Durham University
East Asian Studies (closed)
As scientific archaeology takes hold in Japan, our understanding of the nature and content of Japanese prehistory is changing radically. All of the period boundaries of Japanese prehistory are being rewritten, and many new “archaeologies”... more
Reviewed by Gina L. Barnes
Published in "Asian Perspectives" 43.1: 177-8 (2004).
Published in "Asian Perspectives" 43.1: 177-8 (2004).
Results of the magnetic survey with a fluxgate gradiometer of the lower terrace site. 'X' marks the position of a rubbish incinerator that existed at the time of the survey. The adjacent areas of high magnetic signal are most likely the... more
Archaeologists and historians working on topics such as agricultural technology, resource distribution, settlement patterns, raw materials procurement, artifact analysis and natural disasters are automatically involved in geological... more
Reviewed by Gina L. Barnes
Published in "Monumenta Nipponica" 60.4: 525-8 (2005)
Published in "Monumenta Nipponica" 60.4: 525-8 (2005)
This article was written in 1983 and published in English in Archaeology in Korea 10: 40-51. It was thought important and still valid enough to have been translated into Korean by KIM Gyong Taek and published in Archaeology: Journal of... more
This volume has been available in paperback since 2009. Authors were not notified of this re-publication, so I couldn't correct the figure (6.1) which CUP mangled in the first edition. The corrected figure is download-able below.
The first two sections of this paper consist of a review of the Englishianguage materials written on Samhan and Paekche. I have added my own interpretations or comments when due.
An important but often over-looked facet of protection is the investigation of archaeological resources by qualified researchers. The Japanese government has made long strides in taking on the responsibility of actively training personnel... more
Japan Society Newsletter December 1990: 2-7. This version has fewer illustrations than the full chapter as published In E.H. Weeder (ed.) The Rise of a Great Tradition: Japanese archaeological ceramics from the Jomon through Heian periods... more
The Miwa Project Report was published in 1993 as a British Archaeological Report (International Series 582). It is still available through Archaeopress for £59.00.... more