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Purpose The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-developed colorectal cancer screening questionnaire. Methods We conducted 36 cognitive interviews and made iterative changes to the... more
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      Health BehaviorGastroenterologyCancerFace
In the current system of allocation, patients awaiting orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) remain at risk of developing de novo hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and removal from the waiting list. Using the United Network for Organ... more
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      Risk assessmentHepatitis CHepatitis BLiver
Background: Almost 50% of Americans have elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). The behaviors required to lower LDL-C levels may be difficult to adhere to if they are inconsistent with spouses' health practices, and,... more
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      Health SciencesNursingEpidemiologyPublic Health
Background Previous research reports that 48% of veterans regularly experience and express concern over pain. Outpatient service use is higher for veterans with pain than for veterans without pain. Our study objective was to identify... more
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      MarketingPsychologyCognitive SciencePrimary Care
Purpose: Treatment with cyclophosphamide (CYC) confers up to a 40% risk of ovarian failure in women of reproductive age. The use of GnRH agonists (GnRHa) to preserve ovarian function has been investigated in several small studies. We... more
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      FertilityPregnancyConfidence intervalsYoung Adult
The clinical course of patients with ALS is highly variable. While the median survival time from symptom onset is 2Á4 years, there are reports of survival ranging from less than a year to more than 40 years. Such variability makes... more
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      Cognitive ScienceVietnamAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisUnited States
ObjectiveTo compare the ability of 3 database-derived comorbidity scores, the Charlson Score, Elixhauser method, and RxRisk-V, in predicting health service use among individuals with osteoarthritis (OA).To compare the ability of 3... more
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Background: Group medical clinics (GMCs) are widely used in the management of diabetes and hypertension, but data on their effectiveness are limited.
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      Primary Health CareRandomizationSelf CareGroup Processes
Examine primary care physicians’ use of counseling techniques when treating overweight and obese patients and the association with mediators of behavior change as well as change in nutrition, exercise, and weight loss attempts.We audio... more
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      Primary CareHealth BehaviorNutritionConfidence
Characteristics that may influence participation in DNA banks are not well defined. The purpose of this study was to examine characteristics associated with participation in a DNA bank among veterans diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral... more
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      GeneticsFamilyBreast CancerInformed Consent
Purpose: The Veterans Affairs or VA health care system is in the process of significantly expanding home health care (HHC) nationwide. We describe VA HHC use in 2003 for all VA HHC users from 2002; we examine whether VA utilization across... more
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Background It has been reported in the quantitative trait locus (QTL) literature that when testing for QTL location and effect, the statistical power supporting methodologies based on two markers and their estimated genetic map is higher... more
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      GeneticsDrosophila melanogasterGenetic MapStatistical Power
Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping methodology for continuous normally distributed traits is the subject of much attention in the literature. Binary trait locus (BTL) mapping in experimental populations has received much less... more
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      GeneticsComputer SimulationModel SelectionGenetic Map
Objective-Evidence suggests that physicians' use of Motivational Interviewing (MI) techniques helps patients lose weight. We assessed patient, physician, relationship, and systems predictors of length of weight-loss discussions and... more
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      Primary CareCommunicationPrimary Health CareInterviewing
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      DietPreventive medicineCounselingSmoking Cessation
Physicians should counsel overweight adolescents about nutrition and exercise. We audio recorded 30 physician-adolescent encounters. Female, older, normal weight physicians and pediatricians were more Motivational Interviewing adherent.... more
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      Primary CareCommunicationEducationNutrition
Background:We conducted a 12-month follow-up study on participants in the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-Sodium trial to determine the impact of the DASH diet and 150, 100, or 50 mmol/day of sodium after discontinuation of... more
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      Mixed Effects ModelsHypertensionBlood PressureNorth Carolina
A potential venue to improve healthcare efficiency is to effectively tailor individualized treatment strategies by incorporating patient level predictor information such as environmental exposure, biological, and genetic marker... more
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      HIV/AIDSCausal InferenceMissing Data ImputationPersonalized Medicine and Pharmacogenomics
Amyloid β (Aβ) peptides, the main pathological species associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD), disturb intracellular calcium homeostasis, which in turn activates the calcium-dependent phosphatase calcineurin (CaN). CaN activation... more
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      NeuroscienceCognitive ScienceNeurologyWorking Memory
Calcineurin has been implicated as part of a critical signaling pathway for learning and memory, and recent data suggest that calcineurin activation mediates some of the neurotoxicity of the Alzheimer related neurotoxin Aβ.... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive ScienceSurvival Analysis