The 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials, August 28-31, 2018 Tarbes, France, 2018
Natural cellulosic fibres (NCF) are subject of several studies because of the advantages that the... more Natural cellulosic fibres (NCF) are subject of several studies because of the advantages that they have, namely: lightness, mechanical properties comparable to those of synthetic fibres, biodegradability, they come from a renewable resource and low cost of obtaining. In this context, the purpose of this study is to study the effect of alkaline treatments and volume fractions on the mechanical and physico-chemical properties of thermoplastic matrix High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Composites Reinforced with short staple date palm fibres (PDFS). The mechanical characterization such as the tensile quasi-static was performed on biocomposites reinforced with vegetal fibres untreated and those chemically treated with a 0.5% concentration NaOH solution during a 12 h immersion time. The results show that the chemical treatment improves the mechanical properties (stress and Young's modulus). Hardness, density, melt index and Izode tests are also performed on biocomposites at fractional volumes of 20 and 25% and their results are compared with those found in the literature for other plant fibers / HDPE.
Papers by Barhm Mohamad
Mechanics of Material, Structures and Processes
The 8 International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials
Volume VIII
August 28-31, 2018
Tarbes, France
mΓ©caniques comparable Γ ceux des fibres synthΓ©tiques, biodΓ©gradabilitΓ©, elles proviennent dβune ressource renouvelable et faible coΓ»t
dβobtention. Dans ce contexte cette Γ©tude sβintΓ©resse Γ lβanalyse par rayon X des Fibres de Palmier Dattier (FPD) traitΓ©es et non traitΓ©es
par NaOH. Les FPD extraites des bras de grappes ont subi des traitements alcalins, Γ tempΓ©rature ambiante, avec diffΓ©rentes
concentrations de NaOH (2, 4, 6 et 8 %) pour une durΓ©e de 12 et 24h. Le taux de cristallinitΓ© des fibres traitΓ©es et non traitΓ©es a Γ©tΓ©
dΓ©terminΓ© Γ lβaide dβessais de DRX, les rΓ©sultats obtenus montrent que le traitement chimique des fibres permet une augmentation de
taux de cristallinité de 5 à 8%. Pour mieux comprendre les phénomènes liés aux propriétés thermiques et chimiques de ces fibres, une
analyse calorimΓ©trique diffΓ©rentielle Γ balayage (DSC) et une analyse par spectroscopie infrarouge Γ transformΓ©e de Fourier (FTIR)
sont aussi effectuΓ©es et comparΓ©es Γ d'autres rΓ©sultats de la littΓ©rature.
The primary purpose of mechanical fitting is to transmit forces across parts of a system with as little loss as possible and with minimum of wear. The better the fits the more efficient the system. The primary units required to be fitted are gears, clutches, couplings, belt and chain drives and bearings. To produce these forces there are four main units: pumps, compressors, engines and electrical motors. The major aspects of these devices will be discussed in relation to proper maintenance procedures, fault finding methods and fitting techniques. The information given can be applied in almost every instance of maintenance fitting and will provide a springboard for acquiring more advanced techniques and knowledge in the areas outlined. Where specific areas have not been covered the methods and information given can be interpolated to fit the circumstances at the time.
This lecture notes describes refinery processes in a concise manner which is necessary for students in engineering college and technical institute, also who working in petroleum refineries.