ANVIL - Worcester, MA - 4/16 |
[15 Apr 2009|02:46pm] |
The Anvil Experience is coming to the Boston area tomorrow at the Palladium at Worcester, MA. For those of you who don't know, the Anvil Experience is where you get to see that new rock-doc called Anvil! The Story of Anvil (which has been called the real life This Is Spinal Tap) and then the band performs a short set immediately following. My friends saw this in NYC and said it was the best thing ever.
tickets are still available here.
MARCH 13 |
[05 Mar 2009|08:57am] |

Friday, March 13, 2009 Doors at 5
at the Farmington, NH town hall 356 Main St
WORD FOR WORD IGNORANCE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD THE BREATHING METHOD Aletheia Chasing Dying Dreams The Nasty Fugitives And Refugees
HYEO @ ACCU BILLIARDS - Friday 12/5 |
[03 Dec 2008|02:03am] |
Fri, Dec 5th (this friday!) 9pm doors @ACCU Billiards 3057 Acushnet Ave. New Bedford, MA 21+ - $6 (cheap!) Scare Don’t Fear, Moore Money Ent., Acariya, Wolves of Wysteria, The Arkham White, Heisai Yasokawa's EMPTY ORCHESTRA JOIN US FOR SOME GREAT GRIND & METAL, FRIED FOOD, LIBATIONS, AND OF COURSE... POOL!
Ripshit/Offsides split out now! |
[08 Jan 2008|01:24am] |

The Ripshit and Offsides split 7" just came out on Spicy Soup Productions (SSP)! Both bands are female fronted hardcore from CT, and the label is run out of a bedroom in New Haven. If interested please pick up the record from either band at a show or send a message to Brian at the SSP myspace.
[06 Jan 2008|10:56pm] |
Connecticut hardcore |
[11 Sep 2007|06:47pm] |
Reminder!! come check out connecticut hardcore: the way we were. a photo documentary of the connecticut scene. late 80s to late 90s. 200 black and white photographs.
( Read more...Collapse )
eBay |
[21 Aug 2007|01:39pm] |
A bunch of rare records.
American Nightmare tour press, Gayrilla Biscuits, Throwdown, Young Wasteners, Saves The Day, World Burns To Death, Victims, What Feeds The Fire, Dragnet, FSA, Think I Care and a good amount more.
Only 7-8 hours left, please check it out and pass it on to anyone who may be interested.
eBay post |
[15 Aug 2007|11:08am] |
Some rare records from American Nightmare, Knock Down, Throwdown, What Feeds The Fire, Dragnet, FSA, Nerve Agents, Saves The Day, Tear It Up, World Burns To Death, Young Wasteners and that's just to name a few.
If this isn't allowed, you've got my apologies. But one semester of college has left me completely broke and now I've got to get rid of stuff I spent the last eight years buying. Funny how that worked out.
So please, check it out, tell your friends who may be interested. And for those in the few other communities I've posted this in, you've got my apologies for littering your friends page.
[08 Aug 2007|10:50pm] |
rad show on Saturday! |
[01 Jul 2007|11:42pm] |
Saturday, July 7th 6pm, $5, $4 w/ non-perishable food @ The People's Center 37 Howe St New Haven
Dangerloves ( ) No Image ( ) Offsides ( ) Haymarket Martyrs ( ) Ripshit ( )
This is a benefit show for the 33 Fair Haven residents arrested by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) last month. The raids came only two days after the Board of Aldermen approved the creation of municipal ID cards that could be used by out-of-status immigrants to open bank accounts and access city services. ICE claims that the raids were previously planned, but the fact is that this was the first of such raids to hit New Haven in recent history, suggesting much more than coincidence in their timing. Immigration agents entered homes without authorization, refused to identify themselves and detained people passing on the street based on the color of their skin. These arrests were supposedly targeting individuals who ICE had warrants for, but it is now known that warrants had only been issued for four of the individuals arrested.
It is clear that these raids were in retaliation for the ID program and were meant to intimidate and terrorize the immigrant community of New Haven. The ICE raids in New Haven, Danbury, Hartford, and all around the country are fueled by racism and xenophobia, the hateful fear of “outsiders.” Anti-immigrant groups try to break apart communities to disenfranchise us. They tell workers that their jobs are threatened by immigrant workers, and they tell Black and Latino communities that they will lose access to social services and good schools when immigrants come. We must resist their hate speech by creating alliances amongst ourselves—uniting workers, people of color, and anyone who wants out of this system of terror and oppression.
**This is an excellent new venue in New Haven, which is much needed! Please come out to support this cause, the space, the bands or all of the above! Thanks**