Duquesne University
and ahistorical concept of reason which is at the heart of idealistic philosophy lends itself to all forms of ideology, but the bourgeois ideals, of cognitive and moral universalism on the one hand, of expressive subjectivism on the... more
My paper explores the American pragmatic tradition that inspired Voegelin's socio-historical theories as represented in his "On the Form of the American Mind." I explore, primarily, Voegelin's conception of the American... more
dvanced industrial societies offer a wide array of amenities, pleasures and luxuries to complement a technological substructure that has invigorated myriad advances in all walks of life. Yet, this substructure
- by Clancy Smith
But Voegelin's first book is illuminating, perhaps more so from the tone of the work than from any claim or conclusion. Voegelin was clearly, as he would later formulate it, in a state of "questioning unrest," and his encounter with the... more
and Chance,' by a Nobel Prize-winning chemist and one of the founders of the 'new physics' of chaos, Ilya Prigogine, among the few modern theoreticians to have read Peirce. Prigogine showed how Peirce's view of time and the second law of... more
Hypersonic flows past Brazilian satellite SARA at zero angle of attack in chemical and thermal nonequilibrium are investigated using an axisymmetric Navier-Stokes solver. The numerical solutions were carried out for freestream conditions... more
the fracture of a kantian antinomy: machiavelli and spinoza vittorio morfino, translated by dave mesing A genealogy of historical consciousness understood as the absolute knowledge of time should show how the equation reality = history is... more