Papers by Florent Laroche
Les dispositifs d'immersion en realite virtuelle atteignent aujourd'hui un degre de reali... more Les dispositifs d'immersion en realite virtuelle atteignent aujourd'hui un degre de realisme permettant aux chercheurs d'experimenter des situations du passe comme s'ils avaient emprunte une machine a remonter le temps. Dans cet article prospectif, nous proposons une ebauche de methodologie pour permettre la captation et l'enregistrement des connaissances tacites des experts, revelees par l'emulation intellectuelle que provoque le sentiment de presence en realite virtuelle. Cela nous permet d'envisager de nouvelles manieres de capitaliser la connaissance des historiens autour d'une maquette numerique.

Global Product Development, 2011
For the 2008 CIRP Design conference, we have presented a scientific article dealing with a new wa... more For the 2008 CIRP Design conference, we have presented a scientific article dealing with a new way of thinking our technical heritage: we would like to preserve it as a digital object. Project deals with a physical mock-up of Nantes city built in 1899 and used for the Universal exposition in France in 1900 in Paris. The heritage object is nowadays in the museum but exposed as a fish inside an aquarium. Thanks to a virtual system coupling a tactile screen with semantic research modules, 3D active screen and light pointer, it will allow the visitor to better understand the mock-up and emphasize important places of Nantes city life. However it does not mean beautiful 3D animation with nice static rendering; indeed, we create virtual mockups which are dynamically operating. We use CAD software and engineering simulation tools. Nowadays the global methodology has been improved: it is named Advanced Industrial Archaeology. In this communication, we will detail a new experimentation done in partnership with a French museum: the Château des Ducs de Bretagne in France. This project deals with a physical mock-up of Nantes city built in 1899 and exposed in 1900 for the World Fair that took place in Paris, France. The heritage object is nowadays in the museum but exposed as "a fish inside an aquarium". Thanks to a virtual system coupling a tactile screen with semantic research modules, a 3D active screen and a light pointer, it will allow the visitor to better understand the mock-up and emphasize important places of the city. The mock-up represents our industrial heritage with old shipyards of Nantes.
système ubiquitaire d'aideà la décision in-vivo dédié au Manufacturing. Systèmes Complexes d'Info... more système ubiquitaire d'aideà la décision in-vivo dédié au Manufacturing. Systèmes Complexes d'Information et de Gestion des Risques pour l'
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific ... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et a ̀ la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
When the question about the "factory of the future" is discussed, it is often mentioned the use o... more When the question about the "factory of the future" is discussed, it is often mentioned the use of innovative approach for knowledge acquisition and exploitation interfering in the different phases of the product lifecycle. Consequently, the use of innovative Knowledge Management Systems based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the factory environment has become a must. Our research work will focus on the development of a "digital factory assistant" to help factory's actors in their daily tasks and in particular tasks that demand to make a decision.

ABSTRACT. Nowadays, in a complex industrial world where, everything has to be done quicker and qu... more ABSTRACT. Nowadays, in a complex industrial world where, everything has to be done quicker and quicker and must be more and more profitable, industrial environments are transferred, transformed, given up... It is the global humanity technical knowledge that disappears. The method consists in "reversing the design time axis " and proposes, starting from the technical object and available information, and thanks to the use of specific tools, to model the system for its use in virtual situation. This article is mainly a status of the state of the art of the possibilities that could be envisaged for those applications. RÉSUMÉ. Dans un contexte industriel où tout s’accélère et doit être plus rentable, les environnements industriels sont transférés, transformés, abandonnés, … C'est la connaissance technique de l'humanité qui disparaît. L’approche consiste à "renverser l'axe des temps de la conception " et de proposer, à partir de l’objet technique et des...

Archéologies numériques
L'objet de cette communication est de proposer une méthode pour l'analyse et l'exploitation de co... more L'objet de cette communication est de proposer une méthode pour l'analyse et l'exploitation de corpus de documents non-structurés ou faiblement structurés. Le terme non-structuré se réfère au concept informatique de données non-décrites, non-marquées explicitement. Aujourd'hui la création de corpus de données numériques (ouverts ou privés) est un phénomène massif. Toujours plus de données sont scannées, photographiées, retranscrites, etc pour être analysées. Les jeux de données (numériques) constituent la matière exclusive, quotidienne du chercheur. Ces jeux de données sont souvent construits spécialement pour les besoins du projet voire collectés par le chercheur lui-même. Ce phénomène demande à être accompagné par une évolution des outils d'analyse: données physiques et données numériques ont des potentiels d'analyse différents. Or le chercheur en SHS est souvent démuni face aux sources non structurées qu'il collecte: articles, scan d'archives, documents OCR, images et métadonnées. La mise en place d'une base de données se résume souvent (au mieux) à un « tableau excel ». Les domaines du bigdata et du data-mining sont cantonnés à des projets de très grande envergure, pour des données déjà structurées, avec une équipe de soutien logistique conséquente. Un fossé se creuse entre le chercheur en histoire, en archéologie, en sociologie et les « humanités numériques ». L'outil proposé, intitulé Haruspex, vise à réduire ce gap. Il traite des données texte (et images éventuellement) en français ou en anglais, pour produire une base de données orientée graphe, requêtable, contenant les documents liés entre-eux (proximité sémantique). En entrée, divers formats (pdf, txt, odt, latex…) sont pris en charge, le processus se déroule ensuite en 4 étapes : 1. Gestion de corpus: création ou récupération d'éventuelles métadonnées (dates, lieux, étiquetage) pour les documents; concaténation, découpage, regroupements, exclusion, … 2. Indexation sémantique de ce corpus: extraction de mots clés (génériques mais aussi très spécifiques), puis classification de ces mot-clés en catégories (si possible). 3. Modération des résultats précédents par l'utilisateur. 4. Calcul de la « distance sémantique » entre documents à partir de l'indexation modérée. Les premiers essais dans divers domainespatrimoine industriel, histoire de la chimie au XXe siècle, histoire du travail dans les colonies et analyse des publication scientifiquessont concluants aux yeux des chercheurs du domaine concerné. ABSTRACT. This study presents a method designed to analyse and tap corpus made of unstructured or weakly structured documents. The term structured refers to a computer point of view, and means non-described, non explicitly marked up data. Nowadays, digital (open, or private) corpus creation is a massive trend. More and more data is being scanned, photographed, faithfully transposed, etc. to be analysed (among other uses). Digital data set is the exclusive material, daily handled by the researcher. These sets are often specifically designed for a project, even collected by the researcher himself. This trend needs to be accompanied by analytic tools. Actually physical and digital data have different potentials of analysis. Yet, the researcher in humanities often remains powerless facing the unstructured data he collects: articles, scan of archives, OCR documents, media and their metadata. Deploying a database is often limited to an "excel sheet" or some few SQL tables. Big data and data-mining technologies are restricted to large scale project, for already structured text, with a significant IT support team. This opens the gap between historians, archaeologist, sociologist and the "digital humanities". This tool, nammed Haruspex, aims at closing this gap. It processes textual data, eventually combined with pictures, written in french or english, and outputs a graph oriented database. This database contains interlinked documents (semantic closeness). As inputs, several formats (pdf, txt, odt, latex …) are supported. The process is ran through 4 steps: 1. Corpus management: create or extract eventual metadata (date, place, tags) for each document; manipulate them: concatenate, split, gather, exclude…

Ce 132e congres se propose d'explorer l'image comme source de la connaissance. Rejoignant... more Ce 132e congres se propose d'explorer l'image comme source de la connaissance. Rejoignant cette problematique d'utilisation du savoir du passe au temps present afin d'envisager le futur, notre travail de recherche s'oriente vers les objets patrimoniaux a vocation industrielle et a caractere technique ou scientifique. Couramment utilisees par les industries contemporaines, les nouvelles technologies creent de nouveaux modes de travail, de nouvelles representations... par le virtuel. L'approche presentee consiste a "renverser l'axe des temps de la conception" et a proposer, a partir de l'objet technique et des informations dont on dispose (objet, photos, textes, plans 2D, vestiges archeologiques...) et grâce a l'utilisation d'outils (numerisation 3D, CAO et imagerie, realite virtuelle...), une remise en situation d'usage virtuelle dynamique des objets techniques anciens. Destinees a des fins de vulgarisations scientifiques, museogr...
Knowledge management is one of the critical issues for the improvement of enterprise performances... more Knowledge management is one of the critical issues for the improvement of enterprise performances. Different methods exist for extracting and formalizing knowledge in order to create knowledge-based applications. Most of integrated design and manufacturing technological processes are more or less based on knowledge that has been translated into models and then into Knowledge-Based Computer-Aided Applications. This paper presents some examples of bases and applications concerning the issues of knowledge-based engineering for integrated design and manufacturing

All along history, humans have always invented, created to improve their standard of living. Many... more All along history, humans have always invented, created to improve their standard of living. Many machines have been built, sometimes simple and others very complex. In order to achieve the best results for customers, machines, industrial plants and humans are moved, displaced and replaced. It is the global humanity technical knowledge that disappears. Indeed, there is a lack in the actually conservation methods: sciences and technologies have to be considered and not only architecture. Our heritage research focuses on the mechanical and technical point of view. For instance, in a factory, there is the building but also actuators, motors and machines that produce product: taking into account the technical point of view can reach to a better understanding of the past. That's why preserving the national technical patrimony has now become the priority of governments and world organizations. Our approach proposes a new kind of finality: as saving and maintaining physical object cost...
When the question about the "factory of the future" is discussed, it is often mentioned... more When the question about the "factory of the future" is discussed, it is often mentioned the use of innovative approach for knowledge acquisition and exploitation interfering in the different phases of the product lifecycle. Consequently, the use of innovative Knowledge Management Systems based on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the factory environment has become a must. Our research work will focus on the development of a "digital factory assistant" to help factory's actors in their daily tasks and in particular tasks that demand to make a decision.

ArXiv, 2019
The concept of "integrity", as currently used in the analysis of World Heritage sites o... more The concept of "integrity", as currently used in the analysis of World Heritage sites or cultural landscapes mainly consists of 1) the composition of a given site, regarding its origins and its current state of conservation; 2) the visual and functional relationships between its components (attributes). One of the major questions is "what defines the origin period?". The integrity analysis has to clearly understand and evaluate which tangible components exist, in order to correctly identify their origin period, estimate how much of the original structure and function remain. An additional difficulty rises in case of scientific and/or technical heritage assessment: the very historical necessity of updating and implementing technical/scientific innovations. These follow advances in science and/or technique(s), and lead to frequent successive changes, impacting the site's structure. Hence, for living sites, one cannot see the origin of the project as the only re...

Dans le cadre des activites du Consortium 3D de la TGIR Huma-Num, de nombreuses rencontres ont eu... more Dans le cadre des activites du Consortium 3D de la TGIR Huma-Num, de nombreuses rencontres ont eu lieu reunissant des specialistes aux profils divers (historiens, archeologues, informaticiens, architectes, ingenieurs 3D, archivistes …etc.) afin de proposer des solutions aux problematiques liees a la 3D en sciences humaines et sociales. Une des missions attribuees au consortium fut de rediger un guide pour faciliter la redaction d’un cahier des charges dedie a la realisation d’un projet de modeles numeriques 3D pour le patrimoine culturel. Ce livret fait suite a une mise a jour du livre blanc du Consortium 3D diffuse en libre acces sur la plateforme Hal en 2018. Ces premieres recommandations ont ete reprises pour le « Guide pour la redaction d’un cahier des charges de numerisation en 3D » edite par le ministere de la Culture dans le cadre du Programme National de Numerisation et de Valorisation des contenus culturels (PNV).
Dans le domaine de l’histoire des techniques et du patrimoine materiel, l’informatisation est mas... more Dans le domaine de l’histoire des techniques et du patrimoine materiel, l’informatisation est massive, autant sur le plan de l’ecriture, que des sources (archives) ou de la valorisation. Cependant les articulations entre ces plans (archive, recherche, valorisation) restent faibles. Ce travail propose un outil numerique de gestion de contenu historique (recits et sources) pour documenter et valoriser les objets du patrimoine technique. En fonction des situations, differentes interfaces permettent d’acceder aux connaissances, une interface de navigation en 3D est ici proposee en exemple. L’objet technique et le travail de l’historien sont conjointement valorises.

Virtual Archaeology Review, 2021
The VESPACE project aims to revive an evening of theatre at the Foire Saint-Germain in Paris in t... more The VESPACE project aims to revive an evening of theatre at the Foire Saint-Germain in Paris in the 18th century, by recreating spaces, atmospheres and theatrical entertainment in virtual reality. The venues of this fair have disappeared without leaving any archaeological traces, so their digital reconstruction requires the use of many different sources, including the expertise of historians, historians of theatre and literature. In this article, we present how we have used video game creation tools to enable the use of virtual reality in three key stages of research in the human sciences and particularly in history or archaeology: preliminary research, scientific dissemination and mediation with the general public. In particular, we detail the methodology used to design a three-dimensional (3D) model that is suitable for both research and virtual reality visualization, meets the standards of scientific work regarding precision and accuracy, and the requirements of a real-time displ...

Reverse engineering is an approach that is used in many domains like electrical engineering, comp... more Reverse engineering is an approach that is used in many domains like electrical engineering, computer sciences and many others. The main object of RE is the analysis of an existing product (that can be a software application, a mechanical product ...) in order to produce a copy and/or an improved release of this one. In this chapter, we focus on reverse engineering in the mechanical engineering domain. According to that domain, the subject is a physical part. It could be a hand-made prototype, an old mechanical part, a modified part or tool, and, sometimes, a product of a competitor. It means that reverse engineering is used by people during any stage of the product development process. Actually, the needs of these different actors are very different but the fact is that current reverse engineering methodologies often propose only one type of approaches. Today, reverse engineering methodologies propose mainly geometric approach. This one generally considers a 3D point cloud from a 3...
Papers by Florent Laroche