature is fiction, as The Scarlet Letter comes under the form of the story, as “a made-up story”, which sometimes shows a close relation between fact and fiction. Etymologically both are derivatives of Latin words which have the same meaning: “fact” comes from “facere” means “to make” or “do”, “fiction” comes from “fingere” means “to make” or “shape”. “Fact” is associated with “reality” and “truth”, “fiction”, is consorted with “unreality” and “falsehood.” Thus, fiction itself has a real existence, and the reader’s experience of fiction is unreal, though it has some resemblance to life. The writer thus has chosen a novel for her analysis due to one valid end, that is to prepare herself for her part in the literary experience of Nathaniel Hawthorne to the enrichment of life. The choice falls on the author Nathaniel Hawth...

Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN 2019), 2020
The purpose of this study is to test the effect of subtitle features, include the selection of th... more The purpose of this study is to test the effect of subtitle features, include the selection of the right words to be used in the vocabulary in the visual novel games (VNG) on L2 English viewers' retention and recall of texts, that used as the teaching material. Quasi experimental research played in this study with consisting of 54 students of Informatics departments, and they were with the same characteristics. It was played the visual novel game into both classes, and administered 45 multiple choice test and questioners in the end of the classes. Both classes went through the same procedures, but one class watched the customized subtitled of the visual novel game. The data gathered were subjected to the statistical procedure of paired sample t-test. And, the result showed that the experimental class showed the better result on their understanding of the story, but there is contrarily on the vocabulary comprehension result, it is found that the both subtitles did not have an effect on participants' vocabulary. This study has implications for English language teachers and material developers to benefit customized bimodal subtitles for better comprehension, retention and recall of aural content in game visual novel via Computer Assisted Language Teaching approach.

The Tenth Conference on Applied Linguistics and The Second English Language Teaching and Technology Conference in collaboration with The First International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture, and Education, 2017
Vocabulary plays the important role in language learning. However, the vocabulary used in languag... more Vocabulary plays the important role in language learning. However, the vocabulary used in language, whether implicitly or explicitly, becomes the central discussion in language literature. In this study, comic strips were used to investigate the development of the learner to enhance their reading comprehension explicitly. Quasi experimental with posttest design involved 54 engineering students of Polytechnics was employed in this study. Students were organized into two groups with two different treatments, the first group was presented with comic strips and the second group was presented text only. Independent sample T-test used in analyzing the data revealed that the group receiving comic strips as their treatment to enhance their reading comprehension outperformed the group receiving text only as their treatment in comprehending reading. In addition, to offering pedagogical suggestion that the practitioners can take into account in teaching reading, especially in ESP context, to improve students' comprehension in reading.

Alphabet, 2018
This current study is focusing on the impact of English movies with English subtitles and Bahasa ... more This current study is focusing on the impact of English movies with English subtitles and Bahasa Indonesia subtitles on content comprehension of English movies through the students' listening comprehension. Fifty-six (56) students of English subject at the Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya were selected randomly. Using the quasi-experimental study, a movie entitled Transcendence was selected based on the ESP content and language level difficulty. With two intact groups, they were group A and group B presented the same movie, class A watched it with English subtitle and class B with Bahasa Indonesia subtitle. After watching the movie, the participants answered the relevant multiple-choice vocabulary by listening session questions and content comprehension questions, they answer the questions on the paper. The data gathered were subjected to the statistical procedure of paired sample t-test. The results showed that English subtitle has an impact better than Bahasa Indonesia subtitle. However, this statistical data failed to show that they get greater development on their vocabulary comprehension. Those findings showed that the students' listening comprehension does not have any impact on their vocabulary comprehension.

Science, Engineering, Education, and Development Studies (SEEDS): Conference Series, 2019
This research is focusing on the impact of English movies with subtitles on content comprehension... more This research is focusing on the impact of English movies with subtitles on content comprehension of English movies and vocabulary comprehension. With fifty-six (56) students of Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya was selected randomly of English subject. Activate the quasi-experimental study, a movie with tittle Transcendence was selected based on the ESP content and language level difficulty. With two intact groups, they were group A and group B. They watched the same movie, class A watched it with English subtitles and class B without subtitles. After watching the movie, the participants answered the relevant multiple-choice vocabulary, content comprehension questions, and questioners. The data gathered were subjected to the statistical procedure of paired sample t-test. The results showed that subtitles have a positive impact on content comprehension of English movies. It can be concluded that the participants comprehend the subtitled movie better than the one without it. Mo...

International Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2019
The purpose of this study was to test the impact of typographical features of subtitles including... more The purpose of this study was to test the impact of typographical features of subtitles including size, colour and position on L2 English viewers’ retention and recall of texts in game visual novel, and also the voice effect of the visual game. Quasi experimental research played in this study with 54 students of two departments, with the same characteristics. It was played the game visual novel into both classes, and administered 45 multiple choice test and questioners in the end of the classes. Both classes went through the same procedures, but one class watched the customized subtitled of the visual game novel. The data gathered were subjected to the statistical procedure of paired sample t-test. And, the result showed that the experimental class showed the better result on their understanding of the story, but there is contrarily on their listening comprehension result, that is their vocabulary comprehension, it is found that the both subtitles did not have an effect on participa...

Wacana Didaktika, 2018
English is one of the essential factors to gain access to global information and knowledge of sci... more English is one of the essential factors to gain access to global information and knowledge of science and technology. The rapid expansion of technological education and knowledge in developing countries, such as Indonesia, calls for the need into foreign language proficiency, especially English to meet the demand of global market. Seeing the current challenges of global competition, many higher education institutions set the graduation requirements by assigning the students to follow TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) in order to measure and determine the capability or proficiency in English-speaking graduates. Considering TOEFL as one of the most ideal test in assessing English skill, this study aims to generate product in the form of E-TEFL (EEPIS Test of English as a Foreign Language) which is established as an evaluation tool to meet the academic needs in Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya (PENS). Research and development (R&D) is a method used i...

Alphabet Journal, 2018
This current study is focusing on the impact of English movies with English subtitles and Bahasa ... more This current study is focusing on the impact of English movies with English subtitles and Bahasa Indonesia subtitles on content comprehension of English movies through the students’ listening comprehension. With fifty-six (56) students of Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya was selected randomly of English subject. Activate the quasi-experimental study, a movie with tittle Transcendence was selected based on the ESP content and language level difficulty. With two intact groups, they were group A and group B with the same movie, class A watched it with English subtitle and class B with Bahasa Indonesia subtitle. After watching the movie, the participants answered the relevant multiple-choice vocabulary by listening session questions and content comprehension questions, they answer the questions on the paper. The data gathered were subjected to the statistical procedure of paired sample t-test. The results showed that English subtitle have an impact better than Bahasa Indonesia sub...

Reading and writing play important parts in human lives in this world both for adults and childre... more Reading and writing play important parts in human lives in this world both for adults and children, either in academic or non-academic setting. These literacy activities have brought about massive impacts on human cultural and biological nature. Because they are too fabricated in our lives, we tend to neglect how difficult are they for children to acquire in the first place, especially for children with certain dyslexic conditions. And because we merely take them for granted, few people, even language instructors or teachers, know how reading and writing systems were created and evolved, and how they are processed in the brain as opposed to verbal skills of listening and speaking, how first language and foreign language reading are differently processed and acquired in bilingual brain, how pictographic or sign-based writing system like the Chinese characters and syllabic or phoneme-based writing system like the Roman alphabets are (not) differently processed in our brain. Knowing ho...

INTERACTION: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa
This study is a qualitative research that was conducted to analyze the escapism of Dodge’s in Sam... more This study is a qualitative research that was conducted to analyze the escapism of Dodge’s in Sam Shepard’s The Buried Child. The writer uses the psychological approach to analyze the escapism of the main character, Dodge. Data were collected from some sources. The main source of the data was taken from the work entitled The Buried Child, while the supporting sources were derived from books, journals and from the internet. The collected data were analyzed using the descriptive analytic techniques. The study focused on the factors behind the reasons why Dodge withdraws himself from his real world, what makes him an escapist that makes the disintegration of his family. Dodge’s escapism takes place since he is betrayed by his wife and his own son who have an incestuous relationship that make them have a baby, and to cover this sin, the baby was buried. The betrayal of his wife and son makes him escapes from the reality into alcohol and makes him does not have any respect and love to hi...

Post tsunami, the authorities still highly dependent on human labor in most of the search and res... more Post tsunami, the authorities still highly dependent on human labor in most of the search and rescue processes, while at the same time, the lives of the rescuers are also at stake and extremely crucial to avoid the further accident. Based on these conditions, the assistance of disaster robots is highly needed, which capable of operating in the unknown disaster area. This research presents an implementation of 2D local aerial path planning with obstacle avoidance for quadcopter as an aerial disaster robot. The research is divided into 2 different approaches, simulation, and prototype implementation. The simulation of aerial path planning algorithm utilized RViz 3D visualization tool for ROS Melodic Morenia on Ubuntu 18.04. The prototype quadcopter robot implementation combines the utilization of X-type frame mechanics, Pixhawk flight controller, DroneKit-Python software API, and VL53L0X Lidars as laser distance sensors facing in 5 sides around the quadcopter. In both approaches, laser distance sensor readings are processed into a histogram as basis data for the local path planning algorithm. Vector Field Histogram + algorithm is utilized to determine the path taken and obstacle avoidance maneuver. The research result targets are simulation and prototype implementation of the proposed aerial path planning algorithm. It is proven with the curving flight trajectory of the quadcopter when flying to the given waypoint while avoiding obstacles along the way. Different cost function adjustments of the aerial path planning algorithm resulted in different motion responses of the quadcopter robot while avoiding obstacles along the way to the given waypoint. The higher the safety distance and turning radius variables, the more responsive the motion of the quadcopter robot while avoiding obstacles and vice versa.

Scitepress Journal of Conference Series, 2018
Vocabulary plays the important role in language learning. However, the vocabulary used in languag... more Vocabulary plays the important role in language learning. However, the vocabulary used in language, whether implicitly or explicitly, becomes the central discussion in language literature. In this study, comic strips were used to investigate the development of the learner to enhance their reading comprehension explicitly. Quasi experimental with posttest design involved 54 engineering students of Polytechnics was employed in this study. Students were organized into two groups with two different treatments, the first group was presented with comic strips and the second group was presented text only. Independent sample T-test used in analyzing the data revealed that the group receiving comic strips as their treatment to enhance their reading comprehension outperformed the group receiving text only as their treatment in comprehending reading. In addition, to offering pedagogical suggestion that the practitioners can take into account in teaching reading, especially in ESP context, to i...
Papers by Dr. Eny Kusumawati
Dengan mengaplikasikan pembelajaran elaborasi dan buku teks pada masing-masing kelas eksperimen, serta penelitian quasi eksperimental, gaya Kognitif dari masing-masing mahasiswa juga menjadi variabel penting pencapaian hasil akhir pembelajaran, yaitu gaya kognitif field dependent (FD)dang gaya kognitif field independent (FI). Rancangan menggunakan rancangan nonequivalent control group design faktorial 2x2 guna menguji pengaruh utama dan pengaruh interaksi strategi pengorganisasian isi pembelajaran terhadap populasi, yaitu mahasiswa S1 program studi Pendidikan Sejarah FKIP Tadulako tahun akademik 2015/2016 semester V, dengan kelas A sejumlah 31 mahasiswa dan kelas B sejumlah 30 mahasiswa.
Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya interaksi dari masing-masing variable penelitian. Akan tetapi hal tersebut tidak bisa diaplikasikan pada gaya kognitif dari masing-masing bidang. Maka, dengan adanya perbedaan antara strategi pengorganisasian isi pembelajaran model elaborasi dan kelas yang memperoleh pengajaran materi buku teks, hasilnya adalah bergantung dari masing-masing gaya kognitif belajar mahasiswa.
Pedagogi dalam penelitian ini adalah buah saran bagi dosen pengajar mata kuliah Sejarah, agar dapat mengaplikasikan gaya elaborasi dan sekaligus dapat serta mengaplikasikan kepengajaran secara tekstual secara bergantian, agar hal ini dapat menjembatani gaya belajar dari masing-masing kognitif mahasiswa dalam menyerap pembelajaran secara menyeluruh.
Kata kunci : Elaborasi, Kognitif, field dependent, field independent, Sejarah.