Artigos sobre Feminismo Negro by Katucha Bento
Edinburgh Gifford Lectures Blog, 2021
Coloniality deserves special attention to contextualise Professor Hempton’s lecture on “Women’s N... more Coloniality deserves special attention to contextualise Professor Hempton’s lecture on “Women’s Networks: Opportunities and Limitations”. First, the context that overlaps historical and political elements: the year 1888. The poster at the back of Professor Hempton as he delivered the talk informed that the Gifford Lecture series dates from 1888. In the same year, Brazil declared the Abolition of Slavery – the last country in the Americas to officialise such law that is not fully put into practice as many cases of forced labour and slavery remain current.
9 Anos Registrando Mulheres Negras, 2022

Resumo: A análise de conversa inspirada em Bakhtin permite explorar as formas em que o discurso h... more Resumo: A análise de conversa inspirada em Bakhtin permite explorar as formas em que o discurso hegemônico colonial afeta as experiências de imigração expressadas através da narrativa. O artigo se debruçará em uma conversa sobre a experiência de imigração no Reino Unido, centralizando a voz da mulher negra brasileira imigrante para explorar as múltiplas vozes (heteroglossia) presentes em sua narrativa. O foco é questionar a noção de " invasora " remetida à condição de imigrante no Reino Unido através da dinâmica relação com outras dimensões de vozes narrando colonialidade, agência e resistência. A presente análise se inspira no pensamento decolonial e feminista negro para entender opressões, hegemonia e negociação de poder nas interações sociais enfrentadas por imigrantes. O artigo finalmente aponta para a necessidade de considerar novos paradigmas para conceber estudos de imigração a partir de um prisma interseccional em que a diversidade étnica e racial estejam relacionadas às questões de gênero, classe e religião, ampliando esse matrix de acordo com os contextos e saberes locais.

This paper aims to discuss the notion of Blackness by using the inter-sectionality of gender, rac... more This paper aims to discuss the notion of Blackness by using the inter-sectionality of gender, race, nationality and migration as the key aspects of lived experiences of how Blackness is negotiated. I will present how the notion of racial democracy in Brazil is present in the racialisation process and construction of self-identification. Based on the conversations during my doctoral research, I will problematise the racialised identity of Diaspora in the United Kingdom in order to understand how Blackness can be negotiated and acquires particular meanings according to situated experiences. Weaving Blackness is a metaphor to understand discourses present in the building up of self-descriptions of racialised identities entangled with coloniality of power, resistance, and perceptions of the self in the practices/performances of the everyday. Vectors such as on indigeneity, national identity and migration form intersectionalities that are explored though epistemological lenses of Black Feminism and Decolonial Thought. My PhD research entitled " Shackles of Colonialism: Lived Emotions of Black Brazilian Women in the United Kingdom " is dedicated to examining how Black Brazilian Women emotionally negotiate politics of " Othering " in the UK and how this negotiation is interlocked within an affect economy of coloniality and agency in the everyday lives of these women in the diaspora. I focus on Black Brazilian women as agents of historical processes (Collins, 1991) that produce identities, ideas of nation, knowledge values and sociabilities. To organise my fieldwork in order to map possible participants, I looked for Brazilian women who self-declared as

O feminismo negro tem suas raízes no rompimento do silêncio das mulheres negras frente às violênc... more O feminismo negro tem suas raízes no rompimento do silêncio das mulheres negras frente às violências do dia a dia de uma sociedade racista, misógina, sexista, homofóbica, intolerante religiosa, que se traduz nos privilégios da branquidade em formar hierarquias. Ou seja, feminismo negro vem de mãos dadas com o processo de escravização do povo sequestrado no continente africano. O que se chama de primeira, segunda e terceira onda do feminismo tem a ver com os momentos em que esse pensamento se remodela em relação ao posicionamento da mulher negra em relação ao mundo, e, sobretudo em relação a si própria. É o que se chama de processo ontológico na formação do pensamento feminista negro.
A terceira onda do feminismo fala sobre o “empoderamento” do corpo da mulher negra. Gostem ou não do termo, a verdade é que “empoderar” o corpo feminino negro é investir em dois argumentos centrais: o amor e a agência.
No dia 20 de setembro de 2015, na 67ª edição do Emmy Primetime Awards, Viola Davis entra na histó... more No dia 20 de setembro de 2015, na 67ª edição do Emmy Primetime Awards, Viola Davis entra na história como a primeira mulher racializada como negra a ser premiada com a estatueta na categoria dramática pela sua atuação na série “How to Get Away With Murder” (Como se safar de um assassinato). Uma série que caiu nas graças do público porque trata de assuntos diversos que vão de sexualidade, agência feminina e racismo em paralelo à trama sobre um assassinato de uma jovem estudante universitária dentro campus.
Congressos by Katucha Bento
Revue Passages de Paris by Katucha Bento

by Leonardo Luigi Perotto, Victoria Dantas, Dagoberto Arena, Letícia Sakai, Adriana Pastorello Buim Arena, Cristiano Brasil, Apeb Fr, Pedro Perez Rothstein, Katucha Bento, Fabio Querido, Sonia Alberti, Elka Lima Hostensky, Uendel De Oliveira Silva, Juliana Coelho, and PISSOLATTI, Lúcia M. L'Association des Chercheurs et Étudiants Brésiliens en France a organisé le 2 mai 2014, à la Mai... more L'Association des Chercheurs et Étudiants Brésiliens en France a organisé le 2 mai 2014, à la Maison du Brésil, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, un colloque en commémoration de ses 30 ans ainsi que le 3ème Congrès Européen des Chercheurs Brésiliens.
Nous avons été ravis de constater le franc succès de l'événement par la présence de quelque 80 participants, brésiliens et étrangers, vivant en France, en Espagne, aux Pays-
Bas et au Royaume-Uni. Outre les tables rondes, nous avons reçu 42 communications. Après évaluation du comité scientifique et relecture de notre comité spécial de
rédaction, nous avons composé ce dossier à partir d’une sélection de 20 articles.
À la manière d’un fil rouge et pour reconstituer la trajectoire de l’APEB-Fr depuis ses débuts, nous avons cherché à recueillir les témoignages de celles et ceux qui ont assisté et participé aux premières activités de l’association. Ainsi, nous avons préparé une interview avec la professeure et psychanalyste Sonia Alberti, qui nous a dévoilé non seulement des renseignements sur le premier groupe d’études accueilli par l’APEB-Fr, mais aussi sur quelques années de l’histoire de la psychanalyse au Brésil et en France.
Laissons place aux témoignages avec le premier article relatant les expériences personnelles de chercheurs brésiliens en Espagne. Ce texte a vocation à éveiller l’intérêt du Brésilien souhaitant s’expatrier (pour étudier ou travailler) et des personnes désireuses d’intégrer un service bénévole (quelle que soit leur nationalité).
Ce dossier n’a nullement la prétention de dresser le profil du chercheur brésilien qui séjourne en France. En fin de compte, c’est cependant une esquisse des recherches menées dans ce pays. Au fil des pages, le lecteur pourra constater la prépondérance des domaines des sciences humaines et sociales, des arts, de la littérature.
Papers by Katucha Bento

Higher Education
This essay will look at the key challenges public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) faced in B... more This essay will look at the key challenges public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) faced in Brazil during the COVID-19 lockdown. The pandemic led universities to close their campuses and adopt an online interface for academic activities. However, many of these institutions do not have the technological infrastructure for such, nor did the staff and students who suffered further social exclusions. The president of Brazil referred to the pandemic as a “little flu” and later on responded to measures adopting the lockdown as a “hysteric” act that “will lead to an economic crash”. Considering the lack of support from the government and the process of dismantling resources for public HE since the beginning of the new presidency elected in 2018, the COVID-19 lockdown quickly revealed the institutional racism, elitism and ableism evident in this administration’s agenda. The consequence of the agenda is the cuts on research funds and lack of infrastructure to provide online classes, as e...

Alternautas, 2022
Este artículo es el resultado del diálogo generado en el simposio “Descolonizando el Norte Global... more Este artículo es el resultado del diálogo generado en el simposio “Descolonizando el Norte Global: Afro-Latinoamérica, el Caribe y Abya Yala en diáspora” durante el Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (56º ICA 2018). Escrito en el formato de una conversación hecha a ocho manos, este texto tiene como objetivo exponer las condiciones de opresión vivenciadas por pueblos indígenas y afro-latinos desde dos posicionalidades: La primera de ellas es la voz de lxs investigadorxs inmersxs en las realidades contextuales dadas, seguidas por los comentarios de lxs investigadorxs abordando temas relacionados al racismo institucional, a la explotación y uso de la tierra y a la construcción de identidades y espacios queer desde una perspectiva descolonial. El esfuerzo de este diálogo es apuntar hacia horizontes posibles de liberación a partir de intercambios que puedan construir redes de solidaridad.

University of Leeds, 2019
This research discusses the affective economy in the lives of Black Brazilian women who live in t... more This research discusses the affective economy in the lives of Black Brazilian women who live in the United Kingdom. I use ‘affect’ as part of what circulates in the ways identifications and social encounters happen situated in particular standpoints (lugar de fala). To understand the weaving process of expressing and identifying Blackness and being Black, I centred the voices of Black Brazilian women as participants in conversations during the fieldwork. Along with their voices at the centre, Black feminist and decolonial literature established the epistemological framework for the ‘ethnographicness’, ethics of caring and discourse analysis deployed in this research. The concept of coloniality of power has a relevant connotation in the ways that oppressions have been naturalised and legitimised at the institutional level. The British Racial Contract has a particular affective economy in such coloniality of power when Black Brazilian women make use of institutional services or in their daily process of making home. Herstories reveal that oppressions, agency and liberation are lived individually and also shared by the commonalities that resistance and coloniality of power enact. This shows that the affective economy disrupts binary understandings of how Blackness and being Black means. Instead, it complicates the narratives and the analysis of multiple possibilities of performing Black and Blackness, using dis-identifications processes (being Amefricaladina) as a systemic denial of the place that coloniality allocated to Black women

Higher Education, 2022
This essay will look at the key challenges public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) faced in B... more This essay will look at the key challenges public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) faced in Brazil during the COVID-19 lockdown. The pandemic led universities to close their campuses and adopt an online interface for academic activities. However, many of these institutions do not have the technological infrastructure for such, nor did the staff and students who suffered further social exclusions. The president of Brazil referred to the pandemic as a "little flue" and later on responded to measures adopting the lockdown as a "hysteric" act that "will lead to an economic crash". Considering the lack of support from the government and the process of dismantling resources for public HE since the beginning of the new presidency elected in 2018, the COVID-19 lockdown quickly revealed the institutional racism, elitism and ableism evident in this administration's agenda. The consequence of the agenda is the cuts on research funds and lack of infrastructure to provide online classes, as examples of the severe policies that promote the erasure of marginalised groups. Such policies follow Sylvia Wynter's "Argument", revealing a code of symbolic life and death of how human order organises itself through the coloniality of power/being. In order to show how such symbolic code is engraved in the Brazilian educational system, this study explores narratives of staff and students from three universities per region of Brazil to identify how the colonial legacies are correlated with postulates of power in the Brazilian HEIs setting during the pandemic. The paper discusses the challenges experienced while keeping the HE sector active during a pandemic that the government has belittled. The conclusions advocate for organised strategies at the union and social movements level to dismantle the colonial occupation put in place in the foundation of the HEIs and reinforced by the current necropolitical administration.
Contributors Gabriela Loureiro is a journalist from Brazil who will start a Ph.D. in Gender and t... more Contributors Gabriela Loureiro is a journalist from Brazil who will start a Ph.D. in Gender and the Media at the University of West London in May 2017. She is a Chevening alumna and recently finished her Master's degree in Gender, Sexuality and the Body at the University of Leeds. In her latest research project she studied how young people are creating different meanings for the online nude in Brazil as a cyber-identity project.
Alternautas, 2022
This article is the result of the dialogue started in the symposium "Decolonizing the Global... more This article is the result of the dialogue started in the symposium "Decolonizing the Global North: Afro-Latin America, the Caribbean and Abya Yala in Diaspora" during the International Congress of Americanists (56th ICA 2018). Written by eight hands in the format of a conversation, this text aims to expose the conditions of oppression experienced by indigenous and Afro-Latinx peoples from two positionalities. The first is the voice of researchers immersed in their given settings. This is followed by the comments of peer researchers addressing issues related to institutional racism, the exploitation and use of land, and the construction of identities and queer spaces from a decolonial perspective. This dialogue attempts to point toward possible horizons of liberation from exchanges that can build networks of solidarity.
Alternautas, 2022
This article is the result of the dialogue started in the symposium "Decolonizing the Global... more This article is the result of the dialogue started in the symposium "Decolonizing the Global North: Afro-Latin America, the Caribbean and Abya Yala in Diaspora" during the International Congress of Americanists (56th ICA 2018). Written by eight hands in the format of a conversation, this text aims to expose the conditions of oppression experienced by indigenous and Afro-Latinx peoples from two positionalities. The first is the voice of researchers immersed in their given settings. This is followed by the comments of peer researchers addressing issues related to institutional racism, the exploitation and use of land, and the construction of identities and queer spaces from a decolonial perspective. This dialogue attempts to point toward possible horizons of liberation from exchanges that can build networks of solidarity.

This paper aims to discuss the notion of Blackness by using the intersectionality of gender, race... more This paper aims to discuss the notion of Blackness by using the intersectionality of gender, race, nationality and migration as the key aspects of lived experiences of how Blackness is negotiated. I will present how the notion of racial democracy in Brazil is present in the racialisation process and construction of self-identification. Based on the conversations during my doctoral research, I will problematise the racialised identity of Diaspora in the United Kingdom in order to understand how Blackness can be negotiated and acquires particular meanings according to situated experiences. Weaving Blackness is a metaphor to understand discourses present in the building up of self-descriptions of racialised identities entangled with coloniality of power, resistance, and perceptions of the self in the practices/performances of the everyday. Vectors such as on indigeneity, national identity and migration form intersectionalities that are explored though epistemological lenses of Black Fe...

Resumo: Este artigo é construído e entrecortado por narrativas enviesadas, estabelecendo um discu... more Resumo: Este artigo é construído e entrecortado por narrativas enviesadas, estabelecendo um discurso fragmentado a partir das falas dos membros da APEC-Associação dos Pesquisadores e Estudantes Brasileiros na Catalunha. O objetivo é indagar sobre os atuais desafios dos estudantes e pesquisadores brasileiros na Europa, mais concretamente na região espanhola já citada, repassando brevemente o histórico dos intercâmbios dessa índole no passado e vislumbrando as novas tendências atuais. A partir de nossas falas, nos perguntamos quais são os mecanismos associativos que permitem à comunidade brasileira adaptar-se ao novo entorno, ajudando-se mutuamente a construir uma plataforma cidadã e plural que defenda seus interesses perante as instituições brasileiras, espanholas e catalãs. Em um contexto de crise econômica e de câmbios globais, é importante indagar como o estudante brasileiro observa e participa dessas manifestações, e como ele influencia nas políticas públicas governamentais de in...

A analise de conversa inspirada em Bakhtin permite explorar as formas em que o discurso hegemonic... more A analise de conversa inspirada em Bakhtin permite explorar as formas em que o discurso hegemonico colonial afeta as experiencias de imigracao expressadas atraves da narrativa. O artigo se debrucara em uma conversa sobre a experiencia de imigracao no Reino Unido, centralizando a voz da mulher negra brasileira imigrante para explorar as multiplas vozes (heteroglossia) presentes em sua narrativa. O foco e questionar a nocao de “invasora” remetida a condicao de imigrante no Reino Unido atraves da dinâmica relacao com outras dimensoes de vozes narrando colonialidade, agencia e resistencia. A presente analise se inspira no pensamento decolonial e feminista negro para entender opressoes, hegemonia e negociacao de poder nas interacoes sociais enfrentadas por imigrantes. O artigo finalmente aponta para a necessidade de considerar novos paradigmas para conceber estudos de imigracao a partir de um prisma interseccional em que a diversidade etnica e racial estejam relacionadas as questoes de ...

Alternautas - (Re)Searching Development: The Abya Yala Chapter. (Online Journal) , 2018
Este artículo es el resultado del diálogo generado en el simposio “Descolonizando el Norte Global... more Este artículo es el resultado del diálogo generado en el simposio “Descolonizando el Norte Global: Afro-Latinoamérica, el Caribe y Abya Yala en diáspora” durante el Congreso Internacional de Americanistas (56º ICA 2018). Escrito en el formato de una conversación hecha a ocho manos, este texto tiene como objetivo exponer las condiciones de opresión vivenciadas por pueblos indígenas y afro-latinos desde dos posicionalidades: La primera de ellas es la voz de lxs investigadorxs inmersxs en las realidades contextuales dadas, seguidas por los comentarios de lxs investigadorxs abordando temas relacionados al racismo institucional, a la explotación y uso de la tierra y a la construcción de identidades y espacios queer desde una perspectiva descolonial. El esfuerzo de este diálogo es apuntar hacia horizontes posibles de liberación a partir de intercambios que puedan construir redes de solidaridad.

Alternautas - (Re)Searching Development: The Abya Yala Chapter. (Online Journal), 2018
This article is the result of the dialogue started in the symposium "Decolonizing the Global Nort... more This article is the result of the dialogue started in the symposium "Decolonizing the Global North: Afro-Latin America, the Caribbean and Abya Yala in Diaspora" during the International Congress of Americanists (56th ICA 2018). Written by eight hands in the format of a conversation, this text aims to expose the conditions of oppression experienced by indigenous and Afro-Latinx peoples from two positionalities. The first is the voice of researchers immersed in their given settings. This is followed by the comments of peer researchers addressing issues related to institutional racism, the exploitation and use of land, and the construction of identities and queer spaces from a decolonial perspective. This dialogue attempts to point toward possible horizons of liberation from exchanges that can build networks of solidarity.
Artigos sobre Feminismo Negro by Katucha Bento
A terceira onda do feminismo fala sobre o “empoderamento” do corpo da mulher negra. Gostem ou não do termo, a verdade é que “empoderar” o corpo feminino negro é investir em dois argumentos centrais: o amor e a agência.
Congressos by Katucha Bento
Revue Passages de Paris by Katucha Bento
Nous avons été ravis de constater le franc succès de l'événement par la présence de quelque 80 participants, brésiliens et étrangers, vivant en France, en Espagne, aux Pays-
Bas et au Royaume-Uni. Outre les tables rondes, nous avons reçu 42 communications. Après évaluation du comité scientifique et relecture de notre comité spécial de
rédaction, nous avons composé ce dossier à partir d’une sélection de 20 articles.
À la manière d’un fil rouge et pour reconstituer la trajectoire de l’APEB-Fr depuis ses débuts, nous avons cherché à recueillir les témoignages de celles et ceux qui ont assisté et participé aux premières activités de l’association. Ainsi, nous avons préparé une interview avec la professeure et psychanalyste Sonia Alberti, qui nous a dévoilé non seulement des renseignements sur le premier groupe d’études accueilli par l’APEB-Fr, mais aussi sur quelques années de l’histoire de la psychanalyse au Brésil et en France.
Laissons place aux témoignages avec le premier article relatant les expériences personnelles de chercheurs brésiliens en Espagne. Ce texte a vocation à éveiller l’intérêt du Brésilien souhaitant s’expatrier (pour étudier ou travailler) et des personnes désireuses d’intégrer un service bénévole (quelle que soit leur nationalité).
Ce dossier n’a nullement la prétention de dresser le profil du chercheur brésilien qui séjourne en France. En fin de compte, c’est cependant une esquisse des recherches menées dans ce pays. Au fil des pages, le lecteur pourra constater la prépondérance des domaines des sciences humaines et sociales, des arts, de la littérature.
Papers by Katucha Bento
A terceira onda do feminismo fala sobre o “empoderamento” do corpo da mulher negra. Gostem ou não do termo, a verdade é que “empoderar” o corpo feminino negro é investir em dois argumentos centrais: o amor e a agência.
Nous avons été ravis de constater le franc succès de l'événement par la présence de quelque 80 participants, brésiliens et étrangers, vivant en France, en Espagne, aux Pays-
Bas et au Royaume-Uni. Outre les tables rondes, nous avons reçu 42 communications. Après évaluation du comité scientifique et relecture de notre comité spécial de
rédaction, nous avons composé ce dossier à partir d’une sélection de 20 articles.
À la manière d’un fil rouge et pour reconstituer la trajectoire de l’APEB-Fr depuis ses débuts, nous avons cherché à recueillir les témoignages de celles et ceux qui ont assisté et participé aux premières activités de l’association. Ainsi, nous avons préparé une interview avec la professeure et psychanalyste Sonia Alberti, qui nous a dévoilé non seulement des renseignements sur le premier groupe d’études accueilli par l’APEB-Fr, mais aussi sur quelques années de l’histoire de la psychanalyse au Brésil et en France.
Laissons place aux témoignages avec le premier article relatant les expériences personnelles de chercheurs brésiliens en Espagne. Ce texte a vocation à éveiller l’intérêt du Brésilien souhaitant s’expatrier (pour étudier ou travailler) et des personnes désireuses d’intégrer un service bénévole (quelle que soit leur nationalité).
Ce dossier n’a nullement la prétention de dresser le profil du chercheur brésilien qui séjourne en France. En fin de compte, c’est cependant une esquisse des recherches menées dans ce pays. Au fil des pages, le lecteur pourra constater la prépondérance des domaines des sciences humaines et sociales, des arts, de la littérature.
a 40 km de la ciudad de Altamira, la
central Hidroeléctrica de Belo Monte
es considerada la tercera más grande
del mundo. Tiene previsto iniciar sus
actividades en 2015, con el objetivo
de alcanzar las metas de desarrollo
marcadas por el gobierno brasileño
en función de la demanda de energía
y mejor distribución de las hidroeléctricas
en Brasil. Durante los 40 años
que lleva construyéndose la central,
se han producido todo tipo de controversias
sociales, económicas, políticas
y jurídicas. Algunos derechos han
sido ignorados, como el derecho a la
propiedad, el respeto a los indígenas
y el derecho ambiental.