? ?


Jul. 6th, 2006 | 10:56 am
music: hide and seek - imogen heap
posted by: sakeofmercy in eclecticart

i fly
when i'm alone
hands raised over my head
eyes closed and unawares
i find this suits me

feeling movements without seeing
dancing not interpretive in title
but in nature, finding for me
that inner peaceful state
so long and so madly desired

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I'm wildly in love with the dandelion

Jun. 30th, 2006 | 10:29 am
posted by: humminggirl in eclecticart

Click for larger image

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oh so nervous...

Jun. 28th, 2006 | 02:30 am
posted by: love_forsaken in eclecticart

heres the first chapter of my novel =)

Fast Speeds At High FrequencyCollapse )

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Old Lady

Jun. 26th, 2006 | 09:25 am
posted by: humminggirl in eclecticart

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brown picket frence 06.03.06

Jun. 24th, 2006 | 01:32 pm
posted by: nestleddove in eclecticart

It feels good to be away
because in distance I feel closer
and the absence is healing.

It is a good sort of longing
that I don't mind feeling
to the greatest extent of its possibilities.

It is a knowing that either near or far
he's still here in my heart
and I don't have to go far to find him.

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no longer latent

Jun. 21st, 2006 | 12:10 am
posted by: nestleddove in eclecticart

today i watched the clouds reform

and saw that every tiny change in shape

is a manifest possibility, snatched

and brought to us in our own beautiful world

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A Cool Breeze

Jun. 16th, 2006 | 03:58 pm
posted by: humminggirl in eclecticart

Click for larger view.

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Love Eternal

Jun. 14th, 2006 | 01:42 am
posted by: nessboy in eclecticart

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Jun. 12th, 2006 | 04:05 am
music: uhhh nothing
posted by: dontpanic_8l in eclecticart

I'm posting something of's usually it's can thank Blaine's b-day gift for this *pist the gift was vodka*.

The devil is playing tricks on my mind again,
Trying to ignore the growls of the boogyman
My mind's been in the dark, wondering,
And I wonder if-they'll leave me alone.

Why do they torture me so?
Why can't I let them go?
My life's been one big blur-
And I let the demons stir.

The priest tells me, It's all in my head,
If I pray enough, they'll all be dead.
My mom thinks I should see a shrink,
But I don't trust those-
They'll just overdose me.

Why do they torture me so?
Why can't I let them go?
My life has been one big blur-
Oh God the demons stir.

Shut my eyes-
Take me to another place,
Where the days are dark with the rain.

No work and no money,
Thunderstorms in the afternoon,
Dogwood trees as they start to bloom,
A blanket of snow on the ground,
And the moon makes it glow like,
An angel's gown.

*be's supposed to be verse of course....

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Jun. 12th, 2006 | 11:06 am
posted by: humminggirl in eclecticart

Click for larger view

(the eyes are even, but the model had uneven eyes...oh what to do)

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