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      Cognitive ScienceComputer VisionLevels of AbstractionBackground Subtraction
A computer vision system for tracking multiple people in relatively unconstrained environments is described. Tracking is performed at three levels of abstraction: regions, people and groups. A novel, adaptive background subtraction method... more
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      Computer VisionMotion estimationTrackingLevels of Abstraction
Keywords: 15
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      AlgorithmsStructural BiologyImmunohistochemistryQuantitative analysis
Immunoelectron microscopy is used in cell biological research to study the spatial distribution of intracellular macromolecules at the ultrastructural level. Colloidal gold particles (immunogold markers) are commonly used to localise... more
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      AlgorithmsStructural BiologyImmunohistochemistryQuantitative analysis
A system providing fall detection and movement monitoring to support older people living at home using computer vision technology is being developed. Sensitive design with user involvement is important if such a system is to be... more
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      TechnologyOlder people
Drama on video is being used as a tool to investigate user requirements for a fall detector within the context of a monitoring system based on visual tracking. The system is being designed to have the ability to provide passive monitoring... more
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      Older peopleElderly PeopleVisual trackingPassive Acoustic Monitoring
Automatic segmentation of bone contours in knee x-ray images is investigated as a step towards reliable, quantitative radiographic analysis of osteoarthritis for diagnosis and assessment of progression. A double contour active shape model... more
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      X-ray imagingActive Shape Model
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      Computer VisionKalman FilterGeometric modelLocal Search
Statistical shape models are often learned from examples based on landmark correspondences between annotated examples. A method is proposed for learning such models from contours with inconsistent bifurcations and loops. Automatic... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligenceShape Modeling
A likelihood formulation for detailed human tracking in real world scenes is presented. In this formulation, the appearance, modelled using feature distributions defined over regions on the surface of an articulated 3D model, is estimated... more
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      Human TrackingPrior KnowledgeComputational EfficiencyPose Estimation
A method for recovering a part-based description of human pose from single images of people is described. It is able to perform estimation efficiently in the presence significant background clutter, large foreground variation,... more
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      Computer VisionPrior KnowledgePose EstimationComputer
Breast tissue microarrays (TMAs) facilitate the study of very large numbers of breast tumours in a single histological section, but their scoring by pathologists is time consuming, typically highly quantised, and not without error. This... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryMulti-layer PerceptronOrdinal RegressionGaussian Process
A method for automatic segmentation of tumour regions in breast histopathology images is described. It uses auto-context to label pixels based on local image features and contextual label probabilities. We propose spin-context to compute... more
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Tissue microarrays (TMAs) are an important tool in translational research for examining multiple cancers for molecular and protein markers. Automatic immunohistochemical (IHC) scoring of breast TMA images remains a challenging problem. A... more
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    • Pathology Informatics
Breast-tissue microarrays facilitate the survey of very large numbers of tumours but their scoring by pathologists is time consuming, typically highly quantised and not without error. Automated segmentation of cells and intra-cellular... more
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    • Breast Cancer
Tissue microarrays have become an important tool in clinical research to analyse molecular and protein markers in various types of cancer. However their analysis is a timeconsuming task and introduces inter-and intra-observer variations.... more
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Breast tissue microarrays (TMAs) facilitate the study of very large numbers of breast tumours in a single histological section, but their scoring by pathologists is time consuming, typically highly quantised, and not without error. This... more
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      ImmunohistochemistryMulti-layer PerceptronOrdinal RegressionGaussian Process
Root growth in the field is often slowed by a combination of soil physical stresses, including mechanical impedance, water stress, and oxygen deficiency. The stresses operating may vary continually, depending on the location of the root... more
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      SoilKineticsPlant BiologyAnisotropy
We present a method for learning appearance models that can be used to recognise and track both 3D head pose and identities of novel subjects with continuous head movement across the view-sphere. We describe an automatic face data... more
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      Real TimeVector SpaceData Acquisition SystemMagnetic Sensor