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This article is based on a study conducted amongst young South African men, exploring their accounts of ideal masculine body-images and discussing the implications that these constructions have on their identities. It provides an account... more
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      Gender StudiesSelf and IdentityIdentity (Culture)Critical Discourse Analysis
Vicarious traumatisation is a recognised issue in psychotherapeutic practice. There is growing literature exploring the necessity of recognising and managing the negative effects of vicarious trauma for both prac titioners and clients... more
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    • Trauma Studies
Purpose: Healthiness is constructed, in Western culture, as a moral ideal or supervalue. This paper will interrogate the assumption that health and the pursuit of healthiness is always and unquestionably positive, by exploring how... more
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      Identity (Culture)Public Health
While the deaths of Mlungisi Nxumalo and Lucky Sefali barely registered in the media and public consciousness, they can be read as an exemplar of South African violence. Te more closely we examine this incident, the more difcult it... more
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      CriminologyViolenceStructural Violence
I would like to express my utmost appreciation to those who have contributed to the completion of my Masters Dissertation. To my supervisor, Anthony Collins, the angst assassin! Thank you for all that you have invested in my potential.... more
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This paper explores contemporary South African masculinities and how aspects of consumer culture interweave the self and body-image where “the prime purpose of the maintenance of the inner body becomes the enhancement of the appearance of... more
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While the deaths of Mlungisi Nxumalo and Lucky Sefali barely registered in the media and public consciousness, they can be read as an exemplar of South African violence. The more closely we examine this incident, the more difficult it... more
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      SociologyCriminologyViolenceStructural Violence
Purpose: Healthiness is constructed, in Western culture, as a moral ideal or supervalue. This paper will interrogate the assumption that health and the pursuit of healthiness is always and unquestionably positive, by exploring how... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyIdentity (Culture)Public Health
The International Centre for Nonviolence at Durban University of Technology is a major player in the study of peacebuilding and nonviolence in Africa. ICON’s overall aim is to help African communities achieve sustained peace, which means... more
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      Transformative LearningParticipatory Action ResearchAction ResearchCitizen Journalism