Duke University
Cultural Anthropology & Women's Studies
This article engages new histories of the black frontline communities of the Underground Railroad to rethink both fugitive democracy and the transformative possibilities of sanctuary as its constitutive twin. We analyze the ways that... more
This article engages new histories of the black frontline communities of the Underground Railroad to rethink both fugitive democracy and the transformative possibilities of sanctuary as its constitutive twin. We analyze the ways that... more
This article details the political contestations of refugee occupiers after they were violently evicted from their home, colloquially called Piazza Indipendenza. Participant observation as a friend of the Eritrean refugees who occupied... more
The érst article is a general review taking up important points relating to the exhibition. The other three articles record some personal experiences of organising the exhibition and take up themes about the exhibition from the point of... more
This course is a critical examination of the ethnography and theorization of capitalism(s) since the end of the Cold War to the present, including the Occupy Movement, the Arab Spring, the post-2008 financial crisis, and labor,... more
The érst article is a general review taking up important points relating to the exhibition. The other three articles record some personal experiences of organising the exhibition and take up themes about the exhibition from the point of... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Intro to a special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly on Apple. Foxconn, and the labor protest in China
Recent years have seen a proliferation of writings on the politics of socialism and its aftermath in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Much of this work has aimed to make sense of the ambiguities, contradictions, and uncertain... more
This course is a critical examination of Apple’s development from a Silicon Valley garage operation to a company with unprecedented global reach, the richest and arguably most powerful company in the world today. We begin by exploring the... more
In the original publication of this review (Litzinger 2021), the name of one of the book's authors appeared incorrectly at the beginning of the third paragraph. The first sentence of that paragraph, on the bottom of p. 707, should read:... more