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      EconomicsNational SecurityEconomic Interdependence
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      EconomicsDiplomacyNational SecurityEconomic security
This article illustrates that there is connection between national security and economic diplomacy. The main goal is to show that economic diplomacy can contribute to national security policy as a secondary factor, since the armed forces... more
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      EconomicsGeopoliticsSovereigntyPolitical Science
In this paper, the aim is to show that the impact of asymmetric economic interdependence on national security is more a myth than a reality. In order to contribute to the discussion we focus on interstate conflicts with territorial... more
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      Political ScienceNational SecurityEconomic InterdependenceEconomic security
Building on well established theories, our research explores the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on reputational resources and absorptive capacity of knowledge exploitation of Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipEconomicsKnowledge Management
The question of whether economic interdependence promotes peace is more than ever relevant once and again due to a series of conflicts around the globe. Two schools advocate the two opposite beliefs; these are Realism and Liberalism. The... more
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      EconomicsPolitical ScienceRealismEconomic Interdependence
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to evaluate the impact of CEFTA on exports and economic growth and development of its members. Regionalism is attractive to states and especially to developing countries, since they enhance their... more
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      EconomicsInternational EconomicsInternational TradeNegotiation
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      EconomicsLiberalismPoliticsEconomic Interdependence
The advent of various initiatives around the globe in shaping an energy transition towards a “greener” energy production future sparked a research interest towards the determinants that will shape their success. In this paper, we depart... more
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      EngineeringEconomicsRenewable EnergyGeopolitics
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      GlobalizationChange ManagementMacroInstitutional Innovation
In recent decades, sustainability reporting has received increasing business and academic attention. However, the management literature is limited regarding recent trends in the issues disclosed in these reports. In this era of multiple... more
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      BusinessMarketingPathologyCorporate Social Responsibility
In this paper, we present a novel machine learning based forecasting system of the EUR/USD exchange rate directional changes. Specifically, we feed an over complete variable set to a Support Vector Machines (SVM) model and refine it... more
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    • Machine Learning
We propose an Support Vector Machine (SVM) based structural model in order to forecast the collapse of banking institutions in the U.S. using publicly disclosed information from their financial statements on a four-year rolling window. In... more
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      Machine LearningBanks and credit markets
The recent ceiling of U.S. federal debt and the European sovereign debt crises raised once again the interest upon balanced government budgets. The Ricardian Equivalence proposition appears as an attractive alternative for policy makers,... more
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    • Ricardian equivalency
The microstructural approach to the exchange rate market claims that order flows on a currency can accurately reflect the short-run dynamics of its exchange rate. In this paper, instead of focusing on order flows analysis we employ an... more
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      Machine LearningForecastingExchange Rates
The 2006 sudden and immense downturn inU.S. house prices sparked the 2007 global financial crisis and revived the interest about forecasting such imminent threats for economic stability. In this paperwe propose a novel hybrid... more
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      Machine LearningForecastingModeling of House Prices
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We propose a Support Vector Machine (SVM)-based structural model to forecast the collapse of banking institutions in the USA using publicly disclosed information from their financial statements on a four-year rolling window. In our... more
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      EconomicsMachine LearningBanks and credit markets
This article presents a comparative analysis of the transition path of the Balkan economies from the central planned system economy to the market economy according to several criteria which the fulfillment degree defined the completion... more
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      Balkan StudiesTransition Economies
How to achieve the goal of automatically classifying video shots by their content is still an issue under debate. In this paper we present a novel set of low-level descriptors for the classification of TV video shots into meaningful... more
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    • Content-Based Video Retrieval