Duke University
Franklin Humanities Institute
Interview in Endocrine Today, 2016
A short article on the influence of Industry on Patient Advocacy written for Diabetes Voice, the online journal of the International Diabetes Federation.
This article examines the complexity of the word “disability,” how puppetry can push forward disability justice and disability aesthetics, offers a “grammar of animacy” for artists working with disability and disability studies scholars.
ABSTRACT: The theoretical turn to object ontologies in the social sciences and the humanities brings puppetry work related to illness, disability and health to the forefront of artistic practice-as-research, disability studies and the... more
No abstract available.
The distinctness of each person's life and experience is an important consideration in dominant accounts of how democratic institutions should distribute basic rights and liberties. Drawing on recent social movements, philosophers like... more
I examine two distinctive feelings that I find in the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche and Luce Irigaray—specifically Nietzsche’s pathos of distance and Irigaray’s wisdom of love. I show that the pathos of distance and the way of love... more
This ethnographic research on embodied hip hop pedagogies bridges the fields of dance studies, hip hop, and education. This dissertation sheds light on the transgressive possibilities of embodied hip hop pedagogies, a curricular and... more
Western education can sometimes clash with who we are, what we know, and how we move. By always expecting students to sit quietly and face their teacher at the front of the classroom, the school system detaches those students' bodies from... more
M e e ience a a ee e fo mance lo e , hen dance , led me o e ea ch hi-ho in de h a a doc o al candida e in he US. Since m fi e e ience i h hi-ho ee e fo mance in Pa i-bo h a a o i /ob e e and la e a a dance /c emembe-I e al a been fa cina... more
Open digital badges are statements of trust used to vouch that people are who they say they are, and have the qualities they claim to have. Proponents argue that the full potential of badges will be realized when they circulate as... more
- by Sheryl Grant
The Cyber-Infrastructure for Billions of Electronic Records (CI-BER) project is a collaborative big data management project based on the integration of heterogeneous datasets and multi-source historical and digital collections, including... more
This chapter describes the history and context of digital badges in education. Open digital badges have emerged from the new culture of learning made possible by the connected and pervasive digital systems of the 21 st century. These same... more