Duke University
: MSVE example: body scale, lung scale and a third level of scale. Note that the virtual magnifier is at a compatible size at all scales.
Models of human motor behavior are well known as an aid in the design of user interfaces (UIs). Most current models apply primarily to desktop interaction, but with the development of non-desktop UIs, new types of motor behaviors need to... more
Researchers have proposed that immersion could have advantages for tasks involving abstract mental activities, such as conceptual learning; however, there are few empirical results that support this idea. We hypothesized that higher... more
Distant pointing at large displays allows rapid cursor movements, but can be problematic when high levels of precision are needed, due to natural hand tremor and tracking jitter. We present two ray-casting-based interaction techniques for... more
- by Regis Kopper
Virtual environments touch generation is a research field that has attracted a lot of attention during the past few years. However, the existing devices have a high cost, making it difficult their acquisition. This paper brings up the... more
Issues such as hand and tracker jitter negatively affect user performance with 3D selection techniques based on the ray-casting metaphor. This makes it difficult for users to select objects that have a small visible area, since small... more
In VR, users are placed into a computer-generated 3D world that can be viewed and navigated in real time [1]. With high-end VR displays, such as CAVEs and headmounted displays, virtual objects can appear to exist in real 3D space, and the... more
Amplified head rotations have been proposed as a method to overcome the limitations of narrow field of view (FOV) and field of regard (FOR) in virtual reality (VR) systems, but little is known about the effects of amplification on task... more
- by Regis Kopper
Background-Simulation in medical education provides students with opportunities to practice interviews, examinations, and diagnosis formulation related to complex conditions without risks to patients.
Mixed reality and 3D user interface technologies have increased the immersion, presence, and physicality of user interactions. These technologies can also increase the physicality of embodied conversational agents (ECAs) by making the... more
- by Regis Kopper
The use of virtual characters in a variety of research areas is widespread. One such area is healthcare. The study presented in this paper leveraged virtual patients to examine whether virtual patients are more likely to be correctly... more
- by Regis Kopper
In some virtual reality (VR) systems, OpenGL intercept methods are used to capture and render a desktop application's OpenGL calls within an immersive display. These systems often suffer from lower frame rates due to network bandwidth... more
- by Regis Kopper
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the use of a touch feedback device in a virtual environment, though the use of vibrating micro-motors attached in some parts of the user body. So, this work divides the interaction process in stages... more
- by Regis Kopper