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The utilization of a 3 phase induction motor is increasingly developing, so research on speed regulation in 3 phase induction motors is also increasingly widely studied. This is because the use of 3 phase induction motors in industry and... more
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Induction Motor in Electrical drive system at a accelleration speed for example in electric cars have a hard speed setting is set on a wide range, causing an inconvenience for motorists and a fast response is required any change of speed.... more
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The utilization of a 3 phase induction motor is increasingly developing, so research on speed regulation in 3 phase induction motors is also increasingly widely studied. This is because the use of 3 phase induction motors in the industry... more
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The need for fish is increasing every year. Because it is increasing every year, fish farming must be increased in line with the use of improved fish farming technology. So that it requires an adequate technological structure and... more
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    • Universitas Tadulako
The 3 phase induction motor in its use is increasingly growing, so research on the speed regulation of the 3 phase induction motor is also increasingly being studied. This is because the use of 3 phase induction motors in industry and... more
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      MatlabVector controlInduction Motor
The application of the 3 phase induction motor is increasingly developing, this has led to research on speed regulation of 3 phase induction motors is also growing, because the use in industry and especially in hybrid vehicles is... more
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      Computer ScienceVector controlInduction Motor
The design of this IoT (Internet of Things)-based post-stroke patient monitoring tool was built to monitor patient progress remotely. Flex sensor hardware was used to retrieve data from every movement of the patient's finger muscle... more
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      Computer ScienceInternet of Things
The PLTB module output monitoring system (wind (wind)) is based on a data logger, which in this study was carried out by designing a tool using an INA219 sensor to measure current and voltage, and using Arduino Uno as a data controller... more
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      Electrical EngineeringComputer HardwareLaptopVoltage
The use of three-phase induction motors in the industrial world is increasingly growing, in addition to industry, the transportation department is also increasingly using induction motors with the development of transportation models that... more
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      Computer ScienceMatlabElectricityGraph
ABSTRAKGrid-tie inverter (GTI) merupakan komponen penting sebagai antar muka antara sistem terintegrasi PLN dan PV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat performansi GTI pada sistem beban yang bervariasi. Variasi beban menggunakan beban... more
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      Electrical EngineeringInverter
Sun is one of the new renewable energy sources that can be used as a source of electrical energy that is available on the earth. But the sun in nature has a light intensity that varies greatly with each time and place. This issue can be... more
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      Electrical EngineeringVoltageConverters
Central Sulawesi, precisely in the city of Palu, is one of the areas that frequently occurs in earthquakes and has high seismicity. The regional geology of the Palu area and its surroundings is dominated by quarterly deposits consisting... more
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Penelitian mengenai pengaturan kecepatan pada motor induksi 3 fasa semakin lama semakin berkembang, dikarenakan penggunaan pada industri dan khususnya pada kendaraan hybrid semakin banyak dikembangkan. Namun ada beberapa kelemahan motor... more
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      MathematicsPid Controller
The scarcity of fossil fuel sources and the growing energy demand has resulted in more intensively searching for alternative energy. One alternative energy source that is suitable for the equatorial region is solar energy. One of the... more
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      Environmental ScienceVoltageData LoggerPyranometer
Membanjirnya konten yang diakses oleh civitas akademika di lingkungan kampus menuntut kinerja jaringan yang handal, terutama dalam menangani beban trafik data yang tinggi. Seringkali yang terjadi adalah ketika beban trafik data meningkat,... more
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When designing a wireless sensor network based on ZigBee, it is very important to choose the right network topology, especially in networks with many nodes such as residential areas. Choosing the wrong topology will have an impact on the... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer NetworkWireless Mesh NetworkMesh Networking
Membanjirnya konten yang diakses oleh civitas akademika di lingkungan kampus menuntut kinerja jaringan yang handal, terutama dalam menangani beban trafik data yang tinggi. Seringkali yang terjadi adalah ketika beban trafik data meningkat,... more
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The design of a solar tracker with digital current and voltage measurements based on a microcontroller is a system that can follow the direction of the sun automatically based on the LDR sensor. The working principle of this tool is to... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMicrocontrollerVoltageLiquid Crystal Display