Papers by Rolands Moisejevs
Botanica, 2020
All available specimens (98) of the genus Cetrelia from Latvia (Northern Europe) in the Herbaria ... more All available specimens (98) of the genus Cetrelia from Latvia (Northern Europe) in the Herbaria DAU and RIG were revised. Cetrelia cetrarioides, C. olivetorum and C. monachorum were confirmed to occur in the country. The last taxon is new to Latvia. Distribution maps and habitat preferences of all three species in Latvia were presented, and their conservation status was discussed.
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 2021
In summer and autumn 2020, a lichenological inventory took place in the Gauja National Park (Latv... more In summer and autumn 2020, a lichenological inventory took place in the Gauja National Park (Latvia, Northern Europe). In total, 60 species of lichenized fungi, six non-lichenized saprophytic fungi and three non-lichenized fungi are reported as new for Gauja National Park. Among them, ten species are new to Latvia. Data on habitats, substrates, main characteristics and distribution in the neighbouring countries to Latvia are provided. The total number of lichenized and closely related fungi for the Gauja National Park is 346.

Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 2021
Forest landscape plays a significant role in rare cryptogam distribution. However, data about the... more Forest landscape plays a significant role in rare cryptogam distribution. However, data about the environmental demands of rare epiphytic bryophytes and lichens in boreo-nemoral forest landscapes are not complete. In this study, we focused on finding the main environmental predictors influencing the occurrence of three red-listed epiphytic bryophytes and three red-listed epiphytic lichens in the Latvian boreo-nemoral forest landscape. We obtained the records of species from the Natural Data Management System OZOLS database, which is a national information system on all rare taxa. We analyzed the occurrence of species in relation to forest stand age and area, forest type, heterogeneity and tree bark pH class. We found that selected red-listed bryophyte and lichen occurrence was mainly influenced by forest stand age and area. However, each of the red-listed epiphytic bryophyte and lichen has their own ecological demands in the boreo-nemoral landscape.

Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 2020
In August 2019, the Nordic Lichen Society held its bi-annual meeting and excursion in south-weste... more In August 2019, the Nordic Lichen Society held its bi-annual meeting and excursion in south-western Estonia. The most remarkable findings of lichenized and lichenicolous fungi are recorded herewith, including nine new species (of them two lichenicolous), and one new intraspecific taxon for the country. Full species lists are provided for two notable locations, sandstone outcrop at the river Pärnu and an oak woodland in the Naissoo Nature Reserve, for which no previous data were available, to illustrate the importance of collective survey effort. 2019. a augustis toimus Eestis korraline, iga kahe aasta järel korraldatav Põhjamaade Lihhenoloogide Ühingu kokkutulek ja ekskursioon. Artiklis anname ülevaate huvitavatest lihheniseerunud ja lihhenikoolsete liikide leidudest, sealhulgas üheksa (neist kahe lihhenikoolse) liigi esmaleiust Eestis ja ühe liigisisese taksoni esmaleiust. Lisaks esitatakse lihheniseerunud, lihhenikoolsete ja neile lähedaste seente täisnimekirjad, mis ko...

Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2020
The protection of horticultural crops from slug feeding can be achieved using slug pellets; howev... more The protection of horticultural crops from slug feeding can be achieved using slug pellets; however, application of molluscicides is not always safe to the environment. There is a need for alternative methods to reduce the palatability of crop plants. Chemical properties of secondary compounds from lichens influence the feeding behaviour of slugs. Liquid extracts of three lichen species, Cladonia rangiferina (L.) F.H. Wigg., Cladonia stellaris (Opiz) Pouzar & Vězda and Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf, were applied to three different crops and tested for their antifeedant properties against an important agricultural pest, the Spanish slug Arion vulgaris (Moquin-Tandon, 1855). All three extracts had specific activity, showing a decrease in grazing intensity and also slug weight loss after feeding on treated food. Slugs significantly gained weight after feeding under control condition; however, they did not gain weight when fed on extract-treated food. The most effective extract was ...
Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 2017
Six lichenized fungi (Calicium parvum, C. trabinellum, Carbonicola anthracophila, C. myrmecina, P... more Six lichenized fungi (Calicium parvum, C. trabinellum, Carbonicola anthracophila, C. myrmecina, Peltigera extenuata, Pycnora sorophora), two lichenicolous (Clypeococcum hypocenomycis and Illosporium carneum), and two saprobic calicioid fungi (Chaenothecopsis savonica and Microcalicium arenarium) are reported as new for Latvia.
Botanica Lithuanica, 2017
Four species of saxicolous and acidophilous lichens - Dermatocarpon miniatum, Trapelia coarctata,... more Four species of saxicolous and acidophilous lichens - Dermatocarpon miniatum, Trapelia coarctata, Trapelia placodioides, and Umbilicaria hirsuta found on different types of granite boulders were reported as new to Latvian lichen biota. Data on substratum geology, accompanying species, microhabitat and distribution in neighbouring to Latvia countries are provided.

Herzogia, 2016
Pielikumi 1.pielikums. Dabas parka "Talsu pauguraine" lielāko ezeru apraksts 2. pielikums. Dabas ... more Pielikumi 1.pielikums. Dabas parka "Talsu pauguraine" lielāko ezeru apraksts 2. pielikums. Dabas parka "Talsu pauguraine" aizsargājamo biotopu un sugu karte 3. pielikums. Piedāvāto apsaimniekošanas pasākumu un tūrisma infrastruktūras karte 4. pielikums. Priekšlikums dabas parka "Talsu pauguraine" funkcionālajam zonējumam 5. pielikums. Pielikums individuālo aizsardzības un izmantošanas noteikumu projektam-Funkcionālo zonu shēma (1. pielikums) 6. pielikums. Pielikums individuālo aizsardzības un izmantošanas noteikumu projektam-Speciālās informatīvās zīmes lietošanas kārtība un paraugs (2. pielikums) 7. pielikums. Pielikums individuālo aizsardzības un izmantošanas noteikumu projektam-Aizsargājamie koki-vietējie un citzemju sugu dižkoki (pēc apkārtmēra un augstuma) (3. pielikums) 8. pielikums. Pielikums individuālo aizsardzības un izmantošanas noteikumu projektam-Ainaviski nozīmīgās teritorijas un ainaviskie ceļi dabas parkā "Talsu pauguraine" (4. pielikums) 9. pielikums. Dabas parka "Talsu pauguraine" dabas aizsardzības plāna izstrādes informatīvās sanāksmes un Uzraudzības grupas sanāksmju protokoli 10. pielikums. Pārskats par komentāriem un iedzīvotāju iesniegumiem, kas saņemti līdz sabiedriskajai apspriešanai Dabas parka "Talsu pauguraine" dabas aizsardzības plāns no 2013. gada līdz 2023. gadam DAP projekts sabiedriskajai apspriešanai
Fungal Biology, 2020
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the ad... more This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will undergo additional copyediting, typesetting and review before it is published in its final form, but we are providing this version to give early visibility of the article. Please note that, during the production process, errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.
Papers by Rolands Moisejevs