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      Theological Interpretation of Christian ScripturePastoral TheologyMinisterial Studies
El cumplimiento de las profecías bíblicas a la luz de nuestros ojos y al cada vez más cerca eminente regreso de nuestro Señor y Salvador, Jesucristo, nos ha llevado a escudriñar y estudiar el tema de las "Vestiduras Blancas" mencionadas... more
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    • Pastoral Studies
Como en toda ocupación o profesión el obrero cristiano necesita ciertas herramientas que resultan básicas para ejecutar sus funciones y que le harán capáz de desarrollar otras destrezas y, en el caso del obrero cristiano, facilitar el... more
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    • Ground Water
Introduction 2 Background 2 Purpose of excursion and field guide 3 Physical setting 3 Land use 5 Climate 5 Drainage 7 Flood alert system 10 Irrigation works 13 Portugues-Bucana flood control and water-supply project 13 Geology and... more
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Analysis of tests of subsurface injection, storage, and recovery of freshwater in the Lower Floridan aquifer, Okeechobee County, Florida. V Quinones-Aponte, K Kotun, JF Whitley US GEOL. SURVEY, EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATION ...
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The feasibility of injecting, storing, and recovering excess streamflow in a saline aquifer was investigated for a well site in the lower Rio Grande deArecibo valley, at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Six injection-recovery tests were made, which... more
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    • Geology
Seepage from Rio Grande de Arecibo to the groundwater system at the east side of the valley is probably the key to the development of groundwater resources in the Arecibo area. San Pedro spring, with an average discharge of 8.6 million... more
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    • Environmental Science
A preliminary assessment of subsurface injection, storage and recovery of fresh canal water was made in the naturally brackish lower Hawthorn aquifer in Cape Coral, southwestern Florida. A digital modeling approach was used for this... more
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    • Geology
Type curves showing the response of the aquifer to various streamflow and pumpage condition were developed with the model. The curves were used for a general evaluation of the aquifer.
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    • Geology