? ?
09 April 2011 @ 11:15 pm
Title: Boundaries
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Serena Deeb/Joey Mercury
Warnings: Sex, SES creepiness as per their usual
Summary: When Serena turns to Joey for comfort, what started as a conversation ended up crossing an unspoken boundary.
Note: I'd like to mention here that, although wrestling fic may seem like real person fiction/RPF (and some of it out there is), mine is NOT. I write wrestling fic as if Joey and Serena were characters in a movie. Instead of going home and becoming their normal selves, in my fics I pretend they walk out of the ring and remain their characters. Does that make sense?
This is written for the diva_fanfics table challenge, but they’re supposed to be under 1000 words. Which this is not. But, oh well. =)

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14 February 2011 @ 10:14 am
Title: Take Me
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Drew McIntyre/Serena Deeb, CM Punk/Serena Deeb
Warnings: Sex (but not smut, I wouldn't say), the usual Straight Edge Society creepiness
Summary: Punk sends Serena to room 217 of the hotel to help a friend out for him.
Note: I'd like to mention here that, although wrestling fic may seem like RPF (and some of it out there is), mine is NOT. I write wrestling fic as if Punk and Serena were characters in a movie. Instead of going home and becoming their normal selves, in my fics I pretend they walk out of the ring and remain their characters. Does that make sense?
Set after the episode when Teddy Long humiliates Drew McIntyre and when Punk forgives Serena for exposing her drinking.

Take MeCollapse )
16 October 2010 @ 12:56 am
58 Serena Deeb Icons



Save meCollapse )
Under the cut are 12 gifs of the Miz from the September 20th episode of RAW. Be warned that the gifs are quite large, so don't click if you have a slow computer!

Because he's the Miz, and he's AWESOME!Collapse )
Under the cut are 11 gifs of the Miz from the September 20th episode of RAW. Be warned that the gifs are quite large and sexy, so don't click if you have a slow computer!

Your champion, ladies and gentlemen!Collapse )
There are 8 gifs under the cut! Enjoy! Just be warned that they're pretty large in size, so if you have a slow computer, you might not want to click.

Read this... LOSER!Collapse )