aborted fetuses,
adult diapers, advancing reeve's paralysis agenda, ass-kicking horses, batman.could.kick.superman's.ass,
being self-centered, being unable to masturbate,
celebrities, chrissy reeve,
christopher reeve, christopher reeve eats babies, christopher reeve's dead, christopher reeve's horse, church of eastern express, creeve,
cripples, dana cheating on christopher,
dana reeve, dana.cheating.on.christopher.with.eastern.express, die reeve die waityoualreadydid,
eastern express, eastern.express.wins!.flawless.victory!, eating through a tube, fetus power-ups, fucking poor cripples over, handi-capped posterboys, having a numb dick, horse conspiracies, kicking superman's pussy ass, killing from beyond-the-grave, killing reeve in videogames,
kryptonite, laughing at dead celebrities,
lex luthor, lifestyles of the rich&crippled,
margot kidder, mediocre bad acting, michael keaton is better, new meaning to life,
paralysis, paralyzing christopher reeve, peeing through a tube,
pretending to fly, quadrapledgics, reeve was a scumbag, riding on handicapped fame, severed spinal cords, shitting my pance, slipping into comas,
stem cell research,
superman, superman died lol, superman got pwn3d, sympathetic-cripple acting, the christopher reeve foundation, the horse that did, undeserved pity,
zombie horses