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Time trajectories of medical costs-associated with onset of twelve aging-related cancer and chronic noncancer diseases were analyzed using the National Long-Term Care Survey data linked to Medicare Service Use files. A special procedure... more
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      Applied MathematicsBiomedical EngineeringForecastingComorbidity
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      AgingRisk assessmentComorbidityDisease susceptibility
Background: Vectorial capacity and the basic reproductive number (R 0 ) have been instrumental in structuring thinking about vector-borne pathogen transmission and how best to prevent the diseases they cause. One of the more important... more
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      AlgorithmsPopulation DynamicsCommunicable DiseasesMultidisciplinary
Biodemography became one of the most innovative and fastest growing areas in demography. This progress is fueled by the growing variability and amount of relevant data available for analyses as well as by methodological developments... more
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    • Geriatrics
The results of genome-wide association studies of complex traits, such as life span or age at onset of chronic disease, suggest that such traits are typically affected by a large number of small-effect alleles. Individually such alleles... more
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      AgingLongevityHuman GenomeGenetic variation
About 80% of all cancers are diagnosed in the elderly and up to 75% of cancers are associated with behavioral factors. An approach to estimate the contribution of various measurable factors, including behavior/lifestyle, to cancer risk in... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesBiomedical Research
The influence of genes on human lifespan is mediated by biological processes that characterize body's functioning. The age trajectories of these processes contain important information about mechanisms linking aging, health, and... more
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Citation: Yashin AI, Wu D, Arbeev KG, Kulminski AM, Stallard E and Ukraintseva SV (2013) Why does melanoma metastasize into the brain? Genes with pleiotropic effects might be the key. Front. Genet. 4:75.
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Longitudinal data on aging, health, and longevity provide a wealth of information to investigate different aspects of the processes of aging and development of diseases leading to death. Statistical methods aimed at analyses of... more
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Background: The roles of genetic factors in human longevity would be better understood if one can use more efficient methods in genetic analyses and investigate pleiotropic effects of genetic variants on aging and health related traits.
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    • CVD
Background: In genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of human life span, none of the genetic variants has reached the level of genome-wide statistical significance. The roles of such variants in life span regulation remain unclear. Data... more
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We analyzed relationship between the risk of onset of "unhealthy life" (defined as the onset of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, or diabetes) and longitudinal changes in body mass index, diastolic blood pressure, hematocrit, pulse... more
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      Stochastic ProcessAgingLife StyleLife course
Small sample size of genetic data is often a limiting factor for desirable accuracy of estimated genetic effects on age-specific risks and survival. Longitudinal non-genetic data containing information on survival or disease onsets of... more
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      SurvivalLongevityBiogerontologySample Size
We evaluated effects of the APOE polymorphism (carriers versus noncarriers of the e4 allele) and age trajectories of total cholesterol (CH) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) on mortality risk in the Framingham Heart Study (original... more
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      BioinformaticsLife SciencesBiomedical Research
Recent studies have reported that leukocyte telomere length (LTL) is longer in offspring of older fathers. Longer telomeres might increase cancer risk. We examined the relation of father's age at the birth of the offspring (FAB) with LTL... more
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The lack of evolutionary established mechanisms linking genes to age-related traits makes the problem of genetic susceptibility to healthspan inherently complex. One complicating factor is genetic trade-off. We focus on long-living... more
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      AgingNeurodegenerative DiseasesHeredityDenmark
New approaches are needed to explore the different ways in which genes affect the human life span. One needs to assess the genetic effects themselves, as well as gene-environment interactions and sex dependency. In this paper, we present... more
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      GeneticsSurvival AnalysisLongevityBiogerontology
Decades of studies of candidate genes show their complex role in aging-related traits. We focus on apolipoprotein E e2/3/4 polymorphism and ages at onset of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and cancer in the parental and offspring... more
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      BiologyMedicineClinical SciencesSex Factors
Relationships between aging, disease risks, and longevity are not yet well understood. For example, joint increases in cancer risk and total survival observed in many human populations and some experimental aging studies may be linked to... more
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      MedicineLongevityDiseaseClinical Sciences