Papers by Pauline Roberts
The reality is that online learning can be a daunting and lonely experience. This is why icebreak... more The reality is that online learning can be a daunting and lonely experience. This is why icebreakers can be a rewarding practice for both students and educators. The use of icebreakers allows students studying online to introduce themselves and become familiar with other members of the group and/or community. Not only are these icebreakers used as a starter within the first weeks of study, but they are also used to help motivate students throughout the course. Highlighted in this paper are particular online (virtual) tools that can be used as icebreakers within an online learning environment and help shift the view of isolation associated with learning online and create a more engaged community of practice with effective learning
Through business model theoretical lenses, we explore the impact of deinternationalization on fir... more Through business model theoretical lenses, we explore the impact of deinternationalization on firms and their industries and challenges in re-configuring their business models and rethinking their value propositions in response to de-internationalization. This is a conceptual paper. We put forward a multilevel framework to advance our understanding of this intersection.

There is increased use of e-learning platforms in tertiary education. The challenge is to ensure ... more There is increased use of e-learning platforms in tertiary education. The challenge is to ensure that units are not simply transferred to an electronic format but that the new design meets the needs of the changing student population. The e-learning life cycle model (Phillips, Kennedy & McNaught, 2011) may provide a framework for the development and evaluation of these environments. This research used a modified implementation of this model within an e-portfolio platform aimed at the development of reflection in pre-service teachers. Through the process of planning and implementing the environment with two cohorts of students, a number of key considerations were identified. The first implementation highlighted the need for a strong theoretical framework as the basis for the planned environment. The second implementation identified the need for specific strategies to encourage interaction amongst the students to promote reflective discussions and to collect data to determine the valu...

Roberts Pauline Investigating an Eportfolio Based Learning Environment For Developing Reflection With Pre Service Teachers Professional Doctorate Thesis Murdoch University, 2014
The term reflection has been part of the vocabulary of pre-service teacher education for many dec... more The term reflection has been part of the vocabulary of pre-service teacher education for many decades. During this time, many strategies have been created and implemented to encourage the development of reflective abilities in future teachers. Recent literature has highlighted that many of these approaches are largely unsuccessful in developing reflection, or that reflection in such contexts is superficial. Concurrent with recent developments in methods to encourage and support reflection has been the improved affordances of technology and its increased use in higher education. These developments include both the range of platforms available and the opportunities for these platforms to be used as learning environments. Within electronic platforms, students can access resources and learning tasks in a range of modes that they complete to demonstrate their understanding. This doctoral thesis explored the two areas of reflection and electronic learning environments to inform the development of an ePortfolio-based learning environment designed to scaffold the reflective abilities of preservice teachers. The purpose of the research study was to examine: In what ways can an ePortfolio platform provide an environment for scaffolding reflection in pre-service teachers in a university environment? Through cycles of implementation and review specifically designed for electronic learning platforms, the study developed an environment to scaffold and promote reflection. The implementation was based on a model of teaching that comprised: examples of good practice; the provision of an area within which students could interact with one another; and specific activities developed from literature to target the enhancement of reflection. These activities were selected and developed based on research into reflection and how best to support the development of reflective practitioners. The learning environment was developed within the PebblePad ePortfolio system. A mutliple methods approach was undertaken with Bachelor of Education students completing action research projects. Data collected in the study included an online survey, the examination of usage statistics, focus group and individual interviews, and document analysis to answer the research questions. The majority of the data were analysed using a constant comparative approach, however, work samples were examined against a hierarchical model of reflection to identify if there was evidence of a range of levels of reflective writing. The research found that the ePortfolio-based learning environment was an effective platform for the scaffolding of reflection to a limited degree. In terms of the research sub-questions, the students were able to access the prompts within the ePortfolio-based learning environment and utilise them in completing assessment tasks for their action research projects (Research Question 1). The students also highlighted reflective discussions as being valuable in the development of reflection, although these interactions were generally occurring outside the ePortfolio environment (Research Question 2). Students also reported that the provision of a strong model of reflective writing was extremely useful, and the prompts that were provided helped them to learn some of the skills of reflection (Research Question 3). There were, however, limitations to the research that impacted on the level of effectiveness of the environment. These were identified as: the timing of the research implementation; the lack of contextualized scaffolding from the tutors within the action research project; and the reduced sample size of participants. A number of design principles were identified from the research for future iterations of ePortfolio-based learning environments. These were identified in the areas of the embedding of electronic learning environments in an integrated manner through higher education courses; changes to the way the interaction was facilitated within the environment; and the utilisation of strong models of reflective writing to scaffold pre-service teachers’ reflective development. The model trialed and reviewed in this research study shows promise as a systematic framework for the development of programs for broader implementation within teacher education courses with ePortfolios and other electronic platforms. These principles could be applied to develop not only reflection, but other equivalent processes in a range of discipline areas in higher education.
In a doctoral study that focused on the enhancement of reflection through an ePortfolio-based lea... more In a doctoral study that focused on the enhancement of reflection through an ePortfolio-based learning environment, students' indicated that they felt reflection was not real when it was used for assessment. This led to an examination of assessment practices linked to reflection and ways to make it authentic. The literature revealed that reflection is often a component of authentic assessment rather than being a focus of it. The practices associated with the assessment of reflection are examined in order to formulate 4 guiding principles. These principles aim to make the process of reflection more 'real' to students in higher education settings, particularly when using an ePortfolio platform.

e-Portfolios have the potential not only to act as repositories for student artefacts, but to pro... more e-Portfolios have the potential not only to act as repositories for student artefacts, but to provide a powerful tool for reflection in learning. This paper details a study within a doctoral project that investigated the use of an ePortfolio to increase engagement of pre-service teachers in the process of reflection. The learning environment utilized the PebblePad ePortfolio platform to facilitate the Enculturation Teaching Model specifically by providing exemplars of good practice, opportunities to interact with other students, and activities designed to improve reflective skills. This paper examines the reported engagement of the students with the exemplar and activity prompts used within the ePortfolio platform to facilitate reflection, and how students engaged with the ePortfolio as technology. Issues that arose throughout the implementation are also discussed. The paper concludes with recommended revisions and refinements for future iterations of similar learning environments.
Proceedings of World Conference on Educational …, 2011
This paper describes an attempt to design an e-learning course within a framework that combines t... more This paper describes an attempt to design an e-learning course within a framework that combines theoretical underpinnings with pedagogy and content knowledge. It focuses on how a university lecturer can facilitate learning that integrates pedagogical and ...
The analysis of student access to learning management systems and web-based lecture capture syste... more The analysis of student access to learning management systems and web-based lecture capture systems is a growing area of interest for teachers in higher education wishing to improve the student learning experience. The data trails left by students as they engage in these environments can be accessed and analysed for meaning. This paper describes a study conducted as part of a wider multi-university study into student study behaviour. It offers a detailed snapshot of four students whose access to Lectopia recordings were ...
CH Steel, MJ Dr John …, 2010
Increasing flexibility in higher education is being provided to meet the needs of a diverse stude... more Increasing flexibility in higher education is being provided to meet the needs of a diverse student body. Technologies such as lecture-capture systems have been employed by many universities to provide on-demand access to recorded lectures. This paper describes research into how students engage with lecture-capture technologies such as Lectopia as they study in blended learning environments. It reports on the development of an academic analytic tool to examine Lectopia usage logs to identify usage patterns among students in ...
ePortfolios are increasingly used throughout all levels of education around the world. To date, t... more ePortfolios are increasingly used throughout all levels of education around the world. To date, this is primarily as an assessment tool. Many of the open source and commercially available platforms, provide the opportunity for educators within these settings to scaffold learning of students. This paper outlines an initial implementation of a teaching environment within the PebblePAD platform with 4 th Year Bachelor of Education students. The aim of the implementation was to develop a system of scaffolded teaching to assist students to complete an action-learning project and develop abilities to reflect more deeply.

Journal of Childhood, Education & Society
Science education in the early years has been found to be lacking when compared to other content ... more Science education in the early years has been found to be lacking when compared to other content areas, specifically numeracy and literacy. It has been suggested that this lack of opportunity for young children to learn science is due to educator’s lack of confidence to teach science, fuelled by concerns regarding a reduced understanding of science concepts. For young children, however, science is everywhere and is embedded in all aspects of their lives as they explore and interact to make sense of the world around them. Given this natural connection to science, it is important for educators to notice and respond to children’s interest to encourage science learning to occur. This paper reports on an exploratory research study in which children took the leading role in inquiry-based interactions during off-site school days that took place within a metropolitan city zoo. Through the collection of observations and interactions with the research, several inquiries were documented. The ...
Global Learn, 2012
This paper outlines the implementation and review of an eLearning environment within the PebblePa... more This paper outlines the implementation and review of an eLearning environment within the PebblePad ePortfolio platform aimed at the development of reflective abilities of pre-service teachers. This review is of Cycle 4 of a larger research project that utilizes the eLearning Lifecycle (Phillips, McNaught & Kennedy, 2011). This stage involved the trial and review of prompts within the platform aimed at developing an enculturation teaching environment (Tishman, Jay, & Perkins, 1993). At this stage of the implementation, the students appear to engage with prompts; particularly those that they see have a direct link with assessable pieces of work although the interaction hoped for in the environment is not occurring. The planned changes to the environment for Cycle 5 are also introduced here.
The reality is that online learning can be a daunting and lonely experience. This is why icebreak... more The reality is that online learning can be a daunting and lonely experience. This is why icebreakers can be a rewarding practice for both students and educators. The use of icebreakers allows students studying online to introduce themselves and become familiar with other members of the group and/or community. Not only are these icebreakers used as a starter within the first weeks of study, but they are also used to help motivate students throughout the course. Highlighted in this paper are particular online (virtual) tools that can be used as icebreakers within an online learning environment and help shift the view of isolation associated with learning online and create a more engaged community of practice with effective learning.

J. Educ. Technol. Soc., 2016
In addition to providing a useful repository for learning products, ePortfolios provide enhanced ... more In addition to providing a useful repository for learning products, ePortfolios provide enhanced opportunities for the development of advanced learning skills. It can be argued, however, that ePortfolios are not being implemented effectively towards fulfilling this important function. This paper presents an investigation of an ePortfolio environment that scaffolded the learning of pre - service teachers. The environment was embedded within the PebblePad platform and utilised the Blog function to provide students with activities that were designed to enhance and support the skills and dispositions required to undertake action research. Prompts were provided to students to scaffold the completion of an action research project and provide additional activities that supported the enhancement of reflective thinking. The research study utilised an eLearning Lifecycle that provided a cyclic framework of review and implementation. The purpose of this model was to identify design principles ...

This chapter narrows the focus of inclusive practices and principles in literacy education to fin... more This chapter narrows the focus of inclusive practices and principles in literacy education to find the role that science, combined with literature can play in helping children of all abilities. Through the use of implicit and explicit language with active, social, hands-on inquiry related to science concepts and procedures children can construct new knowledge that leads to a firmer understanding of the world in which they live. The chapter demonstrates how children of all backgrounds and needs can work with others through their own investigations, and the guidance of an educator to develop, implement and present findings of scientific investigations that also develop literacy skills. The chapter also addresses the professional responsibility of educators to acknowledge and respect individual curiosity, growth, culture and diversity to plan thoughtfully, to use science language that is acceptable and understandable for children of different abilities and enhance scientific knowledge ...

Reflective practice plays a significant role in effective teaching. However, for pre-service teac... more Reflective practice plays a significant role in effective teaching. However, for pre-service teachers (PSTs), it can be a difficult process to not only think reflectively but to understand its importance in their teaching practice. This research focused on the development of a framework for written reflective practice embedded within professional experience (PEx) units. In tutorials, PSTs were provided with video technology to film themselves performing teaching tasks. A reflective framework provided a structure to assist in reflecting on the teaching task. Dialogical teaching and coaching by tutors as well as peer discussion scaffolded the reflective process. At the end of the semester, PSTs and tutors were invited to complete a survey on the reflective processes they had used. This paper focuses on the development of the reflective framework and the feedback received on the use of the framework as a reflective tool. The findings reveal that the PSTs and most tutors found the forma...

STEM education is gaining worldwide attention due to its perceived links with economic growth and... more STEM education is gaining worldwide attention due to its perceived links with economic growth and prosperity of developed countries. Research also indicates the significance of integrating the four disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics as beneficial in enhancing children's knowledge, skills and dispositions. Although the focus on these areas is usually targeted at the primary and high school years, this commentary paper argues that not only is it important to start STEM education in early childhood settings but that it is a natural connection. STEM aligns closely with early childhood pedagogy of hands-on exploration and the integration of learning across areas using an inquiry approach. Outlined in this paper are ways that STEM and the inquiry-based process can be successfully implemented into early childhood settings. It also identifies how early childhood educators can perhaps position themselves in the current debate.
Papers by Pauline Roberts