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In insects, hydrocarbons waterproof the cuticle, protect the insect from the external environment, and serve as semiochemicals or their metabolic precursors. In the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, hydrocarbons are synthesized by... more
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      Electron MicroscopyMultidisciplinaryHYDROCARBONSNaturwissenschaften
Abstract  The physiological and biochemical characteristics of the diapause larvae of Asian corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis, were investigated. The molecular weight of diapause associated protein in hemolymph was determined. The... more
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      ZoologyEcological Applications
Cuticular hydrocarbons of arthropods serve multiple functions, including as barriers to water loss and as pheromones and pheromone precursors. In the oviparous German cockroach, Blattella germanica, long-chain hydrocarbons are produced by... more
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      Biological SciencesCockroachesLipoprotein(a)HYDROCARBONS
Embryos of the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata accumulate large amounts of hydrocarbon (HC) of either maternal or embryonic origin. HC synthesis and its accumulation in maternal and embryonic tissues were measured over the course... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyReproductionInsect Physiology
The transport of lipids constitutes a vital function in insects and requires the plasma lipoprotein lipophorin. In all insects examined to date, cuticular hydrocarbons are also transported through the hemolymph by lipophorin, and in... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyEntomologySocial insects
The ability to distinguish between members of a social group and unfamiliar individuals is a critical element of social behaviour. Social insects can differentiate between nestmates and non-nestmates via recognition cues, which in most... more
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      Social InteractionAnimal BehaviourBiological SciencesChemical Communication
The transport of lipids constitutes a vital function in insects and requires the plasma lipoprotein lipophorin. In all insects examined to date, cuticular hydrocarbons are also transported through the hemolymph by lipophorin, and in... more
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      EntomologySocial insectsInsect PhysiologyTermites
Assessing interactions between the associations of common genetic susceptibility variants, reproductive history and body mass index with breast cancer risk in the Breast Cancer Association Consortium: a combined case-control study. Breast... more
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      GeneticsBreast CancerDisease susceptibilityBreast Cancer Early Detecion and Treatment
Background: Regulation of worker behavior by dominant queens or workers is a hallmark of insect societies, but the underlying molecular mechanisms and their evolutionary conservation are not well understood. Honey bee and bumble bee... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPhysiologyConservation Genetics
Sex peptide (SP) and Ductus ejaculatorius peptide (Dup) 99B are synthesized in the retrogonadal complex of adult male Drosophila melanogaster, and are transferred in the male seminal fluid to the female genital tract during mating. They... more
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      ZoologyReproductionDrosophila melanogasterPeptides
The maturation of corpora allata (CA) and the competence of pheromone glands in the adult moth Helicoverpa armigera, are both age-related and appear to be correlated. Sex pheromone glands of pharate adults do not produce sex pheromone... more
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      ZoologyJuvenile HormoneSex PheromoneInsect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.), produces several potent protein aeroallergens, including Bla g 4, a ∼ ∼ ∼ ∼ 20 kDa lipocalin. RT-PCR, Northern analyses and in situ hybridization showed that Bla g 4 is expressed only in the... more
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      Insect Molecular BiologyBiological SciencesMale Reproduction HealthJuvenile Hormone
Mated female Heliothis virescens and H. subflexa were induced to produce sex pheromone during the photophase by injection of pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). When injected with 1 pmol Hez-PBAN, the total amount of... more
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      Chemical EcologyPheromonesChemicalBiological Sciences
Previous studies demonstrate that virgin female adult Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moths exhibit calling behaviour and produce sex pheromone in scotophase from the day after emergence, and that mating turns off both of... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyInsect PhysiologyDrosophila melanogaster
The adrenergicagonistsoctopamine,tyramine and clonidineinhibitedthe normal pheromonotropic action due to PBAN (pheromone biosynthesisactivating neuropeptide) in incubations of intersegmentaltissues that are situated between the 8th and... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyInsect Physiology
A key characteristic of eusocial species is reproductive division of labour. Honey bee colonies typically have a single reproductive queen and thousands of sterile workers. Adult queens differ dramatically from workers in anatomy,... more
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      GenomicsGene expressionBiological SciencesMolecular
Hormones in the insulin superfamily initiate a wide range of physiological processes in higher eukaryotic organisms. Although insulin-like peptides (ILPs) are likely present in all arthropods, they have been characterized for only a few... more
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      PhysiologyLocalizationPhylogenySequence alignment
Large amounts of hydrocarbons accumulate during vitellogenesis in the developing basal oocytes of the German cockroach Blattella germanica (L.), and all ovarian hydrocarbons are deposited into an egg case (ootheca) during oviposition.... more
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      PheromonesBiological SciencesHYDROCARBONSTritium
Hormones in the insulin superfamily initiate a wide range of physiological processes in higher eukaryotic organisms. Although insulin-like peptides (ILPs) are likely present in all arthropods, they have been characterized for only a few... more
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      PhysiologyLocalizationPhylogenySequence alignment
The adrenergicagonistsoctopamine,tyramine and clonidineinhibitedthe normal pheromonotropic action due to PBAN (pheromone biosynthesisactivating neuropeptide) in incubations of intersegmentaltissues that are situated between the 8th and... more
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      PhysiologyZoologyInsect Physiology