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There has been increased interest recently in cognitive and behavior-based agent architectures and cognitive models of human behavior. This interest results in part from advances in agent technology, cognitive neuroscience and emotion... more
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      Cognitive NeuroscienceDecision SupportControl Structure
"The Kantian Critique as a whole was a great preparation geared towards finally answering the question as to whether the existence of God is proven. To this end, Kant had called together and interrogated all the different faculties that... more
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A knowledge-based environment for configuration design studies is presented which assists in the conceptual stage design of spacecraft. During this stage, major decisions need to be taken on spacecraft design drivers such as spacecraft... more
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      EngineeringSystems EngineeringConceptual DesignSpacecraft Design
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In the wake of climatic changes experienced in the cities, educational institutions have a vital role to play by way of conscientization and training in proactive involvement both on the part of the faculty and the students.
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It is a study on the latest book by Amartya Sen, The Idea of Justice. The study focuses on Sen's rejection of any theory of justice, and argues for the necessity of foundational views on justice so that ethical deliberations can be... more
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This article (originally a foreword to a book titled Rush to Riches: The War on Creation by Rayappa A. Kasi, published by Dharmaram Publications in Bangalore 2011) deals with the status of the environment and human contribution to its... more
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      Environmental StudiesEnvironment & Religion studies
At the very outset, I congratulate the organizers and the participants of this workshop of moral theologians in India, as it is, probably, a first of its kind in India, in its attempt to pool together persons and resources from across the... more
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Abstract on the Book: Against the theoretical framework of the sociological theories of secularization and institutionalization, Christianity in India: Sociological Investigations highlights the recent trends in Indian Christianity in the... more
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      Sociology of Religionchristianity in India