Sajid Maqsood
Dr. Sajid is an Associate Professor in Department of Food Science, College of Food and Agriculture, UAEU. He teaches advance courses in food science. He has been awarded Gold medal for bachelor’s and Master’s degree. He has done Ph.D in Food Science and Technology from Prince of Songkla University, Thailand in 2010 and was awarded with Altech’s Young Scientist award.
Prior to joining as an Assistant Professor at UAEU, he served as a post-doctoral research fellow in Food Science Department, UAEU. He has a strong theoretical and experimental knowledge and expertise in chemistry and quality of food. His major interests are in lipid oxidation and off-odor development in muscle food and Camel Milk protein characterization and their hydrolysates.
His current research at UAEU is focused on camel meat and milk chemistry and quality and its valorization. He has published his research in leading refereed journals and presented his research results in both national and international conferences. He has published more than 30 articles and edited 2 books. He is member of editorial board for six International journals as well as serving a potential reviewer for many international journals.
Address: Department of Food Science, College of Food and Agriculture, UAEU.
Prior to joining as an Assistant Professor at UAEU, he served as a post-doctoral research fellow in Food Science Department, UAEU. He has a strong theoretical and experimental knowledge and expertise in chemistry and quality of food. His major interests are in lipid oxidation and off-odor development in muscle food and Camel Milk protein characterization and their hydrolysates.
His current research at UAEU is focused on camel meat and milk chemistry and quality and its valorization. He has published his research in leading refereed journals and presented his research results in both national and international conferences. He has published more than 30 articles and edited 2 books. He is member of editorial board for six International journals as well as serving a potential reviewer for many international journals.
Address: Department of Food Science, College of Food and Agriculture, UAEU.
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Papers by Sajid Maqsood