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This article examines how dynasties applied the Five Elements theory in their respective legitimation discourses throughout the history of imperial China. Drawing on both documentary and visual sources, I reveal that the Liao, Jin, and... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityTang DynastyLegitimacyPolitical Legitimacy
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      BuddhismSilk RoadTang DynastyChinese literature
本文從文本和圖像資料出發以研究自宋以降漢族與少數民族政權對王朝正統性的不同闡釋。自秦以降,中國王朝多以五行相生來解釋本朝取代前朝的正統性,並同時以五行理論的五行與五色的對應關係來選擇王朝的服色,如宋朝取火運以繼後周之木德,並服色尚赤。... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesEurasian Nomads
宋徽宗在靖康⼆年北狩途中最早制造了「太祖誓约」的传说,其原因是为了将汴梁的失陷归咎于宋钦宗。由此看来,「太祖誓约」实是徽宗为了将赵宋⼤统传于宋⾼宗,⽽向其转达的⼀系列复杂政治讯息中的⼀部分。根据曹勋在其回忆录《北狩⻅闻录》中所记,徽宗向⾼宗传达的⼝谕主旨并⾮「太祖誓约」,⽽是⼀系列预⾔⾼宗未来登基的「瑞应故事」。本⽂通过解读《中兴瑞应图》画卷来探寻曹勋如何参与、影响这段历史。然⽽,「太祖誓约」的核⼼思想、即宋朝的「祖宗之法」及宋朝皇帝与⼠⼤夫之间的相互平衡、制约,并⾮曹勋作为... more
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      LegitimacyPolitical LegitimacyCultural MemorySong Dynasty
This article examines the creation, preservation, and destruction of the defensive forest that the Northern Song built in Hebei along the Song–Liao border. Created as a landscape barrier against the Kitan attacks, this forest established... more
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryForestryMedieval History
On environmental thoughts in traditional China, long-distance environmental footprint, and what environmental lessons we can learn from the past.
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental StudiesEnvironmental HistoryFood History
This article studies two sixteenth-century Asian texts: Khitay namah, a Persian travelogue about the Ming dynasty written by the Muslim merchant Ali Akbar and presented to the Ottoman sultan, and Xiyu, an illustrated Chinese geographical... more
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      Historical GeographyAsian StudiesOttoman HistoryEarly Modern History
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      ForestryEnvironmental StudiesMing DynastyEnvironmental Sustainability