Papers Vol. 11 núm. 22 julio-diciembre 2015 by Diego Bravo
This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for the right leg in swing phase o... more This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for the right leg in swing phase of a biped robot restricted to the sagittal plane. Such movements are defined by time functions representing the desired angular positions for the joints involved. Motion capture performed with a Microsoft Kinect TM camera and from the data obtained joint trajectories were generated to control the robot’s right leg in swing phase. The proposed control law is a hybrid strategy; the first strategy is based on a computed torque control to track reference trajectories, and the second strategy is based on time scaling control ensuring the robot’s balance. This work is a preliminary study to generate humanoid robot trajectories from motion capture.
PACS: 87.85.St
Papers by Diego Bravo
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje

2021 IEEE 5th Colombian Conference on Automatic Control (CCAC)
This paper presents the results obtained in the design and construction proposal of a 12 DOF bipe... more This paper presents the results obtained in the design and construction proposal of a 12 DOF bipedal robot, based on the ROS operating system for the balance experiments during the static standing phase and generation off-line gait joint trajectories. This robot was made with electronic and structural features, looking to omnidirectional walk. ROS operating system used, to have a distributed execution of the algorithms, different programming languages, and connectivity between different devices. Obtaining as results, monitoring the robot's CoP using pressure sensors installed on its feet. What's more, a PID balance controller was designed, which was applied to the Cart Table model of the proposed robot and verified by simulation in MATLAB Simulink. It must be said that the validation of the balance controller in the physical structure of the robot will be carried out in future works.

IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje, 2020
Tactile maps are efficient tools to improve spatial understanding and mobility skills of visually... more Tactile maps are efficient tools to improve spatial understanding and mobility skills of visually impaired people. Their limited adaptability can be compensated with haptic devices which display graphical information, but their assessment is frequently limited to performance-based metrics only which can hide potential spatial abilities in O&M protocols. We assess a low-tech tactile mouse able to deliver three-dimensional content considering how performance, mental workload, behavior, and anxiety status vary with task difficulty and gender in congenitally blind, late blind, and sighted subjects. Results show that task difficulty coherently modulates the efficiency and difficulty to build mental maps, regardless of visual experience. Although exhibiting attitudes that were similar and gender-independent, the females had lower performance and higher cognitive load, especially when congenitally blind. All groups showed a significant decrease in anxiety after using the device. Tactile graphics with our device seems therefore to be applicable with different visual experiences, with no negative emotional consequences of mentally demanding spatial tasks. Going beyond performance-based assessment, our methodology can help with better targeting technological solutions in orientation and mobility protocols.
International Journal of Dynamics and Control
En este artículo se realizó el modelado y control de un sistema de levitación magnética ( MAGLEV)... more En este artículo se realizó el modelado y control de un sistema de levitación magnética ( MAGLEV). Para ello se construyó un prototipo con materiales de bajo costo con el objetivo de realizar prácticas experimentales para la enseñaanza de sistemas de control en el programa de Ingeniería Física. Los resultados muestran que es posible utilizar el sistema para controlar la posición de una bola mediante una estrategia de control lineal.
Ingeniería y Ciencia, 2015
This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for theright leg in swing phase of... more This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for theright leg in swing phase of a biped robot restricted to the sagittal plane.Such movements are defined by time functions representing the desiredangular positions for the joints involved. Motion capture performed witha Microsoft KinectTMcamera and from the data obtained joint trajec-tories were generated to control the robot’s right leg in swing phase. Theproposed control law is a hybrid strategy; the first strategyis based ona computed torque control to track reference trajectories,and the secondstrategy is based on time scaling control ensuring the robot’s balance. Thiswork is a preliminary study to generate humanoid robot trajectories frommotion capture.
Revista Mexicana de Fisica
En este trabajo se propone una herramienta para la enseñanza de la mecánica clásica, modelando si... more En este trabajo se propone una herramienta para la enseñanza de la mecánica clásica, modelando sistemas dinámicos con las ecuaciones de Lagrange, a partir de la simulación en Matlab . Este enfoque permite a los estudiantes de ingeniería y ciencias básicas, desarrollar competencias en programación, análisis numérico, con el uso de la física como herramienta fundamental para modelar y simular sistemas dinámicos complejos, como por ejemplo: robots industriales, robots bípedos y cualquier sistema mecánico con el propósito de analizar y estudiar sus propiedades cinemáticas y dinámicas. Esta herramienta fue probada en el curso de Sistemas Dinámicos de la Universidad del Cauca, demostrando ser una herramienta de fácil y rápido aprendizaje por los estudiantes del programa de Ingeniería en Automática Industrial.

Revista mexicana de física E, Jan 4, 2021
En este trabajo se estudia la estabilidad de un péndulo invertido de dos grados de libertad y de ... more En este trabajo se estudia la estabilidad de un péndulo invertido de dos grados de libertad y de base móvil, el cual se modeló mediante la formulación Euler-Lagrange. Este modelo permitió diseñar e implementar una estrategia de control para el seguimiento de trayectorias articulares de referencia. Los sistemas mecánicos de bases fijas y móviles permiten ilustrar un concepto fundamental en las ciencias físicas, que es la diferencia entre limitaciones tecnológicas y limitaciones fundamentales. Descriptores: Enseñanza; ecuación de Lagrange; sistemas mecánicos; simulación. In this paper, we study the stability of an inverted pendulum with two degrees of freedom and a mobile base, which was modeled using the Euler-Lagrange formulation. This model is used to design and implement a control strategy for tracking joint reference trajectories. The mechanical systems of fixed and mobile base illustrate a fundamental concept in the physical sciences, which is the difference between technological and fundamental limitations.
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering, 2021
Simulation is a virtual representation of a dynamic system. For the case of mechanical systems, t... more Simulation is a virtual representation of a dynamic system. For the case of mechanical systems, the simulator is used to calculate the reaction forces between its base and the ground and other constraints. The intermittent nature of these forces and the mathematical inequalities that they must satisfy lead to models described by hybrid algebraic differential equations. In this paper, a simulator was developed for a seven degrees of freedom planar biped robot, which was modeled using the Euler-Lagrange formulation. This model allowed the design and implementation of a control strategy for balance management, and the monitoring of articular reference paths are tested in the simulator before proceeding to implementation on the actual prototype.

Revista Mexicana de Física E
En este trabajo se estudia el modelo cinemático y dinámico de una bicicleta robótica (Arduino Eng... more En este trabajo se estudia el modelo cinemático y dinámico de una bicicleta robótica (Arduino Engineering Kit), con el propósito de desarrollar algoritmos de control para su estabilización automática. Se muestra el modelo matemático de la bicicleta mediante la formulación Euler-Lagrange. Este permite el diseño y la implementación de dos estrategias de control para garantizar el equilibrio automático. El estudio de este sistema dinámico se presenta como una excelente oportunidad para integrar las destrezas adquiridas por los estudiantes en materias como física, programación y matemáticas, con el propósito de diseñar, modelar y controlar sistemas dinámicos. Descriptores: Enseñanza; ecuación de Lagrange; sistemas dinámicos; simulación. In this paper, a kinematic and dynamic model study of a robotic bicycle (Arduino Engineering Kit) is carried out to develop control algorithms for the automatic stabilization of the bicycle. The mathematical model of the bicycle is shown by the Euler-Lagrange formulation. This model allows the design and implementation of two control strategies to ensure automatic balance. The study of this dynamic system is presented as an excellent opportunity to integrate the skills acquired by students in subjects such as physics, programming, and mathematics with the purpose of designing, modeling, and controlling dynamic systems.
Advances in Automation and Robotics Research

International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Mar 1, 2020
The aim of this article is to present a statistical comparison of the electric energy expenditure... more The aim of this article is to present a statistical comparison of the electric energy expenditure between two techniques for the generation of gait patterns in biped robots. The first one is to minimize the sum of the squared torques applied to the joints of the robot, and the second one is based on the cart-table model. For the experiments, we measured the energy delivered by the battery of the robot to the servomotors. We applied the two aforementioned methods for three velocities (0.5, 1.0, and 1.3 m/min). Additionally, each combination of method and velocity was performed by the robot 10 times. The energy expenditure for each method was compared by applying the Wilcoxon test. In all comparisons, the value of p was lower than 0.004, indicating that the differences were statistically significant. The optimization approach leads to a reduction in energy expenditure that ranged from 9.16 % to 13.35 %. The conclusion is that all the effort required to implement an approach that requires a complete dynamic model of the robot allows a significant reduction in energy consumption.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI, 2014
En este trabajo se presenta el modelo biomecánico de una prótesis de pierna. Con el objetivo de e... more En este trabajo se presenta el modelo biomecánico de una prótesis de pierna. Con el objetivo de estudiar el cambio de velocidad en la unión prótesis-muñón al momento del impacto del pie con el suelo, está se modeló como un sistema resorte-amortiguador, permitiendo evidenciar la necesidad de construir la unión muñón-prótesis con dispositivos de impedancia mecánica variable. Además se desarrolló un simulador con el objetivo de hacer representaciones virtuales de un paciente con prótesis. Para ello se modeló al paciente como un robot bípedo planar, el simulador permite estudiar el efecto de las fuerzas de impacto con el suelo de la unión prótesis-muñón como una etapa anterior a la implementación real de la misma. Copyright c 2014 CEA. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L. Todos los derechos reservados.

2014 III International Congress of Engineering Mechatronics and Automation (CIIMA), 2014
ABSTRACT Most common methods for proper 3D capture of human movement require a laboratory environ... more ABSTRACT Most common methods for proper 3D capture of human movement require a laboratory environment and setting of markers, sensors accessories body segments. However, the high cost of these equipments is a limiting factor in our work environment. Motion capture systems like Microsoft's Kinect TM camera present alternative new approaches to motion capture technology. This paper proposes the design and implementation of a marker-less motion capture system of low cost, using the Microsofts Kinect camera. The system allows the capture of 20 joint points at 30 frames per second (fps) and exports the Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) of each joint point for further analysis. Furthermore, the system plots in 3D the human skeleton tracking. The motion capture system was tested to imitate human movement with a planar robot of 9 degrees of freedom (dof), another application was to generate trajectories for a planar biped robot and the last application described is the control of final effector of virtual Puma robot from motion capture. Its data presents less accuracy and a lower rate than market equipment. On the other hand, the low-cost of Kinect sensor and easy installation to use in comparison with traditional methods, show it as an excellent alternative for robotic applications that do not require much accuracy.
Ingeniería y Ciencia, 2015
This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for the right leg in swing phase o... more This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for the right leg in swing phase of a biped robot restricted to the sagittal plane. Such movements are defined by time functions representing the desired angular positions for the joints involved. Motion capture performed with a Microsoft Kinect TM camera and from the data obtained joint trajectories were generated to control the robot’s right leg in swing phase. The proposed control law is a hybrid strategy; the first strategy is based on a computed torque control to track reference trajectories, and the second strategy is based on time scaling control ensuring the robot’s balance. This work is a preliminary study to generate humanoid robot trajectories from motion capture. PACS: 87.85.St
Papers Vol. 11 núm. 22 julio-diciembre 2015 by Diego Bravo
PACS: 87.85.St
Papers by Diego Bravo
PACS: 87.85.St