Duke University
Earth ocean Sciences
A single specimen of the protasterid ophiuroid Protasterina flexuosa from the Kope Formation (Cincinnatian, Upper Or− dovician) of Kentucky exhibits three−dimensionally pyritized tube feet. This represents the first report of soft−tissue... more
A single specimen of the protasterid ophiuroid Protasterina flexuosa from the Kope Formation (Cincinnatian, Upper Or− dovician) of Kentucky exhibits three−dimensionally pyritized tube feet. This represents the first report of soft−tissue... more
Background: As Earth warms, temperate and subpolar marine species will increasingly shift their geographic ranges poleward. The endemic shelf fauna of Antarctica is especially vulnerable to climate-mediated biological invasions because... more
Onychaster is prominent in discussions on the ancestry of crown group ophiuroids because about half of researchers have classified Onychaster as a Palaeozoic representative of the living Order Euryalida. With this classification there is... more
A single specimen of the protasterid ophiuroid Protasterina flexuosa from the Kope Formation (Cincinnatian, Upper Or− dovician) of Kentucky exhibits three−dimensionally pyritized tube feet. This represents the first report of soft−tissue... more
Onychaster is prominent in discussions on the ancestry of crown group ophiuroids because about half of researchers have classified Onychaster as a Palaeozoic representative of the living Order Euryalida. With this classification there is... more