Duke University
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Accurate detection of extracellular chemical gradients is essential for many cellular behaviors. Gradient sensing is challenging for small cells, which can experience little difference in ligand concentrations on the up-gradient and... more
Budding yeast use pheromones to select a single mating partner in crowded environments. This article shows that cells assemble mobile polarity sites that both sense and secrete pheromone, enabling a search strategy whereby encounters... more
A body of evidence has shown that the control of E2F transcription factor activity is critical for determining cell cycle entry and cell proliferation. However, an understanding of the precise determinants of this control, including the... more
Stimulation of quiescent mammalian cells with mitogens induces an abrupt increase in E2F1-3 expression just prior to the onset of DNA synthesis, followed by a rapid decline as replication ceases. This temporal adaptation in E2F... more
We report that elevated microRNA-133b (miR-133b) acts as an oncogene in human cervical carcinoma to promote tumorigenesis and metastasis. In situ hybridization con- firmed that miR-133b is localized in proliferating human cervical... more
Many eukaryotic transcription factors (TFs) contain intrinsically disordered low-complexity sequence domains (LCDs), but how these LCDs drive transactivation remains unclear. We used live-cell single-molecule imaging to reveal that TF... more
Animal development is orchestrated by spatio-temporal gene expression programmes that drive precise lineage commitment, proliferation and migration events at the single-cell level, collectively leading to large-scale morphological change... more
A body of evidence has shown that the control of E2F transcription factor activity is critical for determining cell cycle entry and cell proliferation. However, an understanding of the precise determinants of this control, including the... more
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We report that elevated microRNA-133b (miR-133b) acts as an oncogene in human cervical carcinoma to promote tumorigenesis and metastasis. In situ hybridization confirmed that miR-133b is localized in proliferating human cervical carcinoma... more
The simulation results in the Article were based on the correct formula and thus the results are not affected by this correction. The errors have not been fixed in the original Article.
Recent advances in teaching, many of which incorporate elements of active learning, seek to provide students with learning experiences indicative of real-world problem solving. Problem-based learning (PBL) is one form of active learning... more