Welcome to Duke_Design!! This is a community for Duke graphics. Wether is be icons, headers, colorbars, wallpapers, etc. Anything Duke goes. Only certain people are able to post, but anyone is welcome to join!!
Rules: 1. Be kind to all members 2. Follow the rules of the poster when it comes to their graphics 3. Non-Duke icons are permitted as long as you also post Duke icons with them. Other teams, sports, players...as long as they are sports related!!! 4. When you are posting, please lj-cut if there are more than three icons or if the graphics are large 5. No requests, unless otherwise stated 6. DO NOT HOTLINK, textless icons are not bases unless otherwise stated 7. Enjoy!!!
Affiliates I'm looking for affiliates!!! Graphic communities or journals ONLY!! Leave me a comment about your journal and why you want to be an affiliate, and don't forget to link back!!!