Durham University
2009) 'Elongational flow of blends of long and short polymers : effective stretch relaxation time.', Physical review letters., 103 (13).
The unfolding of a protein by the application of an external force pulling two atoms of the protein can be detected by atomic force and optical tweezers technologies as have been broadly demonstrated in the past decade. Variation of the... more
Using SANS to map the deformation of individual polymer chains in the vicinity of re-entrant corners in a contraction-expansion flow, we show that stress singularities at such corners, predicted by formulations of fluid dynamics that lack... more
We first show that the new Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) 3-yr data confirm the detection by Myers et al. of an extended SZ signal centred on 606 Abell (ACO) clusters with richness class, R >= 2. Our results also show SZ... more
- by Rich Bielby
Given the present, relatively limited deployment of low cost and mass space missions, there are clear opportunities for the application of small-scale propulsion systems in further enabling these small satellite missions. With this... more
- by Rich Bielby
We investigate the use of simple colour cuts applied to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) optical imaging to perform photometric selections of emission line galaxies out to z < 1. Our selection is aimed at discerning three separate... more
- by Rich Bielby
Experimental ground testing has been carried out to determine whether digital latches can spontaneously change state in severe (space weather induced) outer-belt environments via the mechanism of internal spacecraft charging/discharging.... more
- by Rich Bielby
Aims. We use a combination of CFHTLS deep optical data, WIRCam Deep Survey (WIRDS) near-infrared data and XMM-Newton survey data to identify z > 1.1 clusters in the CFHTLS D1 and D4 fields. Counterparts to such clusters can not be... more
- by Rich Bielby
We present the initial imaging and spectroscopic data acquired as part of the VLT VIMOS Lyman-break galaxy Survey. U BR (or U BV I ) imaging covers five ≈ 36′ × 36′ fields centred on bright z > 3 QSOs, allowing ≈ 21, 000 2 < z < 3.5 galaxy... more
- by Rich Bielby
We investigate the use of simple colour cuts applied to the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) optical imaging to perform photometric selections of emission line galaxies out to z < 1. Our selection is aimed at discerning three separate... more
Astronomical Science flowing gas powered by the star formation in the central region. In this way the Lyα emission is scattered and ab sorbed by outflowing material, leading to the asymmetry and the velocity offsets between emission and... more
- by Rich Bielby
Results. The VVDS-LAE sample reaches faint line fluxes F(Lya) = 1.5x1^18 erg/s/cm^2 (corresponding to L(Lya)=10^41 erg/s at z~3) enabling the faint end slope of the luminosity function to be constrained to a=-1.6+-0.12 at redshift z~2.5... more
We present the results of a narrow-band (H2S1, λc= 2.121 μm, δλ= 0.021 μm) imaging search with Wide Field Camera/United Kingdom Infrared Telescope for Hα emitters (HAEs) around several potential signposts of rare (˜10-7-10-8 comoving... more