Papers by Iφιγένεια Δουβίτσα
Η Ιφιγένεια Δουβίτσα είναι διδάκτορας της Νομικής Σχολής του Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης. Δ... more Η Ιφιγένεια Δουβίτσα είναι διδάκτορας της Νομικής Σχολής του Δημοκρίτειου Πανεπιστημίου Θράκης. Διδάσκει ως καθηγήτρια-σύμβουλος στο Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο στο Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών για την Κοινωνική και Αλληλέγγυα Οικονομία. Είναι μια εκ των ιδρυτών του International Journal of Cooperative Law και μέλος της συντακτικής επιτροπής του εν λόγω περιοδικού, εντεταλμένη ερευνήτρια για την περιοχή της Ευρώπης (regional researcher) των Cooperatives Europe και συμμετέχει ως μέλος-εκπρόσωπος της Ευρώπης στη Διεθνή Επιτροπή του Συνεταιριστικού Δικαίου της Διεθνούς Συνεταιριστικής Ένωσης (International Cooperative Alliance). ΒΙΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΟ ΤΗΣ ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΩΣ Η συγγραφέας θα ήθελε να ευχαριστήσει τον Γιώργο Αλεξόπουλο, τον Δημοσθένη Κασσαβέτη, τον Βασίλη Μπέλλη και τον Hagen Henrÿ για τις εποικοδομητικές συζητήσεις και παρατηρήσεις τους επί της μελέτης.

the former concept, but it is a rather narrower concept, referring explicitly to an emerging type... more the former concept, but it is a rather narrower concept, referring explicitly to an emerging type of business that is defined by a set of intrinsic characteristics 2. Social enterprises are a part of the social and solidarity economy (SSE), along with the main families of cooperatives, mutuals, associations and foundations. Social enterprises, specifically, demonstrate a variety in their size, range of action and in their entrepreneurial orientation. The main legal forms, under which they operate are: a) the non-profit legal form (unions, institutions, non-for-profit enterprises), b) the cooperative legal form, c) the legal form, adapted to the intrinsic traits of social enterprises, d) the legal form of stock companies. Creating an enabling environment for the formation and the development of social enterprises, as well as for the other SSE entities, constitutes a goal of public policies, that usually take the form of laws, programs, tools. These supportive policies aim to: a) the promotion of social enterprising, b) the formation of an adequate legal framework, c) the provision of sustainable financial tools, d) the provision of services and the formation of support infrastructure, e) passing measures for market accessibility and f) encouraging research and education at the SSE field. The corporate social responsibility may not be confused with the SSE concept. The former refers to the voluntary adoption by the enterprise of practices that promote the sustainable development, either as an additional operation or as an integrated business strategy. The latter describes a wide sector of economy that bares specific characteristics that differentiate it from the public and the private for-profit sector. Some of these characteristics lead to socially responsible practices, while they constitute integral traits of the identity of these entities. Therefore, non-complying with these traits for the SSE actors means endangering their identity, as well as abolishing what differentiates them from public or private for-profit undertakings. Regarding statistical records for social entrepreneurship in general, it was found that their absence constitutes a problem for many countries, Greece included. In our country this issue may be partially addressed through the formation of the General Registry of SSE Entities, as SSE, according to the law, bares specific characteristics without being completely identical with social entrepreneurship. Based on available statistical data and secondary sources, it was found that the highest employment rates of SSE actors ranges

Purpose-The aim of this article is to investigate the organization of water cooperatives in Greec... more Purpose-The aim of this article is to investigate the organization of water cooperatives in Greece for the first time, as promoted by a spontaneous social mobilization called Initiative 136. The above attempt appears as an alternative proposition as opposed to the state-driven full privatization of EYATH S.A. Design/methodology/approach-This article presents previous work on water cooperatives and the negative effects of water privatization worldwide, relating it to water privatization in Greek reality through the prism of the current recession. Findings-While full privatization under the pressure of the economic crisis is very likely to yield significantly negative results, a transformation into a water cooperative might provide a viable solution. Research limitations/implications-Water cooperatives provide a solution for water distribution that is friendly for the consumer, the society and the environment. Practical implications-Application of a cooperative method of water provision in Greece could be a springboard for the use of the model in other areas. Originality/value-The article evaluates the privatization and cooperativization attempt of EYATH S.A. based on previous related research and considering Greece's current conditions.
Coverpage of the 16th issue of the STIR magazine, dedicated to Solidarity Economics, co-produced ... more Coverpage of the 16th issue of the STIR magazine, dedicated to Solidarity Economics, co-produced with the team at the Solidarity Economic Association (© STIR to ACTION Magazine).

Greece has been one of the European countries mostly affected by issues related to energy poverty... more Greece has been one of the European countries mostly affected by issues related to energy poverty. In order to address the above phenomenon, a new law was passed on the 17th of January 2018. The central idea of the new law (L. 4513/2018) is to introduce a new business model that will facilitate the transition to renewable energy sources with the active participation of local actors, while tackling the pressing issue of energy poverty. The vehicle through which the aforementioned goals will be achieved is a new type of cooperatives, that of the "energy communities" according to the terminology that is used by the legislator. However, several provisions on matters of membership, distribution of surpluses and allocation of the remainder after the energy community's liquidation need a closer examination due to their inconsistency with the cooperative values and principles, as enshrined in the International Cooperative Alliance Statement on the Cooperative Identity. Therefore, the study aims to offer an analysis of the recent L. 4513/2018 on energy communities. Specifically, it will examine if such initiative was a necessary step for the energy cooperatives' formation and if the added provisions promote their development, without putting in jeopardy the distinctive nature of cooperatives. To address the above questions, the study will base its analysis on the ICA Statement on Cooperative Identity and on the Principles of European Cooperative Law. The study aspires to provide useful information for comparative studies on energy cooperative laws that are interested in including the Greek case and take into account the new law's particular provisions.

Structure of the Session Duration Details Notes Related slides * This Session can be delivered by... more Structure of the Session Duration Details Notes Related slides * This Session can be delivered by a scholar/instructor with knowledge of the concepts of public policies on Social and Solidarity Economy. The instructor should also be familiar with the national and European cooperative legislation. MODULE 1 Fundamentals of Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) * This Session can be delivered by a scholar/instructor with knowledge of establishment and registration procedures for SSE businesses in EU countries. Additionally he/she must have knowledge of strategic planning, formulation, implementation and monitoring, particularly of the logic model and balanced scorecard tools. SESSION 5: Establishment Procedures and Strategic Planning Structure of the Session Duration Details Notes Related slides * This Session can be delivered by any trainer with social and psychological background and/or the Key Account Manager in an organised group session for empowering NEETs. Structure of the Session Duration Type Notes Related slides Presentation Topic 1 What does Intelligence mean? 25 min Presentation/ Video 2-3 Participation Activity 1 Success or Failure? 15 min Exercise Linked to Presentation Topic 1 4 Presentation Topic 2 Multiple Intelligences 20 min Presentation/ Video 5-8 Participation Activity 2 Can you Guess? 15 min Group Activity Linked to Presentation Topic 2 9 * This Session can be delivered by any trainer with social and psychological background and/or the Key Account Manager in an organised group session for embowering NEETs.

The present paper focuses on the available legal forms with work integration as their explicit pu... more The present paper focuses on the available legal forms with work integration as their explicit purpose in the Greek legislature and outlines their main traits on the basis of the EMES (European Research Network) nine criteria of social enterprises. Their thus far implementation is also discussed, including the challenges and shortcomings that WISEs have faced in the Greek context. The main findings of the study indicate a dominance of the cooperative form for the WISEs under the Greek context. More specifically, the legislator imposes a percentage of members coming from the target group, perceiving in that way mutuality and solidarity as rather intertwined, since the WISEs' explicit aim of work integration of the disadvantaged people is mainly achieved by joining the cooperative. Despite the supportive measures for the WISEs, the implementation of the thus far public policies has not been effective in further promoting such a model of enterprise.
The Greek co-operative movement during the fiscal crisis

Cooperatives: an alternative to water privatization in Greece.
"Purpose - This article aims to investigate the organization of water cooperatives in Greece for ... more "Purpose - This article aims to investigate the organization of water cooperatives in Greece for the first time, as promoted by a spontaneous social mobilization called Initiative 136. The above attempt appears as an alternative proposition as opposed to the state-driven full privatization of EYATH S.A.
Design/methodology/approach - This article presents previous work on water cooperatives and the negative effects of water privatization worldwide, relating it to water privatization in Greek reality through the prism of the current recession.
Findings - While full privatization under the pressure of the economic crisis is very likely to yield significantly negative results, a transformation into a water cooperative might provide a viable solution.
Research limitations/implications - Water cooperatives provide a solution for water distribution that is friendly for the consumer, the society and the environment.
Practical implications - Application of a cooperative method of water provision in Greece could be a springboard for the use of the model in other areas.
Originality/value - Application of previous research on water privatization and water cooperatives in the attempt of the privatization of Greek’s EYATH S.A.
Books by Iφιγένεια Δουβίτσα

Η απασχόληση στον χώρο της κοινωνικής οικονομίας: τάσεις και προοπτικές, 2023
Στα πλαίσια της μελέτης αυτής:
1. Επιχειρήσαμε να σκιαγραφήσουμε το "προφίλ" της απασχόλησης στη... more Στα πλαίσια της μελέτης αυτής:
1. Επιχειρήσαμε να σκιαγραφήσουμε το "προφίλ" της απασχόλησης στην ΚΑΟ λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την ποικιλομορφία της,
2. Διαπιστώσαμε, υπό την επιφύλαξη πληρότητας και εγκυρότητας των διαθέσιμων στοιχείων της ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ., ότι η απασχόληση στους φορείς ΚΑΟ έχει ανοδική πορεία για την περίοδο 2011-2018,
3. Παρατηρήσαμε ότι η συμβολή της ΚΑΟ ανά φορέα ήταν μεγαλύτερη από τη συμβατική οικονομία.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα, από το 2013 μέχρι και το 2018, ο αριθμός των απασχολούμενων ανά φορέα ήταν διπλάσιος
ή μεγαλύτερος στους φορείς ΚΑΟ (≥6 απασχολούμενοι ανά φορέα) σε σχέση με τη λοιπή οικονομία (≤3 απασχολούμενοι ανά φορέα).
4. Μέσα από τα ευρήματα της εμπειρικής έρευνας κυριαρχεί η θέση ότι η ενδυνάμωση της απασχόλησης στην ΚΑΟ διέρχεται μέσα από την ενδυνάμωση του οικοσυστήματος της ΚΑΟ, κι όχι από μεμονωμένες ενέργειες.
Papers by Iφιγένεια Δουβίτσα
Design/methodology/approach - This article presents previous work on water cooperatives and the negative effects of water privatization worldwide, relating it to water privatization in Greek reality through the prism of the current recession.
Findings - While full privatization under the pressure of the economic crisis is very likely to yield significantly negative results, a transformation into a water cooperative might provide a viable solution.
Research limitations/implications - Water cooperatives provide a solution for water distribution that is friendly for the consumer, the society and the environment.
Practical implications - Application of a cooperative method of water provision in Greece could be a springboard for the use of the model in other areas.
Originality/value - Application of previous research on water privatization and water cooperatives in the attempt of the privatization of Greek’s EYATH S.A.
Books by Iφιγένεια Δουβίτσα
1. Επιχειρήσαμε να σκιαγραφήσουμε το "προφίλ" της απασχόλησης στην ΚΑΟ λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την ποικιλομορφία της,
2. Διαπιστώσαμε, υπό την επιφύλαξη πληρότητας και εγκυρότητας των διαθέσιμων στοιχείων της ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ., ότι η απασχόληση στους φορείς ΚΑΟ έχει ανοδική πορεία για την περίοδο 2011-2018,
3. Παρατηρήσαμε ότι η συμβολή της ΚΑΟ ανά φορέα ήταν μεγαλύτερη από τη συμβατική οικονομία.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα, από το 2013 μέχρι και το 2018, ο αριθμός των απασχολούμενων ανά φορέα ήταν διπλάσιος
ή μεγαλύτερος στους φορείς ΚΑΟ (≥6 απασχολούμενοι ανά φορέα) σε σχέση με τη λοιπή οικονομία (≤3 απασχολούμενοι ανά φορέα).
4. Μέσα από τα ευρήματα της εμπειρικής έρευνας κυριαρχεί η θέση ότι η ενδυνάμωση της απασχόλησης στην ΚΑΟ διέρχεται μέσα από την ενδυνάμωση του οικοσυστήματος της ΚΑΟ, κι όχι από μεμονωμένες ενέργειες.
Design/methodology/approach - This article presents previous work on water cooperatives and the negative effects of water privatization worldwide, relating it to water privatization in Greek reality through the prism of the current recession.
Findings - While full privatization under the pressure of the economic crisis is very likely to yield significantly negative results, a transformation into a water cooperative might provide a viable solution.
Research limitations/implications - Water cooperatives provide a solution for water distribution that is friendly for the consumer, the society and the environment.
Practical implications - Application of a cooperative method of water provision in Greece could be a springboard for the use of the model in other areas.
Originality/value - Application of previous research on water privatization and water cooperatives in the attempt of the privatization of Greek’s EYATH S.A.
1. Επιχειρήσαμε να σκιαγραφήσουμε το "προφίλ" της απασχόλησης στην ΚΑΟ λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την ποικιλομορφία της,
2. Διαπιστώσαμε, υπό την επιφύλαξη πληρότητας και εγκυρότητας των διαθέσιμων στοιχείων της ΕΛ.ΣΤΑΤ., ότι η απασχόληση στους φορείς ΚΑΟ έχει ανοδική πορεία για την περίοδο 2011-2018,
3. Παρατηρήσαμε ότι η συμβολή της ΚΑΟ ανά φορέα ήταν μεγαλύτερη από τη συμβατική οικονομία.
Πιο συγκεκριμένα, από το 2013 μέχρι και το 2018, ο αριθμός των απασχολούμενων ανά φορέα ήταν διπλάσιος
ή μεγαλύτερος στους φορείς ΚΑΟ (≥6 απασχολούμενοι ανά φορέα) σε σχέση με τη λοιπή οικονομία (≤3 απασχολούμενοι ανά φορέα).
4. Μέσα από τα ευρήματα της εμπειρικής έρευνας κυριαρχεί η θέση ότι η ενδυνάμωση της απασχόλησης στην ΚΑΟ διέρχεται μέσα από την ενδυνάμωση του οικοσυστήματος της ΚΑΟ, κι όχι από μεμονωμένες ενέργειες.