The global cancer burden has been rising day by day due to increase the incidence of high-risk fa... more The global cancer burden has been rising day by day due to increase the incidence of high-risk factors for cancer. Chronic alcoholism, tobacco chewing, tobacco smoking, unhealthy diet patterns, unbalanced hormones, obesity, excessive exposure of radiation and sunlight, carcinogenic environmental substance and food additives, chronic inflammation, immunosuppression, infectious agents and advanced age these are some high-risk factors for cancer. Since prevention is better than cure, several preventative measures have been implemented to help prevent cancer. Quitting smoking, avoiding excessive body fat and engaging in regular physical activity are the most prevalent factors that minimize cancer risk. Yogasana (yogic poses), Pranayam (yogic breathing techniques) and Yoga Nidra, which have been practiced in India since ancient times, have played a significant role in cancer prevention. Yogic Prayer, Shodhana Kriyas (yogic cleansing techniques) like Jalaneti (nasal cleansing yogic practice), Kapalbhati, Yogic Sukshma Vyayama, Yogasana like Tadasana (mountain pose), Katichakrasana (standing spinal twist), Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose), Ardha Ushtrasana (half camel pose), Shashankasana (the hare pose), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Balasana (child pose), Supta Baddha Konasana (reclining bound angle pose) and Shavasana (corpse pose), Pranayam like Nadishodhana (alternate nostril breathing), Bhramari (bumblebee breathing), Dhyan (Meditation) like Yoga Nidra should be beneficial to prevent the cancer and preventive 2
management. Thus, Yogasana, Pranayam and Yoga Nidra can help to prevent cancer by facilitating in... more management. Thus, Yogasana, Pranayam and Yoga Nidra can help to prevent cancer by facilitating in the discontinuation of tobacco use, the withdrawal of alcohol and opioid use, the reduction of obesity, the maintenance of a healthy oxygen level in the breathing, the reduction of oxidative stress that causes cancer and the prevention of onco-genetic mutation in cancerprone individuals. However, further scientific data is required.
Ayurveda is a science based on ancient Indian Philosophy and can be appropriately be called as "T... more Ayurveda is a science based on ancient Indian Philosophy and can be appropriately be called as "The Science of Living". It has been in existence since the beginning of time. Therefore, in the Charak Samhita, Ayurveda has been described as Shasvata (eternal). Charak Samhita is considered to be the most ancient and authoritative work on Ayurveda available today. Acharya Charak has been referred to as the Father of non-surgical Ayurvedic Indian medicine. The Charak Samhita
The global cancer burden has been rising day by day due to increase the incidence of high-risk fa... more The global cancer burden has been rising day by day due to increase the incidence of high-risk factors for cancer. Chronic alcoholism, tobacco chewing, tobacco smoking, unhealthy diet patterns, unbalanced hormones, obesity, excessive exposure of radiation and sunlight, carcinogenic environmental substance and food additives, chronic inflammation, immunosuppression, infectious agents and advanced age these are some high-risk factors for cancer. Since prevention is better than cure, several preventative measures have been implemented to help prevent cancer. Quitting smoking, avoiding excessive body fat and engaging in regular physical activity are the most prevalent factors that minimize cancer risk. Yogasana (yogic poses), Pranayam (yogic breathing techniques) and Yoga Nidra, which have been practiced in India since ancient times, have played a significant role in cancer prevention. Yogic Prayer, Shodhana Kriyas (yogic cleansing techniques) like Jalaneti (nasal cleansing yogic practice), Kapalbhati, Yogic Sukshma Vyayama, Yogasana like Tadasana (mountain pose), Katichakrasana (standing spinal twist), Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose), Ardha Ushtrasana (half camel pose), Shashankasana (the hare pose), Bhujangasana (cobra pose), Balasana (child pose), Supta Baddha Konasana (reclining bound angle pose) and Shavasana (corpse pose), Pranayam like Nadishodhana (alternate nostril breathing), Bhramari (bumblebee breathing), Dhyan (Meditation) like Yoga Nidra should be beneficial to prevent the cancer and preventive 2
management. Thus, Yogasana, Pranayam and Yoga Nidra can help to prevent cancer by facilitating in... more management. Thus, Yogasana, Pranayam and Yoga Nidra can help to prevent cancer by facilitating in the discontinuation of tobacco use, the withdrawal of alcohol and opioid use, the reduction of obesity, the maintenance of a healthy oxygen level in the breathing, the reduction of oxidative stress that causes cancer and the prevention of onco-genetic mutation in cancerprone individuals. However, further scientific data is required.
Ayurveda is a science based on ancient Indian Philosophy and can be appropriately be called as "T... more Ayurveda is a science based on ancient Indian Philosophy and can be appropriately be called as "The Science of Living". It has been in existence since the beginning of time. Therefore, in the Charak Samhita, Ayurveda has been described as Shasvata (eternal). Charak Samhita is considered to be the most ancient and authoritative work on Ayurveda available today. Acharya Charak has been referred to as the Father of non-surgical Ayurvedic Indian medicine. The Charak Samhita
Papers by Priyanka Katru