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      CancerBreast Cancer
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      AlgorithmsFeasibility StudiesClinical SciencesThree Dimensional
Rationale and Objectives. The impact of varying image acquisition parameters on the precision of measurements using quantitative computed tomography is currently based on studies performed before the advent of helical image acquisition... more
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      Clinical SciencesReproducibility of ResultsSensitivity and Specificity*Radiographic Image Enhancement
Using positron emission tomography and (18-F)-fluorodeoxyglucose, we studied cerebral glucose metabolism in 10 anorectic girls within their underweight state and after weight gain. Ten age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers were used as... more
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      AdolescentPositron Emission TomographyComorbidityAnorexia Nervosa
Rationale-Human CD34 + cells have been used in clinical trials for treatment of myocardial infarction (MI). However, it is unknown how long the CD34 + cells persist in hearts, whether the improvement in cardiac function is sustained, and... more
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      Magnetic Resonance ImagingPositron Emission TomographyMiceHeart
There is an urgent global need for effective and affordable approaches to cervical cancer screening and diagnosis. In developing nations, cervical malignancies remain the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. This reality may... more
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      Molecular ImagingHUMAN PAPILLOMAVIRUSGender MedicineDeveloping Country
This report describes techniques and protocols imple* mented at the Geneva Canton University Hospitals (HUG) for the combination of various biomedical imaging modalities and sensors including electromagnetic tomography, to study, assess,... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputed TomographyMagnetic Resonance ImagingDigital imaging
Context. In pancreatic cancer, the presence of obesity or weight loss is associated with higher mortality.
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      Skeletal muscle biologyAnthropometryCancerSurvival Analysis
Efforts to develop adenovirus vectors suitable for genetic interventions in humans have identified three major limitations of the most frequently used vector prototype, human adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5). These limitations-widespread... more
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      VirologyCytokinesBiological SciencesLiver
The development of computer-aided diagnostic ͑CAD͒ methods for lung nodule detection, classification, and quantitative assessment can be facilitated through a well-characterized repository of computed tomography ͑CT͒ scans. The Lung Image... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMedical PhysicsQuality ControlLung
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR5 BW1 BW2 BW3 BW4 BW5 α1 α2 α3 α4 α5 P1 P2 P3
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      Biomedical EngineeringMagnetic Resonance ImagingMedical PhysicsBreast
The recently developed GATE ͑GEANT4 application for tomographic emission͒ Monte Carlo package, designed to simulate positron emission tomography ͑PET͒ and single photon emission computed tomography ͑SPECT͒ scanners, provides the ability... more
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      AlgorithmsBiomedical EngineeringComputed TomographyMonte Carlo Simulation
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      NeuroradiologyTime of FlightStatistical SignificanceExperimental Study
Critical to the clinical evaluation of effective novel therapies for lung cancer is the early and accurate determination of tumor response, which requires an understanding of the sources of uncertainty in tumor measurement and subsequent... more
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      AlgorithmsRadiation TherapyTreatment OutcomeLung Cancer
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: This article describes issues and methods that are specific to the measurement of change in tumor volume as measured from computed tomographic (CT) images and how these would relate to the establishment of CT... more
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      Computed TomographyEarly DetectionTranslationalImage Database
We describe methods and issues that are relevant to the measurement of change in tumor uptake of 18 Ffluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) or other radiotracers, as measured from positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) images, and... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesPositron Emission TomographyLung Cancer
RATIONALE: Early detection of tumor response to therapy is a key goal. Finding measurement algorithms capable of early detection of tumor response could individualize therapy treatment as well as reduce the cost of bringing new drugs to... more
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      TranslationalTranslational Oncology
The development of computer-aided diagnostic ͑CAD͒ methods for lung nodule detection, classification, and quantitative assessment can be facilitated through a well-characterized repository of computed tomography ͑CT͒ scans. The Lung Image... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringMedical PhysicsQuality ControlLung
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: This article describes issues and methods that are specific to the measurement of change in tumor volume as measured from computed tomographic (CT) images and how these would relate to the establishment of CT... more
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      Computed TomographyEarly DetectionTranslationalImage Database
The purpose of our experimental study was to assess the accuracy and precision of CT angiography (CTA), MR angiography (MRA) and rotational digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for measuring the volume of an in vitro aneurysm model. A... more
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      NeuroradiologyTime of FlightStatistical SignificanceExperimental Study