Papers by Juan Fernando Casanova Olaya
El rio las Piedras es de gran importancia ya que alrededor de su recurso hidrico se desarrollan d... more El rio las Piedras es de gran importancia ya que alrededor de su recurso hidrico se desarrollan diferentes actividades economicas representativas del Municipio como, la agricultura de subsistencia, la ganaderia extensiva, la piscicultura (El Diviso), bocatoma acueductos (el Tablazo), entre otras. Debido a dicha importancia, este proyecto plantea la determinacion del regimen de caudal ambiental, en la subcuenca del Rio las Piedras, el cual busca generar datos e informacion relevante para que los tomadores de decisiones (entidades ambientales reguladoras, empresarios de las diferentes actividades, etc.), garanticen la salvaguarda de la integridad ambiental de la cuenca hidrografica en consonancia con la demanda requerida para las diferentes actividades de desarrollo economico.
Gran interes el aprendizaje, desarrollo y aplicacion de los software de modelacion, con los cuale... more Gran interes el aprendizaje, desarrollo y aplicacion de los software de modelacion, con los cuales se puede obtener la simulacion de los procesos hidrologicos, especialmente el proceso de escorrentia en zonas rurales, como tambien, el comportamiento de los contaminantes generados en las actividades agricolas y su afectacion al recurso hidrico, con el fin, de poder forjar herramientas de ayuda para los diferentes tomadores de decision en torno a la afectacion del recurso hidrico sobre cuencas hidrograficas, principal interes del presente trabajo.

Tropical Grasslands-Forrajes Tropicales, 2022
The conversion of forests to agricultural land can dramatically alter soil properties, but soil r... more The conversion of forests to agricultural land can dramatically alter soil properties, but soil resistance, which is theability of soil properties or processes to remain unchanged in the face of a specific disturbance or stress, remainsunclear. We evaluated the impact of land use change and agricultural management on changes on an andosol in theCauca department, Colombia, through the analysis of physicochemical variables and biological indicators (dimensionlessresistance index, where +1 is the highest resistance and -1 is the lowest resistance) that allowed the assessment of soilresistance. The land uses analyzed included (1st) forest, which was approximately 100 years of age, plus areas of the same forest (70% of the area), which had been replaced by (2nd) natural pastures and (3rd) forage crops in the year 1985, i.e. 30 years before the observations. All physicochemical variables except soil clay content were significantly affected by the change from forest to natural pasture. Sim...

Agriculture, 2019
Coffee crop management is guided by an approach of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers application in ... more Coffee crop management is guided by an approach of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers application in order to guarantee high production rates; however, this type of management increases soil degradation. A study was conducted in order to evaluate the impact of changing soil nutritional management from Chemical (NPK) to Organic (Farmyard Manure-FYM), and from Chemical (NPK) to Mixed (NPK + FYM) regarding soil quality properties and mineral nitrogen available in coffee agroecosystems; a multi-spatial analysis was carried out considering a unifactorial design; soil samples were taken from depths between 0.10 and 0.20 m in 42 plots; physical and chemical variables were measured (ammonium, nitrates, pH, organic matter, moisture, bulk density and texture). It was found that Chemical Management affects the physical and chemical properties of soil quality (organic matter, humidity, bulk density, and pH), resulting in significant differences (p < 0.05) comparing to Mixed and Organic Managemen...

Agronomy, 2020
Models can help to explain the main interactions, magnitudes, and velocity by which biological pr... more Models can help to explain the main interactions, magnitudes, and velocity by which biological processes accumulate soil organic carbon (SOC) in pastures. An explanatory model using Insight Maker software was constructed for each soil under natural and cultivated pastures, using theoretical carbon models and data which were collected monthly in andisol sites. The model was calibrated and validated by comparing the modeled data to the field data until the smallest prediction error was reached. The indicators used were the mean absolute error (MAE), root-mean-square error (RMSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and the coefficient of determination (R2). In natural pasture soil, the diversification of organic inputs consistently promoted the growth of microbial biomass and metabolic efficiency. In contrast, intensive management of cultivated pastures, involving the removal of plant cover, plowing and low input of organic matter, stressed the microbial community and increased the ...
Papers by Juan Fernando Casanova Olaya