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We survey 392 CFOs about the cost of capital, capital budgeting, and capital structure. Large "rms rely heavily on present value techniques and the capital asset pricing model, while small "rms are relatively likely to use the payback... more
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      Financial EconomicsCorporate FinanceCapital StructureCapital Asset Pricing Model
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      FinanceTime SeriesMarket SegmentationEmerging Markets
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyStock MarketCapital Asset Pricing Model
We propose a cross-sectional time-series model to assess the impact of market liberalizations in emerging equity markets on the cost of capital, volatility, beta, and correlation with world market returns. Liberalizations are defined by... more
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      FinanceEconomic GrowthCapital FlowsEmerging Market
Understanding volatility in emerging capital markets is important for determining the cost of capital and for evaluating direct investment and asset allocation decisions. We provide an approach that allows the relative importance of world... more
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      Financial EconomicsTime SeriesAsset AllocationKenya
If asset returns have systematic skewness, expected returns should include rewards for accepting this risk. We formalize this intuition with an asset pricing model that incorporates conditional skewness. Our results show that conditional... more
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      FinanceCapital Asset Pricing ModelCross SectionAsset Prices
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      FinanceConditional Expectation
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      Economic TheoryApplied EconomicsFinancial Studies
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      Financial EconomicsCapital Asset Pricing ModelCapmMarket efficiency
Previous studies identify predetermined variables that predict stock and bond returns through time. This paper shows that loadings on the same variables provide significant cross-sectional explanatory power for stock portfolio returns.... more
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      FinanceTime SeriesRisk AnalysisDeveloping Country
We present a new methodology for estimating time-varying conditional skewness. Our model allows for changing means and variances and uses a maximum likelihood framework with instruments and assumes a noncentral t-distribution. We apply... more
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    • GARCH
Regulatory changes that appear comprehensive will have little impact on the functioning of a developing market if they fail to lead to foreign portfolio inflows. We specify a reduced-form model for a number of financial time series and... more
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    • Financial Economics
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      BusinessSoutheast AsiaLatin AmericaBusiness and Management
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      Financial EconomicsTerm Structure
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    • Financial Analysts
Emerging markets have long posed a challenge for finance. Standard models are often ill suited to deal with the specific circumstances arising in these markets. However, the interest in emerging markets has provided impetus for both the... more
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      EconometricsEmpirical FinanceEconomic GrowthCorporate Finance
Given the cross-sectional and temporal variation in their liquidity, emerging equity markets provide an ideal setting to examine the impact of liquidity on expected returns. Our main liquidity measure is a transformation of the proportion... more
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      Asset PricingEconomic TheoryApplied EconomicsMarket Segmentation
We provide an analysis of real economic growth prospects in emerging markets after nancial liberalizations. We identify the¯nancial liberalization dates and examine the in°uence of liberalizations while controlling for a number of other... more
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      Development EconomicsTime SeriesEconomic GrowthFinancial Liberalization
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      Financial RiskPolitical RiskFinancial Analysts
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      Portfolio ManagementAsset AllocationEmerging Market