Duke University
Duke Law School
Before neoliberalism became global, it was an intellectual project that had a particular view of the power of constitutions to limit sovereign states, anchor economic freedoms and protect markets from democratic pressures for greater... more
Every day, all across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, judges go about the business of dispensing justice. But absolute justice, like any other ideal, can never be fully realized, because its achievement would require human... more
In my previous column, I asked a simple question: If we would agree that the lawyer who represents himself has a fool for a client, then why are we spending so much time and money trying to assist non-law-trained pro se litigants in... more
Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s founding fathers, was said to have remarked that anyone who would sacrifice liberty for the sake of safety deserved neither. Yet that is exactly the balancing act that the United States, and indeed... more
Zeal and tunnel vision replace the cool detachment that law school instills. Just as a doctor should never self-diagnose, a lawyer, too, should not self-represent. This point was never driven home more for me than when, at the end of a... more