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Rural development is a topical issue in South Africa. Several studies, policies and strategies as regards rural development are discussed at various levels and platforms. However, despite the efforts made by government and nongovernmental... more
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    • Environmental Economics
The once thriving subsistence farming community of Machibini is currently defunct due to water shortages, inadequacy of governmental support and better livelihood in urban communities. This community alongside its neighbouring communities... more
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      BusinessGeographyEconomicsEnvironmental Economics
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role water resources management can play in improving subsistence farming in rural South Africa, as well as reducing poverty. The study followed a mixed research approach where attributes of... more
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      BusinessEconomicsEnvironmental EconomicsEfficient Resource Management in Cloud Computing
The European migrant crisis has been accentuated as the most momentous challenge that the European Union has faced since its establishment in 1993. The magnitude of this migration crisis is been amplified by political instability in the... more
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    • Diplomacy and international relations
Considering the skills shortages in the South African health sector, this study explores the possibility of integrating foreign medical doctors into the under-staffed South African health sector. In achieving this aim, semi-structured... more
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    • Business
The Mgobodzi community of the Nkomazi Municipality is perceived as one of the most poverty-stricken and under-developed communities in South Africa. As an agendum to alleviating poverty, the government has employed a variety of... more
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      BiologyPsychological Intervention
South African rural areas are amongst the poorest in the world, as there is still a wide gap in terms of development with their urban neighbours. With an estimated 6.4 million South Africans falling below the national poverty line in... more
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      GeographySocioeconomicsSubsistence Agriculture
Prior to China’s reform, the poverty count surpassed that of the whole African continent. However, within five years, the Chinese could reverse this narrative. Between 1980 and 2020, China lifted a staggering 800 million citizens out of... more
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      Development Economicsbusiness management and social science
The dimensions of poverty are most egregious from a rural South African perspective. This study takes a deeper insight into the major causes of poverty 28 years after the expiry of the apartheid rule. It carefully examines if the cause of... more
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The dimensions of poverty are most egregious from a rural South African perspective. This study takes a deeper insight into the major causes of poverty 28 years after the expiry of the apartheid rule. It carefully examines if the cause of... more
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    • Culture of Poverty
The South African Constitution has often been adjudged one of the most progressive constitutions ever written. However, transforming the theoretical content of the Constitution into a reality has proved to be a challenge. Considering... more
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Rural development is a topical issue in South Africa. Several studies, policies and strategies as regards rural development are discussed at various levels and platforms. However, despite the efforts made by government and nongovernmental... more
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    •   3  
      BusinessEnvironmental EconomicsSubsistence Agriculture
The once thriving subsistence farming community of Machibini is currently defunct due to water shortages, inadequacy of governmental support and better livelihood in urban communities. This community alongside its neighbouring communities... more
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    •   6  
      BusinessGeographyEconomicsEnvironmental Economics
The European migrant crisis has been accentuated as the most momentous challenge that the European Union has faced since its establishment in 1993. The magnitude of this migration crisis is been amplified by political instability in the... more
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    • Diplomacy and international relations
The Mgobodzi community of the Nkomazi Municipality is perceived as one of the most poverty-stricken and underdeveloped communities in South Africa. As an agendum to alleviating poverty, the government has employed a variety of... more
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      BiologyPsychological Intervention
The majority of the South African rural populace is directly or indirectly engaged in agricultural practices to earn a livelihood. However, impediments such as climate change, water shortages, and inadequacy of institutional support have... more
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    •   3  
      BusinessPsychological InterventionSubsistence Agriculture
Prior to China's reform, the poverty count surpassed that of the whole African continent. However, within five years, the Chinese could reverse this narrative. Between 1980 and 2020, China lifted a staggering 800 million citizens out of... more
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    •   2  
      Development Economicsbusiness management and social science
South African rural areas are amongst the poorest in the world, as there is still a wide gap in terms of development with their urban neighbours. With an estimated 6.4 million South Africans falling below the national poverty line in... more
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    •   3  
      GeographySocioeconomicsSubsistence Agriculture
This study paints an unambiguous reflection of contemporary South African rural communities. That which depicts a rhetoric epitomised by abject poverty, underdevelopment, inequality and marginalisation. Such an awful depiction is... more
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    • Psychological Intervention
This chapter ambiguously paints a picture of some of the most vulnerable among the OIC member states. It highlights their plights, rationale and the urgency of establishing the Refugee Zakat Fund as a means to alleviating the plights of... more
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