Jonathan Wyatt
My research examines the entanglement of self and other within and beyond the therapeutic encounter; and it troubles what we mean by ‘self’ and ‘other’. I undertake this research through autoethnography (or, better, 'assemblage/ethnography'), collaborative writing as inquiry and, latterly, through bringing these together with dance/movement, performance and film. My work connects the dots between collaborative inquiry in the context of research and collaborative inquiry in the context of therapy, searching for – and doubting – the transformative resources in each.
I grapple with the ethics of what is mine to tell: how to write stories of the counsellor – and the son, husband, father, brother, friend – ‘becoming’ in and with relationships and spaces. I'm working at an approach to theorizing experiential accounts without depersonalizing them.
My newest research interest concerns the links between counselling, stand-up, and writing. I recently made my stand-up debut at The Stand in Edinburgh, as part of 'Bright Club' - an occasional evening of academics doing stand-up about their research.
I am involved in a number of research collaborations: with Ken Gale (Plymouth) in a continuation of their work on Deleuzian collaborative inquiry, including a special issue of the journal, Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies; with Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon and Bronwyn Davies on a chapter on collaborative writing for the next Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research; and, with Beatrice Allegranti (Roehampton) on a practice-based interdisciplinary research project, Moving Voices, which explores the boundaries between the art form, therapy and performance. Our 2014 paper in the journal Qualitative Inquiry, "Witness Loss: A Feminist Materialist Account", won the 2015 Norman K. Denzin Qualitative Research Award.
With Jane Speedy and Nell Bridges from the University of Bristol and Ken Gale, I was part of an ESCalate project to develop online resources on collaborative writing for early career researchers and faculty: www.writeinquiry.org
I am principal investigator, with Dagmar Alexander, on a funded project (through the University of Edinburgh): 'Developing doctoral students as (collaborative) writers'.
I grapple with the ethics of what is mine to tell: how to write stories of the counsellor – and the son, husband, father, brother, friend – ‘becoming’ in and with relationships and spaces. I'm working at an approach to theorizing experiential accounts without depersonalizing them.
My newest research interest concerns the links between counselling, stand-up, and writing. I recently made my stand-up debut at The Stand in Edinburgh, as part of 'Bright Club' - an occasional evening of academics doing stand-up about their research.
I am involved in a number of research collaborations: with Ken Gale (Plymouth) in a continuation of their work on Deleuzian collaborative inquiry, including a special issue of the journal, Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies; with Ken Gale, Susanne Gannon and Bronwyn Davies on a chapter on collaborative writing for the next Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research; and, with Beatrice Allegranti (Roehampton) on a practice-based interdisciplinary research project, Moving Voices, which explores the boundaries between the art form, therapy and performance. Our 2014 paper in the journal Qualitative Inquiry, "Witness Loss: A Feminist Materialist Account", won the 2015 Norman K. Denzin Qualitative Research Award.
With Jane Speedy and Nell Bridges from the University of Bristol and Ken Gale, I was part of an ESCalate project to develop online resources on collaborative writing for early career researchers and faculty: www.writeinquiry.org
I am principal investigator, with Dagmar Alexander, on a funded project (through the University of Edinburgh): 'Developing doctoral students as (collaborative) writers'.
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InterestsView All (13)
Papers by Jonathan Wyatt
In this keynote address we wish, through collaborative writing as inquiry, to push at collaborative writing, to take it to task, to hold it up for examination, and to wonder. Yes, we will wonder, with each other, with Deleuze, and with our use of multiple forms of posthumanist theorising in mind: what is im/possible?
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