Ivana Volic
Phone: +38121530231
Address: Faculty of sport and tourism
Radnicka 30a
Novi Sad 21000
Address: Faculty of sport and tourism
Radnicka 30a
Novi Sad 21000
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Papers by Ivana Volic
cultural resources of a particular community and encourages participation of its members in the process of tourist product
creation. The article operates in the planning phase and aims to give insights into the process of establishing the groundwork
for community-based tourism. The key element is documenting and illustrating everything that could be a part of what is
known as “traditional wisdom,” namely, the skills and knowledge of traditional life practices. The methods of case study,
content analysis, and observation of the village of Omoljica, Serbia, were used. The positive aspect of this locality is reflected
in the existing short-term initiatives of organizations and individuals engaging in preserving traditional practices, but without
systematic, long-term planning and management of community-based tourism, these individual efforts to revalue traditional
life practices would stay unrecognizable and invisible for visitors and stakeholders. Thus, the main goal of this article is to
understand the relation between short-term bottom-up initiatives and long-term top-down strategic planning of specific
ecotourism destinations, one that would embrace the traditional ways of rural community life. The contribution of this study,
in addition to documenting and illustrating “traditional wisdom” of the specific rural community placed in the protected area
which encompasses a particular local social system, will be reflected in the creation of a set of guidelines for sustainable, rural,
community-based ecotourism as a soft-driver development of protected areas near big cities of the postsocialist countries.
positive psychology theories and approaches, is then presented to the events reader. It is argued that the theories and approaches from this field could enhance understandings of how people anticipate events, enjoy events, and how they acquire psychological rewards and benefits from event experiences.
New directions for research about visitor motivations, humor, and cocreation of events as well as visitor well-being are proposed in the article. The role and the value of appreciative inquiry, a strength-based methodological approach, to inform future event planning and design is also discussed. It is argued that the contributions from positive psychology could help develop psychology of events scholarship in a meaningful and theoretically informed manner.
The basic structural elements of the models constructed would be universal and could be adapted for other urban contexts. The first model refers to public-civil partnership in the field of culture and the second model refers to public-civil-private partnership, where the field of culture is accompanied by the fields of tourism and urban planning.
Talks by Ivana Volic
Izvođačke umetnosti (poput ambijentalnog teatra) ili vizuelne umetnosti, mogle bi biti instrument kojim bi se naglasio sam prostor istorijskog grada i njegov kulturno-istorijski značaj, bez značajnijih intervencija na samo istorijsko nasleđe i uz uvažavanje potreba stanovništva koje ga naseljava.
Ključne reči: graditeljsko nasleđe, istorijski grad, ambijentalni teatar, održivi kulturni turizam
(The concept of the historical city in tourism science is interpreted since the eighties of the twentieth century, which is associated with the paradigm of planning its protection - from conservation to active use in accordance with the modern needs of the people (citizens and visitors). Modern tendencies of conservation involve active sustainable use of resources, and also the visitors’ needs evolved to active perception and experience of the visited area.
Performing arts (such as site-specific theater) and visual arts could be an instrument to emphasize the built heritage and its cultural and historical significance, and without significant interventions
Keywords: built heritage, historical city, site-specific theater, sustainable cultural tourism)
Keywords: cultural spaces, partnerships, cultural sustainability
cultural resources of a particular community and encourages participation of its members in the process of tourist product
creation. The article operates in the planning phase and aims to give insights into the process of establishing the groundwork
for community-based tourism. The key element is documenting and illustrating everything that could be a part of what is
known as “traditional wisdom,” namely, the skills and knowledge of traditional life practices. The methods of case study,
content analysis, and observation of the village of Omoljica, Serbia, were used. The positive aspect of this locality is reflected
in the existing short-term initiatives of organizations and individuals engaging in preserving traditional practices, but without
systematic, long-term planning and management of community-based tourism, these individual efforts to revalue traditional
life practices would stay unrecognizable and invisible for visitors and stakeholders. Thus, the main goal of this article is to
understand the relation between short-term bottom-up initiatives and long-term top-down strategic planning of specific
ecotourism destinations, one that would embrace the traditional ways of rural community life. The contribution of this study,
in addition to documenting and illustrating “traditional wisdom” of the specific rural community placed in the protected area
which encompasses a particular local social system, will be reflected in the creation of a set of guidelines for sustainable, rural,
community-based ecotourism as a soft-driver development of protected areas near big cities of the postsocialist countries.
positive psychology theories and approaches, is then presented to the events reader. It is argued that the theories and approaches from this field could enhance understandings of how people anticipate events, enjoy events, and how they acquire psychological rewards and benefits from event experiences.
New directions for research about visitor motivations, humor, and cocreation of events as well as visitor well-being are proposed in the article. The role and the value of appreciative inquiry, a strength-based methodological approach, to inform future event planning and design is also discussed. It is argued that the contributions from positive psychology could help develop psychology of events scholarship in a meaningful and theoretically informed manner.
The basic structural elements of the models constructed would be universal and could be adapted for other urban contexts. The first model refers to public-civil partnership in the field of culture and the second model refers to public-civil-private partnership, where the field of culture is accompanied by the fields of tourism and urban planning.
Izvođačke umetnosti (poput ambijentalnog teatra) ili vizuelne umetnosti, mogle bi biti instrument kojim bi se naglasio sam prostor istorijskog grada i njegov kulturno-istorijski značaj, bez značajnijih intervencija na samo istorijsko nasleđe i uz uvažavanje potreba stanovništva koje ga naseljava.
Ključne reči: graditeljsko nasleđe, istorijski grad, ambijentalni teatar, održivi kulturni turizam
(The concept of the historical city in tourism science is interpreted since the eighties of the twentieth century, which is associated with the paradigm of planning its protection - from conservation to active use in accordance with the modern needs of the people (citizens and visitors). Modern tendencies of conservation involve active sustainable use of resources, and also the visitors’ needs evolved to active perception and experience of the visited area.
Performing arts (such as site-specific theater) and visual arts could be an instrument to emphasize the built heritage and its cultural and historical significance, and without significant interventions
Keywords: built heritage, historical city, site-specific theater, sustainable cultural tourism)
Keywords: cultural spaces, partnerships, cultural sustainability
Keywords: tourism planning and policy, tourism representation, power relations, diversity