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This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for the right leg in swing phase of a biped robot restricted to the sagittal plane. Such movements are defined by time functions representing the desired angular positions for... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile RoboticsAutonomous Robotics
En este trabajo se presenta el modelo biomecánico de una prótesis de pierna. Con el objetivo de estudiar el cambio de velocidad en la unión prótesis-muñón al momento del impacto del pie con el suelo, está se modeló como un sistema... more
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The aim of this article is to present a statistical comparison of the electric energy expenditure between two techniques for the generation of gait patterns in biped robots. The first one is to minimize the sum of the squared torques... more
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      EngineeringPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
En este trabajo se estudia el modelo cinemático y dinámico de una bicicleta robótica (Arduino Engineering Kit), con el propósito de desarrollar algoritmos de control para su estabilización automática. Se muestra el modelo matemático de la... more
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Simulation is a virtual representation of a dynamic system. For the case of mechanical systems, the simulator is used to calculate the reaction forces between its base and the ground and other constraints. The intermittent nature of these... more
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      Computer ScienceModelling and Simulation in Chemical Engineering
En este trabajo se estudia la estabilidad de un péndulo invertido de dos grados de libertad y de base móvil, el cual se modeló mediante la formulación Euler-Lagrange. Este modelo permitió diseñar e implementar una estrategia de control... more
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En este trabajo se propone una herramienta para la enseñanza de la mecánica clásica, modelando sistemas dinámicos con las ecuaciones de Lagrange, a partir de la simulación en Matlab . Este enfoque permite a los estudiantes de ingeniería y... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsHumanitiesMathematical Sciences
This paper proposes human motion capture to generate movements for theright leg in swing phase of a biped robot restricted to the sagittal plane.Such movements are defined by time functions representing the desiredangular positions for... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile RoboticsAutonomous Robotics
En este artículo se realizó el modelado y control de un sistema de levitación magnética ( MAGLEV). Para ello se construyó un prototipo con materiales de bajo costo con el objetivo de realizar prácticas experimentales para la enseñaanza de... more
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      EngineeringCiencia E Ingenieria De Los Materiales
Tactile maps are efficient tools to improve spatial understanding and mobility skills of visually impaired people. Their limited adaptability can be compensated with haptic devices which display graphical information, but their assessment... more
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      Computer ScienceControl Management
This paper presents an integrated analysis of factors affecting the dynamics of an Andean basin. The study was conducted by using Landsat images, SRTM DEM data from NASA, infrastructure information (cities and roads proximity) and the... more
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    • IEEE
The lignin is an extremely challenging natural material with wide and interesting applications, during the last two decades, great efforts have been dedicated to the study of its optical properties. About this subject have occurred many... more
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      PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesLignin
The effects of traps and shallow acceptors on the continuous-wave steady-state photoluminescence of GaAs-(Ga,Al)As quantum-well wires are studied at room temperature. The analysis is based on a quantum-mechanical calculation of the... more
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      EngineeringChemistryApplied PhysicsPhotoluminescence
The binding energies of hydrogenic donor in both finite and infinite GaAs-(Ga,Al)As spherical quantum dots are calculated as a function of the donor position for different radii within the effective-mass approximation. It is observed an... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsApplied Physics
The melanin is a group of biological pigments commonly found in living beings, it can be classified in three groups: eumelanin human beings, pheomelanins in animals, and allomelanins in the vegetal kingdom. There is a special interest in... more
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      PhysicsChemistryOptical PropertiesMonomer
Using the effective mass approximation and variational method we have computed the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the absorption and photoluminescence spectra in spherical quantum dot GaAs-(Ga, Al) As, considering a finite confinement... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsChemistry
The PTCDA (3,4,9,10-Perylene-tetracarboxylic dianhydride) and the NTCDA (1,4,5,8-Naphtalenetetracarboxylic dianhydride) are aromatic, stable, planar and highly symmetric with unusual electrical properties. The PTCDA is a semiconductor... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePhysicsMaterials Science
We have studied spin-polarized currents in resonant tunneling diodes containing diluted magnetic semiconductor layers with different geometries. The spin polarization effects on the resonant current are studied within Green's function... more
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      Computer ScienceCondensed Matter PhysicsMaterials ScienceMicroelectronics
A quantum-mechanical calculation of radiative recombinations in cylindrical GaAs-͑Ga,Al͒As quantum-well wires excited by a cw laser in a photoluminescence experiment under quasistationary excitation conditions is performed. We work within... more
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The ground-state energy and the binding energy of shallow hydrogenic impurities in spherical GaAs-(Ga,A1)As quantum dots have been calculated as functions of the radius of the dot. The binding energy has been calculated following a... more
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      PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsMedicineImpurity