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Изучение английского языка. Как добиться эффекта «Wow!» [29 Oct 2014|12:52pm]

Садясь за компьютер, слушая музыку, или просто идя в магазин – любой человек сталкивается с иностранными языками. Названия магазинов, брендов, новых товаров, книг и фильмов – все чащу от нас требуют знания второго или даже третьего языка. Но подобные неудобства существуют не только на обывательском уровне. Но если для простого гражданина незнание языков дает лишь ощущение дискомфорта, то для человека, имеющего отношение к бизнесу – это незнание подобно профессиональной дисквалификации.
Ключевым процессом развития сегодняшней экономики является прогрессирующая глобализация. Бизнес в России уже давно перестал быть локальным. И уже давно не стоят вопросы типа «необходимо ли учить языки?», «Нужны ли сотрудники со знанием иностранных языков?», «Сколько сотрудников в фирме должны владеть иностранными языками?». Вопрос сегодня есть только один: «Как наиболее дешево и качественно организовать обучение персонала иностранному языку?».
Методы обучения персонала
Поговорим про изучение английского языка, который наиболее востребован на сегодняшнем рынке. Логичным следствие подобной острой востребованности является множество способов и предложений по изучению языка. Сразу отметем самостоятельное изучение, даже за корпоративный счет. Как показывает практика, если язык нужен для профессионального общения, индивидуальные занятия, даже с носителем языка, не специализирующемся на бизнес-тематике, не могут дать необходимого уровня подготовки. Не забывайте, что ваш персонал должен изучать не столько иностранный язык, сколько язык профессионального общения. То есть, фактически, заново освоить всю систему мимики, жестов, пауз и убыстрений разговора, которой они, не задумываясь, пользуются при разговоре на родном языке, но полностью теряют при некачественном изучении английского языка, даже при роскошном словарном запасе.
Сегодня для профессионалов бизнеса есть лишь одно решение: курсы различных уровней, индивидуальные занятия и занятия в группах. Существует множество программ для изучения английского языка онлайн, но и здесь не стоит забывать о необходимых вам целях: не все школы изучения языков онлайн помогут достигнуть вам своих целей.
Последний вариант, необходимо признать, наиболее оптимален, как по качеству изучения, так и по стоимости.
Школа языков
Первая задача, которая стоит перед компанией, решившей начать обучение персонала в школе английского языка – определиться с уровнем обучающихся. Для кого-то уже необходимы курсы делового английского, для кого-то английского разговорного, для кого-то занятия с носителями языка, для кого-то изучения английского языка для начинающих или вовсе с нуля. А кому-то уже необходима подготовка к экзаменам TOEFL или IELTS.
«Репетитор по английскому», «английский с преподавателем» — именно с такого поискового запроса многие начинают поиск вариантов обучения языку. Но искать надо не преподавателя, а школу изучения английского языка, которая сможет предложить вам весь спектр услуг. Признак хорошей школы, видный сразу даже человеку, далекому от проблем обучения – широкий спектр предлагаемых услуг. Он должен заключать в себя и онлайн изучение английского языка, и обучение в офисе, и углубленное изучение, и обучение руководителей, и обучение специалистов, английский с носителем и просто английский с преподавателем. Чем шире спектр предлагаемых услуг – тем лучше школа. Второй признак качественной школы английского языка – отзывы реальных бизнесменов и менеджеров, прошедших в ней обучение. Потому что мерилом качества, в конечном итоге, служит только практика.
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[13 Jun 2008|02:53am]


Hello, I'm Katie and I have a community called mariamontessori. It is a place for people to share their thoughts on Maria Montessori's ideas. Feel free to join and voice your opinion on what you think about Montessori education.
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A lighter look at our teaching system [10 Jun 2008|02:33pm]

If you're a teacher, you should see the film Chalk. If you're a student, you should DEFINITELY see the film Chalk. Presented by Morgan Spurlock (the guy who did Super Size Me), this film is like The Office, but in a school setting. I know a couple teachers and while I have no idea what teaching is like, a friend of mine who teaches science told me it's not far from the truth. Which is scary, because this is a mockumentary.

Anyway, I thought y'all might like it. Enjoy!


X-posted... everywhere? :)
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New community - X-posted [11 May 2008|03:15pm]

Hello! I just created a new community as part of a grad school project, books_not_gangs.

The goal of this community is to find out how schools are using literacy to fight gangs and youth violence and to come up with new ideas of how to do so.

Please join! Thanks!
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Creating a Better Today for Urban Youth [08 Jan 2008|10:22am]

Black Education TodayI wanted to share my book, 'A Better Today Brings a Brighter Tomorrow', it is a resource guide for Black Parents and Minority Students highlighting the various free and affordable programs available to urban students from pre-college programs to internships, and mentoring organizations. My original reason for writing this book was to help single black mothers, like my mother, who were in search of programs to put their child in, or free resources like college application fee waivers, after school activities, etc. I hope to help parents and educators provide more African American Children with realistic forums in which to develop their academic and personal talents. [] This text is also listed on - LaShanda Henry
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Washington DC School System - a portrait* [12 Nov 2007|02:27pm]

I "intensely skimmed"* this article and thought it was relevant to what I am trying to do with Quartet Aria.

For Jonathan Lewis, It's Fourth and Goal

It sounds like they have some arts in their high school, but they probably need much more. The arts broadens horizons and helps with the big picture. Arts education should start from the beginning, and follow through with them as students get older. The Arts is a core subject, even though it is not always treated as such.

It's not enough to have art class and choir as "fun" classes to fill up time when students are younger. Sadly, even though this article is about a public school system in Washington DC, the need for creativity and connection is apparent in various types of school settings - public and private.

snippets from the article:

  • They move to the center of the cafeteria, where Tiffany Cruz-Gonzalez, who teaches History of African American Music, beckons them to sit.
  • Maybe if more teachers had been like Ms. Cruz-Gonzalez, things could have been different, he ventures. "She takes time to, like, help you understand. Like if she went over something, she'd go over it again till you get it." Not like some teachers, he says, who just pass out work sheets. "You ask a question, they, like, brush you off. They just catch attitudes, like you wasn't paying attention or something." It makes you say, "Forget it. I don't even want to know." "It makes you "feel like nothing."

    *addendum:  my husband read this post and asked me if i should really post an article that i have just skimmed.  why should you read it if i haven't taken the time to read it thoroughly? valid viewpoint.  

    my viewpoint:  well, for starters, it is a very long article and i am pretty busy today.  i can tell, though, from "intense skimming" that it is worth sharing.  so here you go. i'd rather be honest about my critique rather than claim to be an expert.

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Latest on what Texas is doing to keep good teachers [18 Sep 2007|12:43pm]

Texas School Systems Try New Ways to Keep Good Teachers
from Roy's Blog on Schools

I talked about the impact a good teacher can have on students. That begs the question: How do we get more effective teachers in America’s schools?

We are seeing more and more evidence that school districts all over the country are trying new and different approaches, a lot of them based on performance pay.

In Houston, the school board unanimously voted to continue rewarding schools and teachers who raise student test scores. Education Week reports that this year the Houston ASPIRE (Accelerating Student Progress Increasing Results & Expectations) Award program will include "value-added" educational measurements that use multiple years of data from both state and national tests to track student progress.
(Read More)
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Anyone watch the Democrat Candidates talk Education on the Yahoo Debate? [14 Sep 2007|11:51am]

Wednesday was the first Yahoo Debate.
Each Candidate was asked about Education, Iraq and Healthcare

If you missed it you can watch the debate here.

Former Gov Roy Romer (and most recently Superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District) did a great write up on the Yahoo Debate which you can read HERE

Sign The Petition for Better Education
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Cool kids [09 Aug 2007|11:38am]

Thought i'd share this story on a group of Illinois kids working for education equity in their state - they even confronted the Governor.

My commentary at this_is_praxis.
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Education in 2008 [08 Aug 2007|10:46am]

Just wanted to send an invite to those that believe in education reform to join the EDin08 Campaign which is a non profit Education Campaign by Strong American Schools.

Here is some information on the Campaign
About Strong American Schools is a nonpartisan public awareness and action campaign offering a voice to every American who supports "ED in 08." Our goal is to ensure that the nation engages in a rigorous debate and to make education a top priority in the 2008 presidential election. We hope that candidates will offer genuine leadership rather than empty rhetoric and tell voters how they intend to strengthen America's schools so all students receive the education they deserve.

Our Goal/ We want a serious nationwide debate on education reform where every presidential candidate addresses three priorities that hold great promise for improving education:

* Agreeing on American education standards
* Providing effective teachers in every classroom
* Giving students more time and support for learning.

The campaign will not support or oppose any particular candidate for public office or any political party. Nor does it take positions on legislation.
Some links worth checking out

Any help getting the word out about the campaign would be greatly appreciated
You can grab a Badge to place on your website to show your support for education HERE
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All is quiet on New Year's Day [02 Jan 2007|12:00am]

[ mood | okay ]

It's so weird to walk around on a nice day and everything is closed! It's weird enough to see the empty parking lots in the 'burbs. In the city though, everything has gates locked down. Normal to see in the middle of the night, but rarely in day light, block after block after block.

Something happened today that got me thinking once again about math problems. I guess I've had all these thoughts before, but once in awhile, something happens and it occupies my brain again for awhile.
We were playing a board game this afternoon and I was scoring points during my turn. I had two separate bonuses and I counted them "plus one, plus two." Joaq said something because he thought I was giving myself 3 bonus points. I answered back and I think he thought I snapped at him, but I wasn't angry, I just wanted to him to understand that I was just thinking about the same thing with different language.
On my way home, I started thinking about how my frustration was similar to how kids feel when they don't follow the teacher in math class. It's not that the student can't think about the same idea, maybe it's that the language we use to think about it isn't the same somehow. Or way of thinking about it, I guess.
I wish it was OK for people to think about math the way they do and not have to conform to the way we're supposed to in school. Everyone whose natural habits don't happen to gel with The Way seem to get left behind. You can't change the way your mind thinks about math. Why do we have to make everyone think the same way about math. It's so incredibly frustrating.

Crossposted at educationreform and soopahgrover

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Free book about the school system [07 Sep 2006|05:40pm]

I recently wrote a book about the school system. It is available for FREE. It is part an expose of the particular school I used to work at and it is also a general argument against public schools. I did much evil (since the school system is evil) working there and I hope to make up for it. If you are interested in receiving a free copy of this book, just send your email address to [email protected].
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Hey California teachers! [25 Jun 2006|04:47pm]

It's summertime--let's try this again!

Last fall, I wanted to get a blog for CA teachers up and running, but ran out of time and energy. Now that it's summertime, I have a bit more of both, so I wanted to try this again.

My plan is to have a blog discussing all aspects of teaching in California. I'd like topics to cover everything from:
- the joy and pain of textbook adoption
- excellent and clueless administrators
- strange things students leave in your classroom
- national, state, and local educational policy
- anything else that strikes your fancy, both positive and negative (and I'd like to try to keep them balanced!)

My plan is to have this blog be relatively anonymous--I'm not planning to get any more specific about where I teach than "rural central CA" and you don't have to either, if you don't want to.

I have a blog already set up on Blogger, but I'm still figuring out how to use it.

If you are K-14 CA teacher and are interested in being an occasional or regular contributer, please email me at [email protected]. :-)

(Crossposted to several places)
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Are you an elementary teacher (public or private)? Take my survey! (Please?) [03 Apr 2006|11:44am]

[ mood | excited ]

(x-posted anywhere I think teachers lurk on LJ)

In order to complete the final requirements for M.Ed.coursework at St. Michael's College, I am conducting research to gain insight into arts integration in elementary school classrooms. I am surveying elementary school classroom teachers from both public andprivate schools It will take approximately eight minutes to complete the questionnaire.

If you are currently teaching elementary school aged children in either a public or private school your input will be very helpful and appreciated.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential.

Click Here to take the survey

Thank you very much for your time and support.
Mary Ellen Wessels
mew AT mewsic DOT com

If you would prefer a paper copy of the survey contact me and I can mail you one.

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Science Education [15 Feb 2006|10:32am]

Hi there. I am in my second semester in the Science Education MA program at the University of Michigan. For a class this semester, I decided I want to explore different formats for teaching the sciences at the high school level. Specifically, I want to see if there is any data on the typical Earth Science-Biology-Chemistry-Physics curriculum, but assembled in such a way that the easy portions of each are introduced in the first year, and by senior year, every student would have the equivalent of a year of each. The difference being that students who are not inclined to take the full range of science courses would still have some basic knowledge of all of them, rather than just stopping after Earth Science or Bio.

My question is this: Does this idea have a name? I have googled around a bit and am about to peruse ERIC and Education Abstracts, but I'm not even sure what to call it. Does anybody have an idea (or even some references I could check out)?

Thanks much, Elisa
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Social studies teachers, lend me your ears: [29 Oct 2005|08:50pm]

A community for social studies teachers and appreciators.Collapse )

x-posted everywhere
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[29 Oct 2005|03:22pm]

Oh my god, I feel like I have been looking for this community my entire life.

My name is Melissa...I am a college sophomore majoring in psychology and concentrating in history and sociology on a smaller scale. I intend to become a social studies teacher first, then a high school counselor, and finally gain my Ed.D or Ph.D in education and become involved in policy on a higher level. I'd like to be on my state's board of education (GA -- the state that consistently ranks 50 in standardized test scores) and quite possibly run for Secretary of State (inspired by Kathy Cox, our current secretary, a woman, and a former teacher).

I'm especially interested in lowering the amount of standardized testing in public schools (seems like these poor kids get tested at every turn) and increasing the amount of lifeskills education, including sex education, offered in schools, as well as getting recess back into the schools and making physical education more rigorous. I also want to do a lot of work to attract better teachers by making the benefits packages more appealing to young professionals.
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Help Wanted: Teacher Poll [15 Sep 2005|08:28pm]

I'm a writer and high school teacher, and I've just recently joined many of the teacher's groups here in LJ under the name redkudu. I'm doing a bit of personal research for a growing idea, though I have no specifics on the project itself just yet – I'm going to conduct my research based on a wide variety of topics (mostly within the realm of teacher's publications) then decide which direction I'd like to go with it.

My point: I'm creating a poll in my blog which will be a loose beginning for my research process. Access the poll here.

My intent here is to simply get some feedback on a wide variety of questions. This is where I need your help. It would be very beneficial to me to have you participate in my poll. I need as many people as possible, so if you have teacher friends in your lj circle mentioning it to them would gain you my gratitude. Any comments you leave would be helpful as well. I'm posting this to several communities, so I apologize for the cross-over. Thank you very, very much!
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An Online Bookstore Works to Rebuild Hurricane-Ravaged Schools [08 Sep 2005|11:41am]

An Online Bookstore Works to Rebuild Hurricane-Ravaged Schools
September 08, 2005
By Anna Weinberg

A week-and-a-half after Hurricane Katrina decimated much of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast, Booksxyz, a Louisiana-based Internet bookstore, which donates proceeds from its sales to public education in the U.S., is hard at work collecting money for the public schools affected by the catastrophe.

Lafayette, where the organization is based, was hit by little more than light rain when Katrina pounded regions to the east. But the city, pop. 130,000, and its surrounding areas, were soon overwhelmed by residents of New Orleans seeking refuge from their waterlogged city. “We’ve got so many evacuees here,” says Dr. Joseph Abraham, the founder of Booksxyz, who estimates that his city’s population may have tripled in the past week. “You can hardly drive in town right now,” he says. “And everybody’s scrambling around trying to help. We’re filling up churches, we filled up the Acadia Center, shelters. There are a lot of stories of heroism and kindness. We’re high and dry here, but we’ve just got to help people over there.” Story continues below ↓

Booksxyz’s site, which is accepting donations by credit card and check, has pledged to direct 100% of the funds it collects to helping to “rebuild school districts in the ravaged areas, and to assist school districts absorbing refugee students.”

“You know, we didn’t want to jump on education too soon, because we need to look after water and food and shelter first,” Abraham says. “But at the same time, we have the world’s attention right now. This disaster is a multi-year problem, and while we do have to keep the victims of the storm alive, we also have to make sure they can rebuild their lives. And education is going to be absolutely essential.”

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please post in your journals,websites and forward to appropriate press [02 Sep 2005|01:53pm]

Press Release

For Immediate Release


Jacob Rakovan


/[email protected]/

APSE accepting donations to aid school systems decimated by Hurricane Katrina

Lafayette LA

“We urge you to make most of your donations for basic needs to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, but we also ask you to remember that other, essential needs will continue for months and even years to come” said Dr Joseph Abraham, president of the Louisiana-based American Public Schools Endowments (APSE) Friday, Sept 1

APSE has utilized its existing resources to aid schools hit hardest by Hurricane Katrina, and to help offset costs of schools absorbing refugees.Donations for schools affected by the hurricane are accepted at APSE and its affiliate and founding entity, the Acadiana Educational Endowment are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. The AEE was founded in 1989 and has distributed over $200,000 to public education in Louisiana
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