Papers by Mariachiara Pacquola
Éducation & didactique, 2024
Éducation Permanente
Le terrain à partir duquel s’acquièrent les savoirs expérientiels en santé comporte un relief exp... more Le terrain à partir duquel s’acquièrent les savoirs expérientiels en santé comporte un relief expérientiel particulier : vécu du corps, épreuve du pâtir, dégradation de l’agentivité, extension du domaine des dépendances… Confronté à ces épreuves, le patient doit apprendre à vivre avec la maladie. Les savoirs acquis au cours de ces moments de vulnérabilité ne peuvent trouver leur voie d’expression et de formalisation que dans l’après-coup. Ces processus relatifs à l’expression du vécu et à la formalisation des savoirs expérientiels sont examinés dans le cadre d’une recherche auprès d’adultes qui font l’expérience des effets d’une maladie chronique : la sclérose en plaques.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 4, 2019

Purpose: The aim is to improve the provision of professional knowledge to the Italian higher voca... more Purpose: The aim is to improve the provision of professional knowledge to the Italian higher vocational schools (ITS) to strengthen the relationship between training and work putting into dialogue two theoretical approaches: Professional Didactics (PD) and Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). Approach: theoretical work; intervention research and case studies. Findings: the CHAT influenced perspective draws the attention on the relevance of production strategies and motives in shaping collective activities and the tacit knowledge at work. The PD approach - to elicit the tacit knowledge gained by the professionals at work - considers the socio-technical and ergonomic aspects in the work situation analyzed. There is space to integrate the PD methodology with a wider acknowledgement of the relevance of the contextual and organizational elements related to the enterprises, the territory and the production chain. Conclusions: It emerges that the collaboration between vocational edu...

Pédagogie Médicale, 2020
Problématique : Les approches traditionnelles de recherche en pédagogie des sciences de la santé,... more Problématique : Les approches traditionnelles de recherche en pédagogie des sciences de la santé, axées sur l’évaluation et la mesure, s’arriment difficilement avec l’introduction de la formation des professionnels de la santé axée sur les compétences. L’exploration d’approches de recherche participative et qualitatives s’avère désormais nécessaire pour mieux étudier la formation qui se déroule dans des stages pratiques en milieux cliniques. Nous postulons que le développement des compétences s’appuie en grande partie sur la construction, l’explicitation et la mise en œuvre de savoirs d’expérience. Objectif : Cet article présente un ensemble d’éléments conceptuels et méthodologiques pour les éducateurs dans le domaine de la santé qui cherchent à mobiliser des approches centrées sur la personne, ses expériences et les savoirs qui en découlent afin d’étudier tout en soutenant le développement des compétences professionnelles. Résultats : Pour y parvenir, les auteurs mobilisent un ense...

Research on Education and Media, 2016
The need to address generational change and the challenges of a global market in terms of maintai... more The need to address generational change and the challenges of a global market in terms of maintaining productivity require small and medium enterprises, mainly of an artisanal nature, to rethink training. The challenges mainly concern production capacity, which is increasingly problematic given that demand does not allow for long-term schedules and enhancement of human resources. There are many tensions and just as many needs for improvement, and training is therefore the space in which to collect and rework in order to restore a new perspective of sustainable and quality change.This study presents a process of collaboration between universities and businesses, in which the former provide the framework for the activation of mechanisms that make use of work analysis, while the latter provide the appropriate support (time and opportunities for discussion) to allow for a review of the proposed training model and trainer functions in a dynamic and complex production environment.

Form@re : Open Journal per la Formazione in Rete, 2019
This article discusses the notion of transversal competencies. When analysing this concept, it un... more This article discusses the notion of transversal competencies. When analysing this concept, it underlines how the operations of recognition, formalization and integration of soft skills in the directory of professional or technical competencies are challenging. The two Action Research experiences presented show the complexity in implementing transversal competencies in professional contexts. However, an emphasis on transversal competencies in the process of training and in the job market is seen as essential. Riconoscere e Formalizzare le competenze trasversali nelle attivita professionali e artigianali: esperienze italiane a confronto Questo articolo discute della nozione di competenze trasversali. Esso problematizza tale nozione, facendo emergere le difficolta di riconoscimento, formalizzazione e integrazione nei repertori di competenze professionali o tecniche. La presentazione di due esperienze di Ricerca Azione evidenzia la complessita di implementare le competenze trasversali ...
The competition that exists in today’s markets increasingly calls for more flexibility and contin... more The competition that exists in today’s markets increasingly calls for more flexibility and continuous changing of operating schemes depending on the type of products in question. The worker’s creativity constitutes a resource that constantly regulates the actions to be carried out during the productive process, and that sometimes also endangers the psychophysical sustainability of the worker her/himself. This paper presents a research project which, by using Activity Analysis, Professional Didactics and Neo-Functional methodologies and tools, engaged the workers in a training process of self-development in collaboration with their colleagues and the company management, allowing the change of failed schemes of action, improving the wellness of the worker and the performance of the company.
Il contributo ricostruisce le ragioni che giustificano, al momento attuale, la necessita di inves... more Il contributo ricostruisce le ragioni che giustificano, al momento attuale, la necessita di investire nella formazione dei tutor che operano in differenti contesti lavorativi. La loro importanza e determinata dall’essere il nodo tra saperi teorico-pratici e la figura di riferimento per qualsiasi soggetto che si approccia al mondo del lavoro.Le competenze e le attivita che caratterizzano l’agire tutoriale vengono presentate attraverso due studi di caso realizzati in due realta molto diverse: le PMI del settore manifatturiero e i percorsi per la formazione degli insegnanti. Emerge il profilo di un esperto non solo capace nel proprio lavoro, ma anche di accompagnare l’altro verso la professionalizzazione.
Travail et Apprentissages

Pédagogie Médicale
Problématique : Les approches traditionnelles de recherche en pédagogie des sciences de la santé,... more Problématique : Les approches traditionnelles de recherche en pédagogie des sciences de la santé, axées sur l’évaluation et la mesure, s’arriment difficilement avec l’introduction de la formation des professionnels de la santé axée sur les compétences. L’exploration d’approches de recherche participative et qualitatives s’avère désormais nécessaire pour mieux étudier la formation qui se déroule dans des stages pratiques en milieux cliniques. Nous postulons que le développement des compétences s’appuie en grande partie sur la construction, l’explicitation et la mise en œuvre de savoirs d’expérience. Objectif : Cet article présente un ensemble d’éléments conceptuels et méthodologiques pour les éducateurs dans le domaine de la santé qui cherchent à mobiliser des approches centrées sur la personne, ses expériences et les savoirs qui en découlent afin d’étudier tout en soutenant le développement des compétences professionnelles. Résultats : Pour y parvenir, les auteurs mobilisent un ense...

@formare- Open Journal per la formazione in rete, 2019
This article discusses the notion of transversal competencies. When analysing this concept, it un... more This article discusses the notion of transversal competencies. When analysing this concept, it underlines how the operations of recognition, formalization and integration of soft skills in the directory of professional or technical competencies are challenging. The two Action Research experiences presented show the complexity in implementing transversal competencies in professional contexts. However, an emphasis on transversal competencies in the process of training and in the job market is seen as essential. Abstract Questo articolo discute della nozione di competenze trasversali. Esso problematizza tale nozione, facendo emergere le difficoltà di riconoscimento, formalizzazione e integrazione nei repertori di competenze professionali o tecniche. La presentazione di due esperienze di Ricerca Azione evidenzia la complessità di implementare le competenze trasversali in repertori operativi all'interno dei contesti professionali, ma mostra anche come il ruolo delle competenze trasversali nel mondo della formazione e nel mercato del lavoro sia imprescindibile.
Thème 1: L'activité de conception: enjeux et moyens Mots-Clés Didactique Professionnelle, savoirs... more Thème 1: L'activité de conception: enjeux et moyens Mots-Clés Didactique Professionnelle, savoirs professionnels de référence, validation des acquis de l'expérience, transposition de situations de référence, formation experientielle

The action analysis is currently an area of research that produces results with a high impact on ... more The action analysis is currently an area of research that produces results with a high impact on the design of initial and in-service education. In particular, the paths traced by Didactique Professionnelle and the Cours d'action, albeit for different theoretical inspiration, are both centered on the discovery of the relationship that is established between the subject and the work in specific situations. The shared investigation techniques (entretien d'explicitation, autoconfrontation, autoconfrontation croisée) allow the access to the nature of the action and the explicitation of its process and characteristic features, thus helping to the construction of 'knowledge in action' taken from work environments. This kind of investigation may become an opportunity for learning in formal environments, such as professional courses of technical schools. Introduzione La capacità di una nazione di riprendere lo sviluppo economico e affrontare i molteplici problemi connessi all'attuale crisi occupazionale si manifesta anche nell'individuazione e potenziamento dei settori nei quali vi è una competenza specifica riconosciuta e che maggiormente attrae investimenti dall'estero. Per l'Italia il made in Italy applicato alla moda e, nel caso particolare che verrà di seguito presentato, della calzatura di lusso, costituisce un ambito di eccellenza che si fonda quasi esclusivamente sulla conoscenza tacita del lavoratore, vero e proprio artefice della produzione di artefatti che rispondono a criteri di estetica e sostenibilità produttiva. Il suo saper agire è difficilmente acquisibile da altri in tempi brevi, anche a causa della natura del sapere stesso, insito nell'azione e non reificato in alcun artefatto utile per la formazione. L'attuale situazione produttiva presenta due diversi problemi che costituiscono delle sfide interessanti: da un lato il ricambio generazionale che rischia di diventare il reale ostacolo alla continuazione di una produzione artigianale-industriale di eccellenza, dall'altro l'inserimento nelle aziende produttive di personale neo diplomato o straniero portatore di nessuna o altra pratica. La formazione si confronta quindi con la necessità di disporre di strumenti e percorsi capaci di guidare l'azione e la riflessione sulla stessa cercando di conseguire due obiettivi: lo sviluppo di un atteggiamento professionalizzante atto ad affrontare il 'nuovo' che si presenta in ogni produzione artigianale di alto livello e la diminuzione dei tempi per lo sviluppo delle competenze rispetto al modello classico di apprendistato.

The need to address generational change and the challenges of a global market to maintain product... more The need to address generational change and the challenges of a global market to maintain productivity requires Small and Medium Enterprises, mainly of an artisanal nature, to rethink training. The challenges mainly concern production capacity, which is increasingly problematic given that demand does not allow for long-term schedules and enhancement of human resources. There are many tensions and just as many needs for improvement and training is therefore the space in which to collect, and rework in order to restore a new perspective of sustainable and quality change. This study presents a process of collaboration between universities and businesses where the former provided the framework for the activation of mechanisms that make use of work analysis while the latter provided the appropriate support (time, opportunities for discussion) to allow for a review of the proposed training model and trainer functions in a dynamic and complex production environment.
Papers by Mariachiara Pacquola